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Testosterone Cypionate

02 Nov 2016

Testosterone Cypionate is one of the longest air of testosterone available today. Its half-life period in an organism approximately constitutes from 15 to 16 days (time of semi-removal of 6-8 days). Medicine is issued in the form of an oily solution. In view of the fact that he acts during so long period of time, it can cause a water delay more than other anabolic steroids. Most often it is used in the combined rates for a set of muscle bulk.

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In an organism testosterone cypionate works as natural hormone testosterone is a male sex hormone which is responsible for many physical and emotional qualities of the man. It causes a sexual passion, aggression and growth of muscles. Testosterone works through anabolic receptors, forcing muscles to keep more nitrogen from which, in turn, proteins of muscles are created.

The lack of testosterone cypionate is that it is flavored, or in other words turns into estrogen. When in a male body too much estrogen is formed, female lines begin to be shown: ginecomasia, a water delay, adjournment of fat on female type, and also arises decrease in a sexual inclination and an atrophy of testicles. The majority of undesirable consequences can be prevented if it is correct to use medicine.


Speed of removal from an organism is comparable with enantat

Testosterone cypionate is especially spread in the USA. Though testosterone enantat is made by the increasing rates around the world, cypionate make mainly in America. Therefore it isn't surprising that the American athletes most often use it in the practice.

Many claim that preferences of the American athletes are connected not so much with bigger availability of cypionate, in comparison with others to air, how many with its big anabolic effect. Medicine shortcomings, including a delay of liquid it is possible to eliminate by means of anti-estrogen. Do not forget take Cortexin for better results.

If to compare testosterone cypionate and enantat objectively, it is possible to conclude that these two steroids are essentially interchangeable, and cypionate it isn't better. Both long actions and on an oily base, are entered injectable. It allows supporting the high level of testosterone within about two weeks. Enantat can be more preferable from the point of view of release of a free form of testosterone as in this air on one atom of carbon it is less (duration of action of air of testosterone of subjects more, than the radio chain is longer). Despite rough reasonings at forums, in practice the difference is very insignificant therefore the choice can be dictated rather by availability, than pharmacological properties.


As well as all injection forms of testosterone, cypionate the considerable gain of muscle bulk and force causes during a cycle. As testosterone easily turns into estrogen, about 30% of weight will is the share of liquid which is quickly lost after the termination of a course.

For the same reason testosterone cypionate is a little suitable for a cycle. The excess level of estrogen caused by this medicine can lead quickly enough to development of ginecomastia which is shown as morbidity, a swelling or consolidation in nipples. For prevention of it it is used auxiliary medicines (Nolvadeks or Klomid). Anti-estrogen minimizes influence of estrogen, and reduces action of anabolic steroids to the directed course. It is the best of all to use aromatasia blockers.

As testosterone is the main men's androgen, it is also possible to expect development of the expressed androgenic side effects. In many respects their expressiveness is connected with the speed with which testosterone in an organism turns into dihydrotestosterone (DGT). This substance is a metabolite of testosterone which is responsible for development of the known androgenic effects which are accompanied by use of testosterone of cypionate. Treats them: the increased release of skin fat, acne, growth of hair on a body and a face, and also baldness on men's type.

Loss of hair on the head is expressed not at all. Those who have genetic predisposition have to worry about it first of all (a baldness case in a family). For prevention of this side effect it is possible to use the drug Propecia (Proskar) which blocks transformation of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone. Propecia considerably reduces risk of allopetion, and also lowers probability of emergence of other androgenic effects.


In spite of the fact that duration of effect of medicine quite big, injections are carried out once a week to keep concentration of constantly high.

The average single dose makes 250-500 mg a week, for the purpose of a set of muscle bulk. Medicine yields good results when carrying out the course "solo". Practice shows that doses don't give 800-1000 mg to the best results above, however the risk of side effects sharply increases.

As it was already noted above, for blocking of effect of estrogen it is necessary to use Tamoxifen (10 mg a day, since second week of a cycle and finishing his reception 2 weeks later after the end of reception of testosterone). More preferable option: use during Proviron's course. After the end of introduction of testosterone, Proviron it is necessary to replace with Tamoxifen, for restoration of secretion of own testosterone. Use of anti-estrogen reduces accumulation of liquid in an organism, and also suppresses development of ginecomastia. Surely read article about PCT.

If duration of a course exceeds 4 weeks, it is necessary to use gonadotrophin on 500 ME, during all course, since 3 weeks once a week.

Combined course

The combined rate of testosterone of cypionate a little in what differs from "solo". Medicine is combined most often with Nandrolon in a dose of 200 mg a week. A dosage of cypionate on average 200 mg a week.

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