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Testosterone boosters

30 Dec 2016

Testosterone boosters are sports food and additives which are applied for the purpose of stimulation of muscle growth, increase in force and libido, and also prevention of men's climax and correction of level of sex hormones. The effect the testosterone boosters are caused by their capability to increase products of natural testosterone. Most often testosterone boosters are issued in the form of sports food or dietary supplements which can be purchased freely without recipe in shops of sports food and drugstores.

A part of boosters are usually natural and vegetable components, vitamins and, seldom, synthetic substances which according to the statement of producers possess a capability to increase testosterone level. However, justification and evidential base of many testosterone boosters remains under doubt, other boosters (for example widely known ZMA complexes) are already acknowledged absolutely inefficient though they continue to be on sale and used in bodybuilding.

For whom testosterone boosters are intended

Boosters of testosterone are used usually by men who seek to increase dry muscle bulk. These additives aren't recommended to be applied aged 20 years, and according to some information 23 are younger. It is connected with the fact that the young organism has extremely unstable hormonal system; in particular it concerns also sex hormones. Use of boosters at young age, can break this unstable system of hormonal exchange. Besides young people have the natural increased testosterone level and therefore don't need additional stimulation. Besides, reception of similar additives isn't recommended to girls in connection with development of masculinization.

Boosters find rational application for people also even 40 years when the natural level of testosterone decreases in connection with age, in this case their reception are more senior 30 not only favorably affects muscle growth, but also strengthens a potentiality and a libido.

Besides, testosterone boosters perfectly are suitable for PCT. After a cycle of steroid hormones or pro-hormones it is desirable to spend on drink 4 weeks of the booster on the basis of Tribulus terrestis. The booster allows to level the side effects connected with cancellation of steroid hormones and to support testosterone level, thereby preventing destruction of muscles or a so-called phenomenon of "kickback".

Remember that boosters affect only time of their reception, and after cancellation all effects disappear. Decrease in muscle bulk, though not such expressed as at the use of steroids is possible.

Known boosters of testosterone

"Attention" Many anabolic complexes and boosters contain more than ten components, however the majority of components don't exert impact on testosterone level. Their presence can be explained only as the advertizing course. The short description of the most widespread means is given below:

  • Aromataza inhibitors

Highly effective and safe class of medicines. According to a research one tablet of Letrozole (2,5 mg) can increase within a month testosterone level approximately by 50% if to accept it in parts (on 0,02 mg). Higher dosages lead to considerable strengthening of effect. Besides, the level of estrogen decreases.

  • Tamoxifenum

It was proved that Tamoxifenum (Nolvadexum) when using within 10 days on 20 mg a day enlarges concentration of Testosterone in Serum by 142% of initial level.

  • Vitamin D (Holekaltsiferol)

In researches correlation between the level of vitamin D and testosterone was taped.

  • 6-OXO

New synthetic substance which is capable to prevent conversion of testosterone in estrogens, thereby enlarging concentration of the first. There are no researches confirming influence 4-androstene-3.6.17-trione on muscle growth.

  • D-asparagin acid

D-isomer of asparagin amino acid which naturally interacts with certain sites of hypophysis, increasing testosterone secretion. Efficiency is doubtful.

  • Forskolin

The substance received from Coleus forskohlii plant very often is included boosters. Has the proved efficiency. Lack of evidential base (apart from several small researches which results contradict each other). Lack of positive reviews from the athletes accepting additive. Obvious exaggeration of properties of forskolin in descriptions of means: combustion of fat, increase in muscle bulk, concentration change directly several hormones, and all this against the background of lack of side effects. Perhaps, additive makes moderate positive impact on structure of a body. Perhaps, it will strengthen action of other means if you accept them in a combination. However there are no reliable clinical proofs of efficiency of forskolin.

  • Agmatin

Rather new booster of nitrogen oxide which is in addition capable to stimulate secretion of own gonadotrophin and gonadoliberin. Agmatin sulfate is agonist the imidazolin receptors. Possesses nootropic action.

  • ·ribulus terrestris

The most popular component the testosterone boosters, has the strongest evidential base. Now to get him in shops of sports food it is problematic as Tribulus has been carried to drugs, and is withdrawn from free sale in shops of sports food (drugs only drugstores can trade), however some shops still continue to sell it.

  • ZMA

Quite popular complex, is recognized as completely inefficient. Practically has no side effects.

  • Fenugreek hay (Trigonella)

Plant extract with active agent trigonelliny. Has antiaromataz activity, however in researches in public didn't render influence on the level of androgens and sports results.

  • Poppy the Peruvian

Extract is applied as aphrodisiac. Doesn't render influences on the level of sex hormones and anabolism.

  • Pine forest

It is inefficient.

The mode of acceptance

The mode of acceptance depends on the specific producer. However most often boosters are accepted from 1 to 3 times a day right after food. The average duration of a cycle is 4 weeks. It is recommended to combine with physical activity. You can also like Testalamin.

Side effects

Abuse by all means which influence the level of testosterone is fraught with dangerous complications. Testosterone boosters leads long-term use to decline in the ability of an organism to develop enough testosterone independently as he gets used to fixed acceptance of additive. Thus, after the end of acceptance in an organism enough sex hormones isn't made that leads to considerable losses of muscle bulk, depression, impotence and other problems.

During acceptance very seldom there are following side effects: aggression and irritability, acne, fluctuations of arterial pressure. Extremely seldom: loss of hair, ginekomastiya, feminization, decrease in secretion of testosterone, atrophy of testicles.

If to accept additive in the established doses and during the admissible period of time, then side effects practically don't meet, however and the considerable effect concerning increase in muscle bulk isn't observed.

Don't accept testosterone boosters at heart diseases, the increased arterial pressure, a renal failure. At implication of some side effects stop additive reception. Practically all side effects are completely reversible after cancellation.

Combination and combination

For good effect testosterone boosters should be combined with the correct high-caloric diet, systematic power trainings and an additional sports delivery. From a sports delivery possess good exponential action and optimum compatibility with testosterone boosters:

Protein - to strengthen muscle growth 2-3 g of protein on kilogram of body weight are necessary.

Creatine - 3-5 g to accept inside once a day. Also excellent option creatine with transport system.

The vitamin and mineral complex - for active body height of muscles is required sufficient entering of vitamins and other irreplaceable substances.

It is the minimum list of sports additives which are shown to joint reception with boosters, besides it is possible to use at the same time BCAA, amino-acid complexes, reducers, adaptogens and other additives.

It isn't recommended to use testosterone boosters with pro-hormones, steroid hormones, it is impossible to combine 2 boosters.

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