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07 Dec 2016

Pharmacologist Dr. Doping tells about medical consultations at a distance, the methods of data transfer and the development of telemedicine in Russia. When there telemedicine appears? What contributed to the development of health care at a distance? As telemedicine consultation process organized?

Telemedicine is a health care at a distance, when the doctor is far away from the patient. This is one of the achievements of the past 50 years, when the first telemedicine sessions began. We this topic is very interesting, because to create the Faculty of Basic Medicine, where I was involved in 1992, we have participated in the organization of the first telemedicine sessions with clinics in the United States, the clinic famous Professor Michael DeBakey, who helped carry out the operation on shunting at the heart of President Yeltsin - such well-known key facts.

Where it went and why? The fact that there are many areas where a small group of people living in remote areas. It is not possible in every remote area, if there are 10 or 15 houses, to have a doctor, you can not have a close point of care. And these villages are scattered for hundreds and thousands of kilometers. Therefore it is necessary to think about how you can help these people, how to give advice, or how to make a diagnosis.

The first telemedicine sessions appeared in Australia. This medical center came in 1970, when the airport set a station with a video camera. And if a patient who came or sent to the airport, it was bad, then it was carried out communications, interviewed a doctor who was in the hospital a few kilometers from this point could send a car to help or give advice on what to do in one way or another situation.

Very powerful impetus to the development of telemedicine has given space development. Already since the start of the first well-known dogs - arrows, and other proteins - about the state of their health data to be transmitted to Earth. This is a typical form of telemetry, telemedicine, when health data are transmitted over long distances. And if in this case the feedback dogs did not have, that is, the doctor could do nothing to help the dog in orbit, and when the data transmitted since the astronauts, then, of course, this relationship has a value for each of the parties: for the astronaut who in orbit, and for doctors who could help.

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A powerful impetus to the development of telemedicine has given the use of new technologies in the event of a disaster. When there was an earthquake in Armenia in Spitak, the already used international projects, international approach, which was attended by the Americans from NASA, attended by our experts. And telemedicine for telemedicine channel data transmitted to the medical centers. And then you can quickly decide who to help first of all, what operations are to be performed on the spot, because this man will not survive the flight or transportation over long distances. They were strong incentives for the development of these technologies.

With the development of electronic devices for transmission, communication channels become more and more comfortable. Previously, it was quite expensive, while digital telephony. Now with the development of IP and Internet connection, we all know how easy it is transmitted over the "Skype". It is used for telemedicine.

Almost all ministries of health in the world now has departments for telemonitoring and telemedicine.

This is a very important component. Russia in this case is a strong player at this stage. And we participate in many international projects. We have projects with NASA, with other countries, Japanese and so on. This has important implications for medicine. Now Russian Ministry of Health discussed a lot on the development of telemedicine projects to assist patients who live remotely. International examples show that great progress can be achieved here. Moreover, globalization is a very positive effect in this case. I am familiar with one of the projects in Spain. In Barcelona there is a project, when advising patients who have suffered in the accident, that is, the victims of car accidents, when in complex fractures and injuries of the skull, bones, limbs and so on need to diagnose quickly.

How to operate such a system and the company that organizes it? They quickly take pictures - it can be x-rays or nuclear magnetic tomography, computed tomography images. And they have data on experts, who are all over the world. This certified experts, whose expertise proved by their publications, opinion of colleagues and so on. And so the picture can be transmitted immediately to the country, such as Spain, for testing. And if an accident occurred at night, then this picture immediately transferred to Australia, where working time, where people do not sleep. And an expert in a few minutes give an opinion. This is now a reality.

Of course, the challenge is to establish such a system in Russia. For Russia, the telemedicine system is even more important because long-distance, and the population density is not very high. Therefore, only those channels of communication with this approach we can really help patients who live somewhere in the Far North or the oil fields - in the Arctic, and so on. Another type of assistance is practically impossible, because in each case the disease is not possible to send air ambulance airplane or helicopter. This cost is quite impossible.

What is the meaning of telemedicine? The meaning of telemedicine is that, according to statistics, 80% of the cases it is not necessary to transport a patient to a hospital or clinic at higher levels. At 80%, you can help him on the spot, you can help with advice or can help a local doctor said, what are the most effective actions you can perform.

And if you do not need to transport the patient, so we do not expose it to more danger and save money - and his money, and the money of the health system. Therefore, when implementing intelligent telemedicine system is a powerful cost savings for the entire health.

Of course, now used all sorts of communication channels that exist: the channels of cellular communication, satellite communication, optical fiber - where it laid. Suppressive System - is the use of the Internet, that is, IP-telephony and IP-video of the type "Skype". This is leading. And the most promising, of course, when there is a transfer of medical data on the patient's doctor, that is, it is important that on each side of the channel there were people with different medical preparations. Then it shows the necessity and effectiveness.

If on the one hand the patient, then it can advise or nurse, or an experienced paramedic or doctor. Either this advice physicians with each other: if one of the doctors is really a specialist in a fairly narrow area, then he can give valuable advice.

In the same way you need to organize and Concilia, ie advice of doctors of various specialties for complex applications that require contact a neurologist, for example, orthopedic, trauma and so on. This is easily accomplished by combining these doctors on communication channels.

Telemedicine in Russia received a powerful boost with the development of space programs.

We are one of the first began to transmit electrocardiograms. There was a project "Wave" when the data is transmitted in the form of a modulated telephony channels. The disadvantage of that time was that it was the analog channels. And so the noise can change the original signal as the transmission of the signal. Then the signal that has been received by the doctor, may not be of such high quality.

Now with the rapid development of digital technology, we can almost always be sure that what is transmitted in the same form obtained at the end, where there is a doctor-expert. And so you can provide the right assistance.

Telemedicine in this case is of particular importance for the options in assisting in space flight. Now there are robots that are controlled at a distance, which can carry out the operation. If the majority of it seems a fairy tale, in principle, these studies and such operations are already carried out in the world, and all of the medical community is becoming more and more experience in carrying out such operations.

Therefore, telemedicine - it's not a special area. It is a powerful tool that appeared in medicine and that we must use wisely to new technologies are far assisted the man beside whom there is no doctor.

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