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Why I was prescribed to take Mildronate?

23 May 2016

What kind of tests should one perform before applying it? Indications, contraindications, as well as detailed instructions for use. How to take Mildronate?

Pros of Meldonium: Mildronate facilitates physical activity.

Our whole life depends on how well runs our main motor - heart. More precisely, on how the reduced cardiac muscle cells (cardiomyocytes) whether supplied thereto enough oxygen and nutrients, without which they simply cannot work.

And well, if the original health there is no problem, a man is full of strength and energy, he does not know what a pain in the heart and shortness of breath. Such people will not have any heart disease in their lives for sure.

I have such symptoms at the age of 15, when do physical education classes, I could not run long distances. At the same time with swimming, cycling or cross-country skiing I haven’t had such problems. That is, the symptoms only appeared at long dynamic load on all muscle groups.

On physical examination then all written off to "a growing body" (still do not understand what kind of a diagnosis) on hormonal changes in adolescence, then the lack of regular exercise, and finally, just a lack of desire to run.

I did not complain about the fact that after physical training I had aches in my heart. Well, what complaint could a young girl have on her heart!

I graduated from high school and went to university. Within two years, on the first and second years there was also physical education. All students were divided into three groups depending on the physical preparation and related diseases: basic, preparatory and special. In the main, of course, were the most healthy and strong. In the second - a strong, but not healthy, the presence of chronic diseases has not been canceled in 17-20 years. The third group was weak and sick. But they also had to engage in physical exercise, so as not to die, grinding away at their studies.

I was qualified for a main group. But after a few lessons, I realized that simply can not cope with the loads that give us in the classroom. I found it hard to run along the embankments of the Neva from one bridge to another and to wind a few laps around the Botanical Garden.

During the autumn of clinical examination, I complained about the recurring pain in the hearts for the therapist in the student clinic, on what I had received a meaningful grin in response. Perhaps she, too, thought I was pretending. But during the inspection she found a slight heart murmur, and to soothe her soul, and perhaps my own, she appointed me an electrocardiogram. Well, that was not expensive painless procedure, done quickly, interpretation of the results were available the next day.

I went a couple of days for the ECG, and again I came to the reception to the therapist. This time she was not grinning. She was alert and excited. "Why you had not asked me, as soon as the first sensed that something unpleasant for yourself?" Well, I wonder what the people. I have several years vainly argue people in white coats, I had shortness of breath doing intensive physical activity and there were pains. And then they tell me, where have you been?”

It turned out that the ECG showed myocardial areas, poorly supplied with oxygen, the so-called "moderate ischemic changes." To clarify their reasons had to perform a more thorough investigation - ultrasound of the heart (echocardiography). I was given direction to this study, as well as vitamins and discharged capsule "Mildronate".

I started treatment, but later went to the ultrasound of the heart, which really turned out that some of the blood after the release of it into the aorta comes back to the chambers of the heart (called regurgitation), respectively, the vessels supplying the heart muscle, less blood goes to the power of heart, and hence an insufficient supply of oxygen, i.e. ischemia. This happens due to incomplete closure of the valves of the heart valve, a condition it is congenital or acquired.

In the normal course of life no symptoms do not occur because the body has already adapted to the existing conditions. But with more intensive physical activities just appear all the discomfort, which did not allow me to leave the main group of Physical Education, I was transferred to the preparation group.

In more severe lesions of the aortic valve, and we can talk about the surgical intervention to address this shortcoming. To me nothing is not shown, so you just need to protect heart cells from hypoxia, but at the same time giving a moderate exercise to ensure better performance. And also be tested regularly.

What is "Mildronate" and why it was prescribed to me?

Mildronate is an anti-ischemic drug developed for treatment of heart ischemia and its consequences. Mildronate is used in neurology for the treatment of brain circulation disorders. It significantly improves patients' mood. They become more active, their motor dysfunction decreases, and asthenia, dizziness and nausea become less pronounced.

The active substance of the drug is Meldonium. The action of the drug is to prevent accumulation of cytotoxic intermediate products of fatty acid beta-oxidation in ischemic tissues and to block this highly oxygen-consuming process. Mildronate has a beneficial effect on cerebral circulation disorders and central nervous system functions. Mildronate is prescribed for patients with decreased working efficiency.

Mildronate is available in 250 mg capsules and 500 mg of active ingredient, as well as in injectable form. The capsules are small, they are not difficult to swallow. The capsule shell comprises gelatin white bases, content is a white powder.

The range of indications is quite extensive, but it is understandable. Because the drug is a metabolic means, it simply can not work on the body in only one place locally. The active ingredient is not specific to a particular type of tissue.

As has already been said, I accept "Mildronat" courses for 10 days 2-3 times a year. for several years. Take 2 capsules 2 times a day, then there goes 4 capsules per day.

Additionally, I am no longer tested. Unfortunately, properly evaluate the effect of these drugs is almost impossible. They work at the cellular level and to say how much improved state of the myocardium after a few courses can not be. However, moderate load I bear easily, degradation is not observed, shortness of breath does not appear in the amplification of the load.

When using Mildronate I have never had any feelings, side effects were observed. One can only hope that the active ingredient - Meldonium in the capsule still was somehow affected my body. The only thing that I can say, it's a feeling of "enlightenment in the head." Somehow it was easier to make decisions, I started to respond more quickly to events, improves concentration, the same thing happened when receiving "Phenotropil" or “Semax”, improving thought processes.

Now I am going to buy Mildronate 500 and take another course of Meldonium. May be it really helps?

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