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Synthesis of steroid hormones

26 Dec 2016

Switch which is responsible for synthesis of steroid hormones is the tsAMF cellular regulator. It and its connected enzyme (a protein A kinase) activate synthesis of steroid hormones. These stimulating peptide hormones send to gonads (gonads) and adrenals a signal to synthesize steroid hormones.

Let's notice that synthesis of steroid hormones can be suppressed with the high level of cholesterol in a blood. Production of steroids depends on synthesis of cholesterol in mitochondrion of cells which produce steroid hormones. As a rule, it occurs in a cortex of adrenals, cells of supremacies, follicles, a yellow body of ovaries, and also in a placenta. High level of cholesterol as it is told earlier, reduces synthesis of the cholesterol.

Transformation of cholesterol under the influence of steroid hormones causes the limited disintegration of the remains of cholesterol promoting body height of steroid hormone of pregnenolon "mothers of all steroid hormones", and also Progesteronum, Testosteron (and other androgens), estrogen, Aldosteronum and hydrocortisone.

Influence of fat and cholesterol on steroid hormones

According to the last researches cholesterol negatively influences synthesis of steroid hormones. When cholesterol reaches limit in the cells making steroids in an organism synthesis of this cholesterol, and also its transformation to steroid hormone pregnenolon is started. And when there is high cellular level of cholesterol, production of cholesterol is suppressed that leads to decrease of synthesis of steroid hormones. You can try Koramine.

Consumption of fats and carbohydrates needs to be controlled reasonably to guarantee full use by their organism. Excess accumulation of fats is capable to weaken synthesis of steroid hormones and to slow down body height of muscle bulk. Excess of carbohydrates or cholesterol can suppress synthesis of steroid hormones, same occurs also at deficiency of calories or fat.

The long fat-free, low-calorie diets can lead to suppression of steroids because of shortage of dietary fat, cholesterol and the energy necessary for production of steroids. Actually the use of products with the high content of fats by healthy people can promote production of steroids until the numbers of the consumed calories are enough for maintenance of vital activity of an organism.

From here a conclusion arises: if essential restrictions in food (that, according to orthodox dietarians, is the healthiest and correct way of weight reduction) lead to suppression of synthesis of steroid hormones in an organism, then the hyper alimentation can promote their production. Though council can seem to some people wrong to be engaged in gluttony.

It is necessary to understand that if the hyper alimentation is organized properly, then it can become the most effective way of stimulation of steroid processes, intensifying of sexual desire and augmentation of muscle bulk.

Circulation of energy

Synthesis of androgens depends on rate of development of energy. High circulation of energy is metabolic state which causes high power consumption and high power expenses. High circulation of energy forces an organism to transport the saved-up fat with high concentration of cholesterol through a blood to muscles and a liver where it will be transformed to energy. Thus, use of cholesterol at the cellular level leads to augmentation of synthesis of steroids.

Any set of exercises which develops muscles naturally enlarges ability of a body to take and spend energy. And again the lipolysis and use of cholesterol due to high circulation of energy helps to start development by adrenals of various steroid hormones.

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