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What nootropics Poker Players use - Top 5 Nootropics

11 Dec 2017

Nootropics gradually penetrate into all spheres of our daily life. And as it often happens, all the trends come from the countries of the Western world. I decided to study foreign forums and sites to highlight a few basic substances used in poker and adapted to our conditions. We inform in advance that this is not mathematics and there are no exact options. Also, certain certain substances may not be suitable.


In the beginning, which is often not taken into account, it is important to allocate time to the daily practice of the game, test strategies, eat and sleep normally. Yes! Many players do not hang at night in bars, do not eat anything, and then suddenly go somewhere and win.

In general, probably in any case, it's important to give yourself all this business and only then to look for magic wands.

semax, phenotropil

In general, articles and forums need a clear head and a minimum of emotions so that no one understands your cards. It is also important to have a moderate sense of fear.


Western players are sitting tightly on the modafinil. In Russia, modafinil is banned, so if you do not want to have a high risk of problems with the law - forget about modafinil.

Russian replacements of modafinil:

Hydrafinyl, ardomafinil, adrafinal (the last 2 - can dig themselves).

Now gaining popularity Hydrafinil, the effects are very similar, but it is not on the lists of banned substances. Hydrafinil, It is also called Fluorenol.

Modafinil itself is considered one of the most powerful nootropics. Its main effects are: high concentration of attention, easy stimulation, long-term action. The mechanism of action is associated with an increase in dopamine and histamine. The speed of thinking will also increase.

Modafinil is prohibited, dosages are not pronounced. Hydrafilil - 50-100 mg, a one-time appointment, or a course of several days.

Aniracetam or Pramiracetam

The second thing that often flashes in the top players is Aniracetam. It is a derived form from piracetam with a more anti-anxiety bias. A little dulling of emotionality in poker is useful. Also, aniracetam is considered a "creative" racetam, allowing you to find creative solutions. Although personally I do not understand why in poker creative, rather in chess, but the substance often appears, and therefore is on this list.

Pramiracetam is also considered as a convenient substitute for aniracetam for stress-resistant people, to whom the anti-anxiety effect is not important. Leaving only a powerful intellectual effect.

Dosages of any of the substances - 1 -1.5 gr, course 2 months, a break in a month.


Yes, it is creatine - a sports supplement for muscle growth! Interest is that the creatine derivative, creatine phosphate and creatine itself, is used by the brain as a source of energy. Of course, the more casual of you will immediately say that the usual glucose is already a source of brain energy and will be right. A creatine in storage effect for both the brain and the muscles, as well as a longer lasting effect. Creatine phosphate, with the help of chemical reactions, accelerates the creation of ATP. In general, the topic is large, there are studies. And the most part - for taking creatine to improve the intellect. Maybe there will be a separate issue!

Daily dosage of creatine: 4-5 grams (in the form of monohydrate). Drink better 1-2 months with a break in a month.


Many players are well informed about the noopept. Noopept improves the sensitivity of the receptors to acetylcholine, and increases the neurotrophic factors that grow and protect the nerve cells. In general, noopept has an effect on memory and counter-alert. Pretty soft stuff, sold without prescriptions. According to reviews, about 10-15% of people still tolerate it badly.

In the west, the noopept is really loved, its name often appears on the forums. Although, subjectively, it is weaker than other substances from this list.

Dosage of 30 mg per day, the course of taking 4-6 weeks with a break in a month.

Caffeine + L-Theanine

Caffeine is a well-known classical psychostimulant, works through the blocking of adenosine receptors and improves the sensitivity of receptors to dopamine. Here it is a question of pure caffeine, in coffee there are other compounds from which one may want to sleep.

Teanine is an extract from green tea, has a relaxing effect, improves creativity, increases alpha rhythms in the brain.

Together this is a well-established bundle of nootropics. Briefly, it can be described as a state of calm wakefulness, when there is a high cerebral activity for a long time without sudden jumps and changes.

This scheme also has many studies, more in the issue of L-Theanine! In general, the reaction time, memory and mood improve.

Players only accept this combination on the day of the game. Usual dosages: 150-200 mg of caffeine and 200-250 mg of l-theanine. You can take and course.

Bottom Line:

Here are a few substances that are actively used in the west by poker players. Independently, check out the side effects and contraindications!

- Modafinil or for LPG - Hydrafineil. Included in the top among nootropics.

Aniracetam or Pramiracetam. The first for the brain and to be a little bolder, the second - only for the brain. Both molecules are derived from pyracetam, a classic acetylcholine nootropic. There is an effect on the AMPA receptors.

- Creatine. Extra fuel for the brain and body!

- Noopept. Nootropics with an anti-anxiety effect, and although description is similar to aniracetam, they are very, very different.

- Caffeine with L-Theanine. Proven scheme with a high ratio of effectiveness to side effects, the state of active wakefulness.


Usage Jintropin. Jintropin solo, a course of Jintropin with steroids

11 Dec 2017

Jintropin is a recognized leader in the growth hormone market. All the properties of GH in this drug manifest themselves maximally, while the side effects are minimal, and the risk of antibody formation is only 1.6% (2% or less is considered a very small risk - this is the European standard).

On our site you can order Jintropin, read about how to take it, and in this article we will tell you what are the popular combinations of Jintropin with other drugs in bodybuilding.

Jintropin solo

Pros: minimal risk of side effects, it is easy to conduct a course, ideal for beginners, especially if starting with small doses (5 units of Jintropin per day). Suitable for girls (it is possible to reduce the dosage to 4-6 units per day).

Cons: the effect of a set of muscle mass may not be expressed, it will take at least 2-3 courses for radical changes in the body.

Jintropin and peptides

Pros. Peptides significantly increase the effect of Jintropin, as it stimulates the body to produce more of its own GR in addition to the exogenous. Ideal for a set of dry mass with a fat burning effect (usually together with CJC-1295). Increased anabolic effect. Taking GH every other day, peptides - every day. Ideal for beginners and athletes not power sports (for example, fighters).

Cons: bad for experienced athletes, not suitable for hardgeyner.

Jintropin and anabolic steroids

Pros: the most powerful anabolic effect (up to 10 kg per course and even higher) and an increase in strength, endurance. The effect of fat burning at the same time is preserved completely. Ideal for the experienced.

Cons: Greater dosage of GH (more than 10 Ud per day) is required, strong side effects, primarily from steroids, it is necessary to conduct a course of PCT to restore the level of testosterone at the end of massaging. Possible rollback.

Jintropin and insulin

Pros: an increase in the anabolic effect with minimal health risks (an increase of up to 1.5 kg of weight per week), maintaining the health of the pancreas (during the administration of GH, the body's need for insulin increases dramatically).

Minuses: the minimal fat burning effect, the scheme of reception of preparations becomes complicated (insulin can be entered only after GH - in 20-30 minutes, and a new dose of GH - only after the termination of action of an insulin).

Jintropin and thyroxine

Pros: increasing the fat burning effect (Jintropin reduces the function of the thyroid gland, a dose of about 25 mg of thyroxin a day strengthens it and stimulates lipolysis) without harm to weight gain, helps if a feeling of fatigue and drowsiness occurs during the administration of GH.

Cons: does not affect the growth of mass and strength.

Jintropin, insulin, thyroxine and anabolic steroids

Pros: radical transformation of the body for 3-4 months. A set of up to 15-20 kg of mass, a relief drawing. The strongest of all possible combinations today.

Cons: only for experienced bodybuilders! It requires careful selection of dosage, regimen of reception, control of the condition. Pillows of Jintropin and steroids. Necessity of conducting a course of PCT after a mass gathering.

Useful information for all occasions:

· Shelf life of Jintropin in powder - 2 years, solution - from 48 hours (sterile water) to 10 days (bactericidal water)

· For the same schemes, analogues of Jintropin can be used (for example, Ansomon)

· A dose of 5-10 units per day will require about 80 vials of the drug


Peptide for tanning Melanotan 2- instructions, side effects

08 Dec 2017

Now, when doctors constantly frighten us with the harm of sunburn, it is difficult to believe that there are simple opportunities to tan beautifully and safely. Nevertheless, for almost twenty years, the effective and powerful peptide Melanotan 2 has been invented, which makes it possible to give the skin a beautiful golden-chocolate shade with minimal ultraviolet irradiation.

In this case, the peptide protects against skin cancer, photoaging, the appearance of sunburn. Melanotan 2 is a synthetic analogue of melanocortin, which stimulates the synthesis of melanin pigment.

At present, studies of this drug are being completed. It has already been confirmed that only a five-fold administration of the peptide causes a tanning effect. Its slightly less powerful analog, Melanotan 1, is approved for sale and use in Europe.

Among the confirmed side effects: mild nausea, yawning, spontaneous erection in men. In addition, Melanotan 2 can also cause additional pleasant effects - increased libido, decreased appetite (promotes fat burning and diet compliance).

Some note reddening of the skin, as well as the appearance of dark spots that disappear after peptide withdrawal, a long erection. When using the spray, rare cases of irritation of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, which disappear when the dose is reduced.

In theory, melanotan 2 can affect the cardiovascular system, but studies disprove it. Possible negative consequences when exceeding the recommended dose - 1 mg per day. Very dangerous doses of 6 mg or more.

Melanotan 2: spray and peptide for injection

Peptide Melanotan2 is designed for fast, safe and even tanning. Available in powder, injection and nasal spray forms.

The spray has several obvious advantages. It can be used anywhere. It is ideal for those who are very afraid of injections or simply feel uncomfortable from them. In addition, it is more convenient to dose it - due to the "using" spray. The only downside is the need for a slightly higher dosage to achieve the same effect. Because of what the course Melanotana2 spray will cost more than injections.

How to make and how to apply?

Breeding Melanotan2 simply. It is enough to pour water for injection into the wall at room temperature (usually take a dose of 2 ml) and stir well, making slow rotating movements.

You can store the finished peptide for 2 weeks. Provided that in a bottle of peptide with 10 mg of the drug you added 2 ml. A dose of 500 μg involves 10 divisions on a standard insulin syringe, which has 100 bars. That is, 0.1 ml of the solution.

To get a beautiful, saturated tan, you need to do injections of Melanotan in a dosage of 500-1000 mcg for 15-20 days. It is better to start with a dose 2-3 times less (for example, some members of the fitness bikini and bodybuilders recommend the use of not more than 100-200 μg on the first day) - this will allow to evaluate the individual tolerance of the peptide, after which it is already possible to gradually increase the dosage.

About where you need to do injections, and what precautions you should follow, you can read in a special article. Also on our site you can find a ready-made course of Melanotan2 (both spray and injections). We offer a safe and profitable purchase of Melanotan 2, guaranteeing the originality and effectiveness of the drug.


The effect of peptides in bodybuilding, powerlifting, athletics

07 Dec 2017

Peptides are amino acids in the form of chains connected by amide (peptide) bonds.

For a long time, only scientists and biologists heard about them, but today it is an integral part of the sport, especially of the professional. If to simplify, the peptides are very short proteins that serve to transport information between the cells of the body. For example, a peptide tells the pituitary - you need growth hormone! - and the pituitary gland produces it. Each of the peptides has a narrow, directed specialization. For the first time in a laboratory way peptides were obtained more than a hundred years ago, and today they are known about 2000 - all with their properties. The human body itself creates peptides to regulate almost all processes - the production of hormones, the functioning of endocrine glands, all levels of metabolism. Almost all age-related changes are attributed to the shortage of peptides.

So the question is: do the peptides work? - there can be only one answer. Yes, they do! Precisely because they strengthen the already existing functions of the human body and selectively affect the natural processes in it. Not surprisingly, they were attracted by athletes. After all, hormone drugs and steroids, which are determined by doping control, are forbidden for them. Peptides are allowed for sale, their sale in most countries is not restricted by law. Today they are even added to cosmetics (some are able to penetrate through the skin or mucous membranes) and in dietary supplements.

The main effects of peptides in sports and bodybuilding

Enhancement of anabolic processes by stimulating growth hormone, testosterone, etc. ·

Aiming fat burning (without affecting the muscles and other tissues) ·

Acceleration of recovery and regeneration, improvement of immunity ·

Improving the quality of life and appearance (sunburn, healthy sleep, increased libido, etc.)

Peptides are not only allowed, they are also much cheaper than synthetic hormones! They do not leave traces in the body and are not determined by doping control. It is behind the peptides that many see the future of bodybuilding and fitness. The effectiveness of a number of peptides in sports has already been proved not only by research, but also by the experience of numerous athletes. It is enough to study the reviews on peptides on the Internet to make sure that due to them the impossible becomes possible. It is easy to gain muscle mass, part with excess weight quickly and without painful kickbacks, recover from injury, find a healthy dream ...

All this is a new word in sports pharmacology, peptides!

Are peptides harmful or have side effects?

Some certainly do. However, only those peptides that do not have a detrimental effect on health can be found in the sale and free use. 9 of the 10 drugs that you will find in our store, the only side effect is redness at the injection site. But the positive effects - sometimes a dozen! Unlike many doping drugs, peptides do not deplete the body, but only activate its functions.


How to dilute Ansomon solution for injection

06 Dec 2017

Ansomone is a synthetic analogue of endogenous somatotropin. This polypeptide preparation is a product of genetic engineering synthesized in laboratories of the Chinese company Anhui Anke Biotechnology. It has found its wide application in clinical practice in the treatment of pathologies associated with impaired natural GH production, with Turner's syndrome, renal failure, trauma and extensive burns, as well as in anti-aging therapy. In the sports industry, recombinant growth hormone is used as a fat burning agent and a means for building up lean muscle mass.

Ansomone making rules

How to breed Ansomone? This question is asked by many beginning bodybuilders, who decided to try the effect of this product on themselves. The drug is available in the form of powder for injection, packaged in glass bottles of 4 and 10 mg. The kit contains a solvent (ampoules with sterile water).

The optimal daily dosage for an adult who first applies Ansomone is 5ED. The drug is administered at 2.5 units 2 times a day. For a qualitative but insignificant set of muscle mass, it is recommended to use 4-8 ED of a polypeptide daily, and for forced fat burning and muscle growth, 8-12 units.

When the lyophilized powder contained in 1 vial is dissolved, 1 ml of sterile water for injection is used. Breeding is carried out according to the formula:

1 ml = 1 cm3 = 100 ED (for a bottle containing 10 mg of the drug);

1 ml = 1 cm3 = 40 ED (for a vial containing 4 mg of the drug).

Ideally, injections use an insulin syringe V100 per 100 bars. ED is 10 divisions.

Answering the question of how to breed Ansomone, it should be clarified that with the introduction of a solvent, the needle should not touch the contents of the vial. Shake the drug categorically is not recommended, since such actions significantly reduce its effectiveness.

In addition to sterile water for injection, as a solvent for recombinant growth hormone, bactericidal water containing 0.9% sodium chloride and 0.9% benzene alcohol, which protect the solution against the penetration and spread of bacteria, can be used. It is used in the case when the diluted drug is administered in small doses and requires a long-term storage


Free radical oxidation in diseases of the nervous system

05 Dec 2017

A few words about Stroke, Alzheimer's disease, Diabetic polyneuropathy


Currently, cerebrovascular pathology ranks second among the causes of disability of the population, as well as diseases that cause death. One of the most common pathologies of GM is a stroke. A number of studies have shown that cerebral stroke, primarily ischemic stroke, develops as a result of hemodynamic and metabolic disorders that trigger pathobiochemical reactions.

It is assumed that the starting point in the development of cerebral ischemia is the glutamate-calcium cascade. Normally, neurons and glial cells absorb excess glutamate from the intercellular space. Brain ischemia leads to the depolarization of neuronal membranes and the accumulation of glutamate in the extracellular space. As a result, excess activation of glutamate Re is developed, which are classified according to the affinity for the three exogenous agonists-N-methyl-O-aspartate, cysqulate and kainate. As is known, glutamate Re is bound to calcium channels, which leads to an excessive intake of calcium ions into neurons. With the increase in intracellular calcium ions, a number of metabolic disorders occur, including the free radical oxidation of biomolecules. It is the AFK, which stimulates free radical oxidation, that has the ability to damage brain cells in ischemia.

Increased atherogenesis, weakening of the AOS of the body, increased formation of ROS and diffuse damage to the tissue of the GM begin to appear 2-3 hours after the onset of the disease. By 24-36 hours, oxidative stress and local inflammation form. Apoptosis of GM cells develops on day 2-3, which leads to irreversible consequences and death of GM cells.

Alzheimer's disease

Recently, an important role is assigned to free-radical processes in neurodegenerative diseases. It is known that with aging, an intensification of free radical oxidation occurs due to the deficiency of AOS functioning. Peroxide oxidation of lipids and irreversible damage to the structure of cell membranes occur, as a result of which the functional activity of enzymes and receptors is disrupted, which leads to an energy deficit. In cerebral ischemia or stress, free radical oxidation accelerates the age-related processes of reducing energy metabolism and weakening the AO defense in the GM. To such pathologies of the elderly and senile age is Alzheimer's disease.

It is established that Alzheimer's disease includes several genetically heterogeneous forms. One of them is a mutation in the β-APP gene, which leads to an increase in the production of β-amyloid. When it is deposited in the extracellular spaces of the GM cortex, toxic effects and degenerative changes occur in the neurons. It is assumed that β-amyloid can independently initiate free radical oxidation and thereby exert a destructive effect on neurons.

Another molecule that takes part in the development of Alzheimer's disease is the τ-protein found in oligodendrocyte neurons. With the formation of τ-filaments, the processes leading to degeneration of nerve cells are triggered.

Diabetic polyneuropathy

Polyneuropathies can occur as a result of metabolic disorders, the effects of toxic substances, hereditary mutations of genes and proteins encoded by them. With exogenous poisoning, toxic metabolites increase in the blood, and the rate of formation of the ROS increases. Both the metabolites themselves and the free radicals act on the somatic and autonomic nervous fibers, there is a violation of the processes of intermediate metabolism and axonal transport.

Diabetic polyneuropathy, in the first place, is associated with an increased intake of glucose into neurons. For its utilization in the cascade of biochemical reactions, a polyol pathway is included, as a result of which glucose is converted into sorbitol, under the action of aldose reductase. Excessive its activity leads to a decrease in the level of NADPH, which causes a violation of the formation of glutathione. The lack of glutathione leads to a rapid depletion of AOS and the development of oxidative stress. With the intensification of free radical oxidation, neurons are continuously exposed to the action of ROS, which leads to functional and structural lesions.


What are peptides for?

04 Dec 2017

If an athlete sets high goals in the sport and wants to go beyond his genetic potential, sooner or later he decides to try pharmacological drugs. Amino acid compounds, or peptides, are considered to be the most effective and most safe for the body. They represent chains of proteins that are connected to each other and have different effects on humans.

What peptides do

The main functions of peptides are that they help to produce their own growth hormone in the body, and do not deliver it in ready-made form. Substances are not chemistry, they are very similar in composition to the protein molecule, and, therefore, do not have side effects provided optimal dosages.

What peptides give:

Increase the production of natural anabolic hormones;

Contribute to the rapid and high-quality build-up of muscle mass;

Used for rapid healing of injuries and joint repair;

Promote the processes of cell division;

Have a pinpoint effect on problem areas in the body;

Strengthen the bone and cartilaginous tissue, which is especially important in the mass-gathering period.

Positive qualities of substances are not limited only to the sports sphere. The properties of peptides influence many other factors that are important in the training process: improving sleep, reducing or increasing appetite, strengthening the protective functions of the body, and normalizing the psychoemotional state. In addition, some drugs enhance sexual desire, and others are used to give the skin the color of sunburn and increase the effect of staying in the solarium.

What do peptides do in addition to the above functions? They have a pronounced rejuvenating effect, protecting cells from toxins and free radicals. It is with a lack of peptides that such age-related changes as senescence and weakening of the skin, early wrinkles, and collagen deficiency are associated. After a properly selected course, the regeneration processes are accelerated, and the aging processes slow down. There is also a functional group of drugs for weight loss that perfectly burn fat and do no harm to the body, while maintaining the maximum muscle mass. During the drying period, properly selected substances will be an excellent assistant for the athlete.

How Peptides Work

Many visitors to the gym are wondering what are the peptides for if there is a proven synthetic growth hormone? In fact, these substances have a number of advantages over GR. They differ in different mechanisms of action on the body, which makes it possible to obtain anabolic response in the required volume. In addition, they can have different effects on hunger and speed of exchange, depending on the specific goals of the athlete. Peptide preparations cost an order of magnitude cheaper than artificial growth hormone, which allows them to be purchased with a limited budget. They are also quickly removed from the body, their traces can not detect even doping control.

Once in the body, peptides begin to replace damaged amino acid chains, restore cells and have a general positive effect. Each of the peptides has a specific effect and is able to have a point effect, so the course is always made individually.

Now, thanks to these substances, most sports tasks can be solved absolutely legally and without side effects. Every year, the popularity of drugs is increasing, and many professional bodybuilders are turning to peptides, refusing to use synthetic pharmacology.


What are peptides?

01 Dec 2017

Peptides (Greek πεπτος - nutritious) is a family of substances, the molecules of which are constructed from the residues of α-amino acids connected in a chain by peptide (amide) bonds. These are natural or synthetic compounds containing tens, hundreds or thousands of monomeric units - amino acids. This class is very diverse and performs a variety of regulatory functions in the body. Within the framework of this article, we will consider only those peptides that are used in sports to correct physical indicators.

At present, peptides, which are stimulators of growth hormone, are increasingly found on the market. We will name the most popular of them.

From the Grelin group (GHRP): (create a pronounced peak of the GH concentration immediately after administration, regardless of the time of day and the presence of somatostatin in the blood.)

GHRP-6 and Hexarelin



From the Hormone Growth Hormone Releasing Group (GHRH): (administration to the body causes a wave-like rise in concentration that will be weak in the hours when natural GH secretion is reduced by somatostatin, and high during natural increase in GHR concentration (for example, at night) .In other words, GHRH enhances GH secretion without disturbing the natural pulsed curve.)

GRF (1-29) Sermorelin


HGH Frag (176-191) - a fragment of the growth hormone (fat burner)

Benefits of peptides

Many people have questions, why use new peptide substances if there is an artificial growth hormone? The answer is simple - peptide stimulants have several significant advantages:

- Peptides are much cheaper than growth hormone. The cost of a similar course will be several times lower.

- Different mechanisms of action and half-lives can manipulate the concentration curve, achieving optimal anabolic response.

- A different effect on hunger and metabolism, allows you to give preference to certain substances.

- At the moment, the production and distribution of peptides is not regulated by law, so they can be safely ordered online.

- Quickly and without a trace are destroyed, so you can not be afraid for doping control.

Peptides, as well as classical GR, can be easily verified for authenticity. To do this, it is sufficient to pass tests for the level of somatotropin in the plasma after the administration of the drug. However, the time through which it is necessary to pass the analysis is usually not more than an hour.

Other peptides:

Melanotan 2 - a means for tanning and strengthening libido

Bremelanotide PT-141 - enhances sexual desire and erection

Gonadorelin - stimulates the secretion of testosterone

TB500 for the treatment of injuries and joint repair

SARMs (selective androgen receptor modulators)

Growth hormone stimulants

Insulin-like growth factor

Mechanical growth factor

Reviews of scientists on peptides

Studies have shown that peptides-stimulators of growth hormone secretion (GHRP), as well as other non-peptidic substances that increase secretion, really affect the production of growth hormone. What many physical parameters of an athlete depend on, for example, the amount of muscle mass or the total amount of fat.

These observations served as the basis for the creation of food additives - growth hormone stimulants (for example, amino acids, pituitary peptides, Macuna pruriens, horse beans, choline alfoscerate, etc.). At the current time, there are data confirming that growth hormone stimulating peptides and some non-peptidic substances can increase the level of growth hormones, as well as insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) both at rest and during exercise.


Peptides or steroids? What is better?

29 Nov 2017

Recently, the popularity of peptides has greatly increased. Every third athlete in the hall, at least once in his life, but tried peptides. Gradually, they begin to displace sports nutrition, and literally tread on the heels of anabolic steroids. And this is quite natural, in the continuation of the article we will tell why this happens. With the increasing popularity of peptides, they are increasingly compared with steroids, people ask questions, which is better in terms of effectiveness and safety for health, in this article we will try to convey to you information about the pros and cons of each of the "scourges" of gyms.

GHRP 2 buy

The price of a course of peptides and steroids?

The courses of peptides and steroids differ in a different set of preparations, and also duration. So experienced athletes need large doses to achieve progress than beginners. And also the time course for them should be more. But if you compare the most "budget" courses of peptides (GHRP solo) and steroids (methane solo), then the first option will be somewhat cheaper. But after methane, you need to do after the course therapy, and restore your body with other drugs. Therefore, we can conclude: the course of peptides is cheaper than the course of steroids.

Side effects of steroids and peptides?

To use steroids many are afraid because of side effects. The appearance of acne all over the body, the development of gynocomastia, increased emotional mood, sweating, stress on the liver and other organs, problems with sex life, all this is inherent in the course of steroids. Peptides, soft preparations, they will not harm the body. For all time, we heard only a few pobochek from because of them: drowsiness, short-term fever, sometimes because of the high dosage of melanotane there is a brief nausea. ALL. Conclusion: peptides without any problems circumvent steroids in terms of side effects. They are much safer and do not bring any health problems.

Growth of strength?

Unfortunately, peptides do not have as much effect on muscle fibers as steroids. They affect the muscle cells through the receptors, not penetrating inside. Anabolics, on the contrary, penetrate into the cell itself, stimulating it to transformations. Therefore, unfortunately, peptides can not be compared with steroids for the development of strength, the strengths are much slower.

What is the best mass? Peptides vs Steroids?

Again, everything here depends on the course, and the level of training of the athlete. But if we take as a basis two identical sportsmen and give one course GHRP 2, and the other a stack of methane, then both of them will gain an approximate equal amount of kg. However, after steroids, some of the mass will collapse, and from the peptides, practically remains in place. Both of these preparations will retain a certain amount of water, which will make the collected mass practically equivalent. But if you take a powerful AAS course for a set of dry meat, and a powerful course of peptides, then unfortunately the athlete on steroids will overtake the peptide guru. But this does not mean the superiority of one over the other. Let us repeat that the effect on steroids is temporary, after this course, during rest, a significant part of the recruited flies from the athlete (blown off like a ball), and he starts a new course, typing up his old kgs, and only then new ones. Conclusion: AAS is faster to gain dry muscle mass than peptides, but if you take for example the time interval - a year, and during this time to spend 3-4 cycles of steroids and peptides, the result will be approximately the same. We take into account possible health problems that may appear from AAS, and we announce a draw. It can not be said that with peptides, you can not collect as much meat as from steroids, you only need more time, as they say "quietly you go, you'll continue!"

Recovery abilities

Steroids are famous for that, in the shortest time possible to restore muscle after exhausting training. Thanks to this you can train at least every day, and do not feel tired. Peptides also accelerate the recovery of the body, although much inferior in this AAS. The strongest peptide in this regard is Ipamorelin. Thanks to it, the body quickly renews lost forces, and completely restores its energy losses. Conclusion: the unconditional victory of steroids.

Legality of peptides and steroids

The turnover of steroids is limited by the criminal law of the Russian Federation. When buying steroids, you can become an accomplice in a crime, because they are considered narcotic substances. Peptides are completely legal preparations. Their turnover is not controlled by law, and buying peptide bioregulators, you can in the online store without fear. The only, very many fakes, so we must carefully choose a seller who trades "working" products. Conclusion: Peptides are legal, so buying them is much easier, without any consequences.

The result. What to choose, peptides or steroids?

In this article, we examined in detail the pros and cons of two very popular drugs in the halls of our country. Pros of peptides - inexpensive price, absence of side effects, legality. The benefits of steroids are a faster set of muscle mass, better restorative abilities. Cons of peptides - in comparison with AAS it takes more time to achieve the result, you need a longer rest between training sessions. Disadvantages of steroids are illegal, there are many side effects, there may be health problems. Conclusion: if you work in the sports field, and the appearance is extremely important for you, since it can affect your salary, and you are ready to take risks - use steroids. If you are an ordinary visitor to a gym that does not compete in the competition, doing purely for yourself, which works until the evening, and then comes to the training, the peptides are for you. They will perfectly help to move you from the dead point, give impetus to further growth, and also to gain additional musculature. Therefore, everyone should decide for themselves, weighing all the pros and cons.


The effect of peptides in bodybuilding, powerlifting, athletics

28 Nov 2017

Peptides are amino acids in the form of chains connected by amide (peptide) bonds.

For a long time, only scientists and biologists heard about them, but today it is an integral part of the sport, especially of the professional. If to simplify, the peptides are very short proteins that serve to transport information between the cells of the body. For example, a peptide tells the pituitary - you need growth hormone! - and the pituitary gland produces it. Each of the peptides has a narrow, directed specialization. For the first time in a laboratory way peptides were obtained more than a hundred years ago, and today they are known about 2000 - all with their properties. The human body itself creates peptides to regulate almost all processes - the production of hormones, the functioning of endocrine glands, all levels of metabolism. Almost all age-related changes are attributed to the shortage of peptides.

So the question is: do the peptides work? - there can be only one answer. Yes, they do! Precisely because they strengthen the already existing functions of the human body and selectively affect the natural processes in it. Not surprisingly, they were attracted by athletes. After all, hormone drugs and steroids, which are determined by doping control, are forbidden for them. Peptides are allowed for sale, their sale in most countries is not restricted by law. Today they are even added to cosmetics (some are able to penetrate through the skin or mucous membranes) and in dietary supplements.

The main effects of peptides in sports and bodybuilding

Enhancement of anabolic processes by stimulating growth hormone, testosterone, etc. ·

Aiming fat burning (without affecting the muscles and other tissues) ·

Acceleration of recovery and regeneration, improvement of immunity ·

Improving the quality of life and appearance (sunburn, healthy sleep, increased libido, etc.)

Peptides are not only allowed, they are also much cheaper than synthetic hormones! They do not leave traces in the body and are not determined by doping control. It is behind the peptides that many see the future of bodybuilding and fitness. The effectiveness of a number of peptides in sports has already been proved not only by research, but also by the experience of numerous athletes. It is enough to study the reviews on peptides on the Internet to make sure that due to them the impossible becomes possible. It is easy to gain muscle mass, part with excess weight quickly and without painful kickbacks, recover from injury, find a healthy dream ...

All this is a new word in sports pharmacology, peptides!

Are peptides harmful or have side effects?

Some certainly do. However, only those peptides that do not have a detrimental effect on health can be found in the sale and free use. 9 of the 10 drugs that you will find in our store, the only side effect is redness at the injection site. But the positive effects - sometimes a dozen! Unlike many doping drugs, peptides do not deplete the body, but only activate its functions.

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