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Symptoms and Causes of Depression

10 Jan 2017

Depression is becoming one of the most common mental illnesses of our time. Why is this happening? The whole rhythm of modern life aggressive to the human psyche. Each of us has one chance in five during the life of developing depression. There are categories of people who are more susceptible to this disease. Risk of depression that often end in severe cases of depression, attempted to commit suicide.

Symptoms and Causes of Depression

Symptoms and causes of depression of different sex and age people can be very different. And the fair sex suffer from depression twice as often as men. It turns out this is due to the constant changes in hormonal levels in women of childbearing age.

If your friend is suffering from depression, you will notice that her mood has changed considerably. Perhaps it has become more inhibited, or vice versa - aggressive. She may develop drowsiness or insomnia. A woman in a state of depression can not normally focus on work, she was crying over nothing and constantly concerned. You can see and change in appetite. It can be two extreme conditions: a woman eating everything in large quantities or can not eat at all. Frequent absolutely unexplainable body aches or migraines can disrupt heart rhythm and to ride the pressure.

If depression in women is associated with hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle, it starts another attack in seven days before the onset of menstruation and ends one week after its completion. If depression occurred after the birth of the child, then it can not be held six months.

In addition to specific "female" Psychologists distinguish depression and depression in the elderly. Among the people who turned Diamond Jubilee with depression about twenty percent. The symptoms and the causes of this type of depression are very characteristic. It begins depression in the elderly due to retirement, absence of loved ones, or death, the emergence of a large number of geriatric diseases. Scientists have shown that the tendency to depression is inherited genetically. In some people, this tendency manifests itself only in old age.

What are the signs of depression in the elderly?
Here, everything is more complicated. What exactly can be called the signs of depression and what is simply a reaction to any difficult circumstances? Most often, depression in the elderly is manifested in the form of a sharp change in the character. The elderly man suddenly starts finding fault in everything he dissatisfied with everything, thinks only about themselves and their sores. If your grandmother or grandfather is doing anything like this, do not be angry at him and do not swear. It is a disease that must be treated by the doctor.

It is very common in today's society, and depression, which are associated with certain seasons of the year, the so-called "seasonal". If you have depression during the cold season are shown for three consecutive years, it is possible to diagnose "seasonal depression".

The symptoms and causes of depression this kind is not particularly different from other types of depression. The patient will be reduced to life, there is no interest to the surrounding reality, it seems that nothing good in life will be gone. Often these symptoms particularly clearly manifest themselves before lunch. But this type of depression, there are quite specific symptoms. It is the appearance of a wild appetite and constant craving for sleep. Usually, people suffering from seasonal depression, much get fat for the winter, because they eat lots of carbohydrate heavy foods.

You can independently, using dietary supplements (nutraceuticals) to food. Depression often causes insomnia. To sleep better and wake up refreshed in the morning, take Selank and Phenibut

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