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Supplements for ligaments and joints

07 Dec 2016


High exercise stresses on ligaments and joints lead to developing of chronic pains and development of dystrophic processes in ligaments and joints. Besides, practically each athlete even of amateur level faces various injuries therefore it is very important to pay special attention to their prevention. To it is promoted by both careful warm-up, and use of special sports additives which accelerate neogenesis of a connecting tissue and promote its strengthening. A certain circle of injuries is characteristic of any kind of sport. If you visit gym, then the raised load is the share of joints and ligaments, it is worth taking care of them first of all.

Connecting tissue

The connecting tissue includes tendons, ligaments, muscular fascias, aponeuroses (fibrous membranes which bridge muscles together or to bones) and is a part of a cover practically of all organs. The main function of a connecting tissue - creation of mechanical durability of a body and giving of a form to it. The connecting tissue consists mainly of a collagen which represents the strong albuminous threads which aren't allowing a rupture of a tissue and an elastin which provides elasticity and tensile properties of tissues. In each type of a connecting tissue there are special cells - fibroblasts at ligaments and tendons, chondroblasts at a cartilage, osteoblasts at a bone. These cells produce an elastin and a collagen, and also promote updating and restoration of a connecting tissue.


To achieve good results in bodybuilding, athletes should practise with big scales at trainings as for muscle growth it is required to create a maximum load on each muscular bunch. With the fixed growth of working scales also the risk of getting injured therefore it is necessary to strengthen in addition the copular device and cartilaginous tissue of joints increases.

The systematic cartilage leads to development of osteoarthrosis is a disease which is followed by the expressed pain in joints, of violation of physical activity and has almost irreversible character, that is often results in disability. About 20 million Americans have this disease and as show statistical data, the risk of emergence of this pathology is much higher in case of occupations strength sports.

So, if you:

  • You go in for bodybuilding or powerlifting
  • You feel painful feelings, a crunch or rigidity in joints and ligaments
  • Were traumatized
  • You want to strengthen ligaments and joints

Remember that diseases of sheaves and joints will very badly respond to treatment therefore it is much more effective to carry out prevention! Prevention, and only in the second queue recommendations in this article are devoted to treatment. Preventive rates are especially urgent for aged people 30 years when connecting fabric becomes more vulnerable are more senior.


Data of network meta-analysis of the controlled researches conducted at 3803 patients of osteoarthrosis of knee and coxofemoral joints couldn't reveal any clinically significant effect of glycosamine, hondroitin or their combination concerning reduction of articulate pain or delay of narrowing of an articulate crack in comparison with placebo. From this a conclusion follows that neither sulfate of hondroitin, nor glycosamine sulfate, nor their combinations help in case of joint pains.

Composition of additives

Now it is possible to find tens and even hundreds of additives which are intended for treatment and strengthening of joints and sheaves, however the most part of these products is absolutely inefficient. In too time other part doesn't conform to the modern quality standards, or has very high cost and can be replaced with more economic products. "Attention" In this section only those means which promote recovery of a cartilage and connecting fabric are considered, but not just temporarily eliminate symptoms.

Let's begin the analysis with the list of active ingredients with an objective efficiency evaluation on the basis of modern researches:

High efficiency

  • Glucosamine sulfate - strengthening of joints and ligaments
  • Chondroitin sulfate - strengthening of joints and ligaments
  • Collagen - strengthening of joints, ligaments, bones, improvement of properties of a skin
  • Omega-3 - fatty acids reduce synthesis of pro-inflammatory Prostaglandinums and interfere with destruction of a cartilage in joints. It was noticed that an omega-3 facilitate a pain syndrome at diseases of joints and improve their mobility. Therefore it is recommended to accept periodically cod-liver oil or fat species of fish.
  • Calcium and vitamin D - are necessary for strengthening of bones, have to be accepted at the same time. It is necessary to notice that deficiency of vitamin D meets quite often – it is especially characteristic of northern climate. Separate researches show that deficiency of vitamin D leads to various disorders, including an inflammation of ligaments and joints. Acceptance of the corresponding additives is capable to reduce such negative processes.

The drugs which are favorably influencing joints:

  • Nandrolonum, Anapolon (the anabolic steroids eliminating joint pains)
  • Body height hormone (restores joints and strengthens ligaments)
  • CJC-1295 peptide

Average efficiency

  • Metilsulfonilmetan eliminates pain and suppresses an inflammation, however doesn't promote restoration of a connecting tissue
  • The spark cartilage - comprises a glucosamine, a collagen and a calcium, however efficiency of treatment is higher when using these components in the cleared look.
  • S-adenozilmetionin - drug was approved during clinical tests for treatment of diseases of joints in the European countries. The problem is that for obtaining effect very high doses - to 1500 mg a day are required, considering the high cost of S-adenozilmetionina, its course will be very expensive. Additive also renders moderate antidepressive effect.
  • Bromelain - an admixture of proteolytic enzymes of a plant origin. A good agent for elimination of pain and an inflammation at recently traumatized or in an active phase of an inflammation.
  • Kurkumin - plant extract which has antiinflammatory effect. Action of kurkumin as showed researches, quite weak.
  • Vitamins and minerals - restoration of ligaments and joints demands a large amount of the vitamins and minerals which are taking part in process of synthesis of new cells. Vitamins, first of all, concern to them: B6, E, C, minerals: Niacinum, Zincum, selenium, magnesium. Many vitamins and minerals, besides, are fine antioxidants that helps to protect cells from oxidizing damage at an inflammation.
  • Vitamin C is required for collagen synthesis. Besides it is a fine antioxidant. This vitamin promotes decrease of pains and inflammations. Besides, vitamin C improves restoration.
  • Vitamin E is also a potent antioxidant, it reduces pains and protects joints from damage. Both vitamins C and E play an important role at treatment of illnesses of joints that is explained by depression of oxidizing processes. Clinical trials show that additives with vitamins E and With reduce after the training an inflammation and pain in ligaments and joints. Buy online - Vitamin B12 cyanocobalamin injection.
  • Group B vitamins also make antiinflammatory impact. So, they help at a revmatoida and an osteoarthritis. Pantothenate or B5 vitamin well influences an adhesion of wounds, improves collagen synthesis. At the same time separate researches show that the low level of content of pantothenic acid (B5 vitamin) in an organism is in feedback with augmentation of a joint pain and rigidity of ligaments. B6, B12 vitamins and folic acid have antiinflammatory action.
  • Minerals are required for ensuring normal functioning of cells, they serve for activization of production of enzymes, synthesis of cells of ligaments. Boron and manganese enlarge collagen reproduction, synthesis of glikozaminoglikan, improve a metabolism. Some drugs, as we know, negatively influence digestion of some minerals. Acceptance of the corresponding additives has to provide their sufficient stock in an organism. Clinical tests demonstrate that the disadvantage of Zincum exerts negative impact on synthesis of a connecting tissue. Zincum, mainly, activates production of enzymes which are responsible for body height of cells and their integrity. At a disadvantage of this mineral of an organism a bad adhesion of tissues is observed. Copper activates development of a lysyl-oxidase which is important when transforming a collagen and elastin. Copper also has antiinflammatory properties and can relieve a joint pain and ligaments.
  • Hyaluronic acid (a hyalrunate, gialuronan) — not sulfonated glikozaminoglikan, being a part of connecting, epithelial and nervous tissues. Is one of the main components of an extracellular matrix, contains in many biological liquids (saliva, synovial fluid, etc.). Takes appreciable part in a proliferation and migration of cells, it can be involved in development of malignant tumors. It is produced by some bacteria (e.g. Streptococcus). The body of the person weighing 70 kg on average contains about 15 grams of hyaluronic acid from which third will be transformed (is split or synthesized) every day.

Low efficiency

Were listed in sections above and practically all modern additives for ligaments, joints and bones which have the proved efficiency at preventive reception are briefly described. In this section we won't frame the infinite list of additives and components which are useless or unfairly expensive. However it is necessary to notice that the majority of plant extracts, additives of animal origin (sea Crustacea, sharks, insects, etc.) are noneffective. Give preference to the checked firms and brands. An optimum source of a collagen is edible gelatin.

Elimination of painful symptoms

Quite often with the medical purpose athletes take aspirin, paracetamol, ketones (ketorol), diclofenac and other anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce pain and an inflammation of joints and ligaments - however "Attention" these agents are capable to eliminate only temporarily disease symptoms, without influencing its current in any way. The listed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs possess a series of serious side effects - a lesion mucous digestive tract, toxicity for a liver and kidneys, change of structure of a blood and äð, "Attention" therefore it is necessary to apply them only in an acute phase of pathological process. Duration of reception shouldn't exceed 1-2 weeks. It is better to give preference to anti-inflammatory drugs which selectively block TsOG-2 - Nimesulid, Tselekoksib. They have smaller number of side effects.

The best additives for joints and ligaments

For obtaining the maximum treatment-and-prophylactic effect, the course has to include:

  • Glucosamine sulfate and Chondroitin sulfate
  • Collagen - in the form of gelatin on 10 g a day
  • Calcium in a bioavailable form and vitamin D - for strengthening of bones
  • Metilsulfonilmetan - for elimination of pain

The best complex additives

Now without effort it is possible to allocate several leading products:

  • Ice Power Arthro Creme
  • Bone Boost from SAN
  • Animal Flex from Universal Nutrition
  • Gelenk Forte from MAXimum Power

Also, the quite good ratio of the price and quality have additives, however less full-fledged structure:

  • Joint Repair from Dymatize
  • Joint Support from Performance
  • Glucosamine + CSA Super Strength 120 tablets from Optimum Nutrition
  • Glucosamine Chondroitin & MSM (ULN) is all the most necessary, at the pleasant price

Treatment-and-prophylactic course

For obtaining the maximum effect, combine one of complex additives with a vitamin and mineral complex, an omega-3 and a collagen. As a source of a collagen edible gelatin shall be use.

On average, the course of reception of additives for ligaments and joints lasts 1-2 months. Optimum frequency of courses is 2-3 times a year. You can find dosages and more exact data on reception in separate articles, and also on packings of products.

Many athletes apply pharmacological agents: courses of anabolic steroids with the Sound board, body height hormone, TB500 peptide, glucocorticosteroids.

General councils

General advice which will help to keep ligaments and joints in a healthy form:

  • Observe technology of exercises in order to avoid injuries
  • If you have problems with ligaments and joints use safer exercises
  • You take a preventive course from complex additive, a collagen and a vitamin and mineral complex
  • Don't work with too larger balances
  • Don't load joints and ligaments at getting injured to a complete recovery
  • Treatment of diseases of ligaments and joints has to be compounded with the doctor

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