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14 Dec 2016

Today I will talk about one product, which is one of the leading places in decent list of horror stories and myths about psychiatry. And to a large extent contributed to the fact that it was considered a punitive, rather than comforting-pet. So, ladies and gentlemen, please welcome (drum roll, plates, fainted on the ground and two orgasms in the gallery) - sulfozinum!

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Contrary consonance names sulfozinum - this is not an antipsychotic. And not even a side branch. Sulfozinum is a suspension of sulfur (pure sublimation) in a vegetable oil. Contrary to popular belief, oil does not have to be a peach. It is suitable olive. Yes, even the sunflower, which is already there. The sulfur content in the slurry ranges from 0.3 to 2%. The slurry was naturally sterilized.

Why do we need it? The fact that sulfozinum appeared before the era of neuroleptics. Long time ago it has been observed that the patient in psychosis (whether schizophrenic, organic or other pathology), if he becomes ill or infectious something, for example, pneumonia - it does not matter, as long as the fever was strong - this is the fever, with its highest point, it weakens the mental symptoms. And if not lead to remission. How long - it is as lucky.

And doctors, professors especially those ancient times - people are meticulous and maniacal gleam in his eyes, they just give - immediately snapped up as will cause irreparable favor! We tried to treat patients with schizophrenia, instilling in them malaria. This is where a 19th - early 20th century. True, they agreed that malaria vaccinate wild moveton because domesticated strain, was ordered to bear malice no more than three days - and as they began to heal! In parallel to the sizing as fever affects other diseases, which gave impetus to the development pyrotherapy. Incidentally, it is also syphilis, this pyrotherapy, enjoy. As well as mercuric chloride. Then malaria he replaced kerosene (no, not in terms of pour and set on fire, and in a civilized manner - by the standards - injection). And then to the sulfur in the oil it came.

With the advent of all antipsychotics, like, it had to relax and take a place on the shelves of museums, but no. It was found that not all patients chlorpromazine and haloperidol (and later full arsenal other neuroleptics) acts sufficiently beneficial. There are (and still is) so powerful psychotic state that antipsychotics do not. And to increase the dose - you will receive a toxic effect or malignant neurolepsy. It is in such situations sulfozinum and got their right to a long life. Either as monotherapy (ie, by itself, without band) or in combination with antipsychotic drugs and other drugs. You can try Phenibut.

How much to enter - were selected empirically. Most started with 0.5 cube, the main thing - to body temperature within a few hours after injection exceeded 38 Celsius. Not enough - added more. Ideally - to novocaine cushion as a painful injection. After reaching the desired temperature, following a shot made only when she came to him to normal. Feelings after the injections, of course, are more. On the other hand - as they may be, when such fever! Yes, there is weakness, and muscle pain, and many other things. Another thing is that the right (stress - is correct, but not because of the fact that not sitting, not whistling) sulfozinum appointment was an extreme measure. When others no longer worked. Either could lead to serious consequences: overdose of neuroleptics - the more hemorrhoids.

Among patients (and not only among them, here sympathizers willing to sing along) wandered horror story about sulfozinic cross, saying that no one makes a shot, and under both shoulders and both side of butt! To no legs or wings friend could not wave! And especially to the demonically tuned apply sulfozinic pentagram exile! By the way, yes, sometimes did so (I do not mean the pentagram, but about the cross). But in order to hands and feet ached. For another reason. The fact that the oil slurry is absorbed very reluctantly. And UHF nets with iodine does not always help. And where infiltration - there to inflammation near, or even to an abscess. And some patients do not give a temperature on the die, and in five or even ten or twelve. And try these ten or twelve cubes put in one spot! That's right, an abscess is provided. Cause and cut in several places, a little bit.

Contrary to popular belief, the use of sulfozinum in Russian legislation is not forbidden. In 1989, the Ministry of Health issued a Decree of 08/15/1989 number 470 "On consent to use sulfozinum and shock therapies" that restricts the use of sulfozinum, atropinic coma and other methods of shock without the written consent of the patients or their legal representatives. " The very purpose of sulfozinum made possible only by the decision of the medical commission, and not at the request of a doctor. But its use has become very rare not for this reason. Firstly, the arsenal of drugs added to the atypical antipsychotics. And secondly, not sulfozinum preparing pharmaceutical factories, and in hospital pharmacies. And they eventually ceased to cook something, and become simply a repository of finished dosage forms. That's all the reason. But if you really need ...

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