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27 Dec 2016

Sulbutiamin (Arkalion, Enerion) is synthetic derivative Thiaminum (B1 vitamin). Sulbutiamin rearranges himself dimeasures of two modified Thiaminum molecules that gives it lipophilic properties and allows to get easily into a brain through hematoencephalic barrier. Sulbutiamin was developed in Japan in attempt of creation of more potent formula of B1 vitamin at the expense of the raised lipofilnost.

Clinical properties of Sulbutiamin (Arkalion, Enerion) aren't up to the end studied, however the available data say that drug is effective in treatment of an asthenia . Sulbutiamin reduces fatigability, improves memory and erectile function. In therapeutic doses drug has practically no side effects. Sulbutiamin is released without prescription and can be on sale as nutritional supplement. You can try Testalamin.

Sulbutiamin is sometimes added to a sports delivery for the purpose of rising of athletic productivity. Drug has actual sports potential and its use is quite justified.

Action mechanism

Molecules of sulbutiamin of dissolved in fat therefore drug gets into a brain much easier, than Thiaminum. During its metabolism in a brain there is an augmentation of level of Thiaminum and Thiaminum Aether Natrii phosphas. Sulbutiamin inhibits a cholinesterase and affects certain sites of a brain, in particular a reticular formation, increasing its activity that leads to rising of mental activity, augmentation of motivation and elimination of feeling of fatigue. Scientists also found potential cholinergic activity in hippocampus. Activity of sulbutiamin allows accelerating process of nervous transfer of impulse in prefrontal area of a brain that leads to improvement of ideational activity and memory. Besides, the additional mechanism of improvement of memory and cerebral activity - activation of dopamine receptors was found.

Sulbutiamin's effects (Arkalion, Enerion)

The difficult mechanism of action of Sulbutiamin causes diverse effects of medicine:

  • Memory improvement
  • Stimulation
  • Decrease in fatigue
  • Acceleration of thought processes
  • Improvement of a potentiality

Doses and reception mode

The notable effect of Sulbutiamin is shown in a dose of 800 - 1000 mg a day. Cases of reception of medicine in a dose of 2000 mg a day, without manifestation of any side effects are known. 

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