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Succinic acid and Citric Acid at Toxicosis

30 Mar 2017

Treatment of toxicosis in the first trimester of pregnancy

Tradition not to disclose information about their pregnancy is strong in all generations. This gives the woman time to realize his new position, to feel oneness with your unborn child, saves her from prying questions. But often, a pregnancy begins is not a magical experience alone. Early toxicosis can unceremoniously break the mystery of new life. And there is no place for superstitions, most want to stop nausea in the morning and return appetite and physical strength.

Succinic acid and Citric Acid

Does the diet at a toxicosis?

The most effective way to combat toxemia is diet. Principles of nutrition refusal to fatty and fried foods, soups, porridge with gravy, sauces, smoked products and delicacies, fresh bread, muffins, milk, legumes, some vegetables, often helps calm the symptoms of toxicosis. Fractional meals do not cause excessive stimulation of digestive glands and enhanced motility, minimizing nausea and vomiting. It is also recommended not to eat in less than 4 hours before bedtime, drink more water and be outdoors. However, if the treat morning sickness was so easy, then this problem would have been solved. Diet is often ineffective: it is related to the severity of toxicity and the individual characteristics of pregnancy.

Intolerance of certain foods is also individual. In the end, it may be that women in the diet is only two or three products that it may have small portions. This situation is dangerous for a pregnant woman, and her unborn child. Therefore, in severe toxemia treat the house is not recommended under any circumstances.

Is there a way to improve the condition of the pregnant woman with medication?

The answer is - yes. It is important to remember that any medicine during pregnancy appoints and approves an obstetrician-gynecologist and a therapist in female consultation.

Reduce the frequency and intensity of nausea, improve nutrient uptake from food, it helps to strengthen the body Limontar. This natural product is composed of succinic acid and citric acid, which are involved in energy metabolism of cells. The components of the drug completely harmless and after all the changes in the body are converted eventually into water and carbon dioxide.

Limontar used to treat toxemia (preeclampsia), thanks to a simple and effective action: it regulates the metabolism in tissues, enhances redox processes. It stimulates the production of ATP - molecules from which we eventually get the energy of life.

Limontar during pregnancy not only helps mother and child. After all, when the supply of nutrients in the mother's body is broken, the first to suffer it. Severe preeclampsia may even lead to involuntary termination of pregnancy, especially in the first trimester. Application Limontara improves tissue metabolism of the fetus and placenta, which positively affects the growth and development of the baby. Limontar can be used during pregnancy at any stage.

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