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Stress and the reaction of the body

19 Feb 2017

Stress is the set of reactions aimed at adapting to changing environmental factors. These factors are stressors, and the reaction of the body - stress reactivity. Not many know that the human body is able to experience two types of stress. They provoke positive and negative factors. Stress has a negative effect on the body, as well as the very reaction to it, is called distress, while the positive impact of stress - eustress. In the continuation of the article, we will use the term "stress", we will keep in mind the distress.

The human body has the ability to instantly react to stressors readiness to "fight or flee" (active reaction) or freeze (passive reaction). Activation of the body under stress manifests increased work of the adrenal, thyroid and parathyroid gland and the hypothalamus, pituitary and other parts of the brain. There is increased blood pressure, increased heart rate and force of contraction, is released in the stomach hydrochloric acid, increases the level of cholesterol and glucose in blood, breathing quickens and muscles tense. Obviously, if acute stress these changes help the body to "fight or flight", that with prolonged exposure to stress may lead to overload and exhaustion of the body's resources. Constant stress can cause disruption of the endocrine and immune systems, cause a malfunction of the heart, respiratory and digestion, provoke an aggravation of skin diseases. That is why it is so important to be able to withstand stress, learn to control your body's response and time to deal with the negative effects of stress.

Afobazole helps control emotions, to maintain the confidence and strength to the point.

Action Afobazol confirmed by research - more than 80 publications involving over 4,500 patients.

It restores nerve cells - Afobazol stabilizes the GABA / benzodiazepine receptors and restore their sensitivity to inhibition by endogenous mediators, protects nerve cells from damage.

The innovative formula Afobazol - Current fabomotizole substance protected by a patent.

Action without drowsiness - Afobazol causes muscular weakness, drowsiness and has no negative effects on concentration and memory.

Act fast - The effect Afobazol develops 5-7 days of treatment, reaches a maximum of 4 weeks, persists after completion of therapy.

If you feel that you can not properly assess the significance of stressful factors and events and their effect was to cause excessive anxiety, tension and irritability, you began to feel unmotivated anxiety or feel on the verge of collapse, particularly if your performance has declined, or have problems co sleep, can not ignore these signs, it is necessary to pay attention to their health.

Afobazole helps control emotions, to maintain the confidence and strength to the point.

Exposure to stressors - Under prolonged exposure to stress nerve cells depleted resources, their receptors lose their ability to respond to the inhibitory neurotransmitter impulses.

The increase in symptoms of stress - there is an increase of anxiety, tension, irritability, restlessness. These symptoms persist even with a decrease in the action of stress factor.

Action unique formula Afobazol - Under the influence of the unique formula Afobazol: fabomotizole, there is a restoration of receptors of nerve cells and ensuring their protection from further stress.

Recovery of nerve cells - As a result of the stabilization of Afobazol receptors and restore proper structure and function of nerve cells.

Afobazole Admission Adults - 1 tablet after meal - 3 times a day; Within 2-4 weeks.

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