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Stimulators of calcium exchange

27 Dec 2016

What forces our muscles to be reduced? Calcium! The heart which is taken out from an organism of an experimental mouse fights for a long time if to feed it with live blood. Once you pass this blood via the special filter withdrawing calcium, and heart immediately stops. Even accumulating in a muscle cell of the ATP thermonuclear fuel is secondary. It only feeds with energy of reaction with calcium participation. So, as if much you didn't accept creatine, force will increase only if your muscles saved up rather school chalk.

You don't hurry to accept calcium in tablets. They increase calcium level in blood, and this indicator has not enough relation to force. Before calcium shall become ionized, and the science, alas, didn't find proofs to the fact that from acceptance of pharmaceutical medicines and even bioactive calcium (from food) calcium ions in muscles become more. Alas, this process entirely "drive" genes. Especially it is important to dispose intelligently of that small that comes the way of us by nature. Please pay attention to Cerebramin.

Puzzling over a question, scientists established that the quantity of ions of calcium which filters into a cage from blood depends on permeability of a cellular membrane. More precisely, special proteins which are built in this membrane and pass in a cage the ionized minerals on the understanding. The second factor is a capability of a cage to warehouse calcium in itself. That calcium which gets from blood in the form of the small ionized current is, not enough, to overcome stanov in several centners. Here all solve in advance made inventories.

Scientists promise to create very soon additives which will force proteins of a cellular membrane as if the powerful pump to tighten in themselves calcium ions. There they will be warehoused almost without loss. Right after additive acceptance your force will become record.

And so far accept "infernal cocktail" which with a guarantee strengthens calcic exchange before a training: caffeine + taurine + creatine + carznozin or beta alanin + forscolin + few "slow" carbohydrates.

It is possible to arrive differently. Purchase in a drugstore the ready ionized calcium in sparkling tablets. Dissolve a couple of such tablets in a glass of water and drink in 15-20 minutes prior training.

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