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Steroids for women

20 Oct 2016

Hormonal drugs are used at treatment of women, and is rather frequent. First of all, at treatment of cancer diseases. But even in this case, at purpose of hormonal drugs doctors and strict medical control not always possible to avoid such phenomenon as virilescence, not to mention uncontrolled use of androgens and anabolic steroids.

Earlier anabolic steroids were quite often prescribed to women for treatment of anemia, an osteoporosis, a cachexia and even a depression.

Most of the women who are professionally going in for bodybuilding and bodifitnesy accept anabolic drugs as hormonal and physiological features of a female body don't allow to achieve in the natural way relief and conservation of muscle bulk. Do not forget take Mildronate for better results.


  • Hypertrophy of muscles
  • Combustion of fat
  • Growth of power indicators and endurance
  • Increase in self-confidence and self-assessment (androgenic medicines possess the expressed psychotropic action)
  • Strengthening of a libido and sexual activity, increase in sensitivity of a clitoris

Safe dosages

Range of safe doses of anabolic steroids is individual and fluctuates over a wide range. Also the volume of doses is defined by physiological features of an organism: the body weight, fat percent in an organism, genetic features of a metabolism, condition of a delivery and the external environment. It is necessary to emphasize that reception of strong agents has to be carried out under control of the doctor, at the same time the risk of collateral reactions remains even when using the minimum doses.

Preferable anabolic steroids

Not all anabolic steroids are equally harmful to a female body. Some of them were created for application by women and children. It is possible to distinguish from those oksandrolon and methenobosoms, better known as primobolan. Monocourses (with one medicine), or combinations with not androgenic fat-burning means are most often applied. Duration of courses is selected individually depending on reaction of an organism, and as a rule doesn't exceed 1-1.5 months.

Oksandrolon (Anavar)

Oksandrolon – almost ideal medicine for application not only by women, but also young athletes. The steroid doesn't lead to a virilization in general, it doesn't influence in any way and so-called "zones of growth" at young people. As for dosages, at women they have to be slightly lower, than at men.

The recommended doses: 10-20 mg for 6-8 weeks. 

Methenobosoms (Primobolan)

Methenobosoms, as well as oksandrolon, is almost ideal steroid for women. Though the phenomena of a virilization weren't observed and at quite considerable dosages of medicine (about 400 mg a week), nevertheless costs to women it will be limited to smaller doses and not to delay especially reception of the injection version of medicine (a methenobosom enantat). Most often in bodybuilding injections on 100 mg a week are carried out. 

According to Yury Bombela oral methenobosoms (a methenobosom acetate) it can be applied by women without any restrictions. Even dosages can be comparable with "men's"

The oxymetholone (Anadrol)

The oxymetholone is applied in medical practice very activly recently. Bill Roberts considers anapolon the best choice for women. Its basic purpose – to help to avoid losses of muscle bulk by the HIV-positive including to women. Practice shows that use of drug in a dosage of 100-150 mg didn't lead to emergence of the phenomena of virilescence at women. Though it is possible to recognize an oxymetholone rather safe for women, nevertheless women shouldn't exceed a dosage in 50 mg a day.


In case of prolonged use of high doses of medicine the virilization phenomena can be shown, namely – the strengthened growth of hair on the person and a body. But it in case of prolonged use and high doses. Though you shouldn't underestimate this feature of medicine, nevertheless dosages will hardly lead about 100-200 mg a week for 4-5 weeks to a virilization. It is interesting that the mix of a boldenon of an undetsilenat and metandriol of dipropionate known at us under the Meprobolon trademark is more acceptable for women, than actually boldelon.

Testosterone propionate

Testosterone it is possible to recommend propionate, with some clauses, for application by women. In any case, its application, according to Yury Bombela, is safer for women, than application of a nandrolon. Unlike men, women shall do injections far more rare – time in 4-6 days. Regular amount of one injection – 25-50 mg of medicine. In case of the phenomena of a virilization of an injection it is necessary to stop immediately.


Medicine can be considered rather safe for women, in moderate dosages throughout not really long period of time he doesn't lead to emergence of the phenomena of a virilization. It is confirmed also by practice of its application.


It is necessary to tell that nandrolon in 50-60 years of last century it was rather widely applied to treatment of women within traditional medicine. Prior to the beginning of the 90th years of the same century it was actively applied by women and in sports practice. Gusens and Heynonen's experiments have shaken positions of a nandrolon. In the first case of the woman accepted a nandrolon dekonoat in a dosage of 50 mg each 3-4 days and 50% from them have tested the virilization phenomena. In the second case of the phenomenon of a virilization have been found in all examinees, but nothing has been told about dosages.

However, the dosage in 100 mg a week (50 mg of times in 3-4 days) for women can really be considered obviously overestimated. In the experiment made in 1996 the dose of a nandrolon, besides a dekanoata, was extremely low – 30 mg of times in two weeks. Here the phenomena of a virilization were tested by nobody. The given dosages should be considered extremes, and those who by all means wants to experiment with nandrolony can advise "to balance" between them. Naturally, at emergence of the first signs of a virilization reception of medicine should be stopped immediately.


It's clear that use of inhibitors of an aromataza for women is deprived of any sense. Moreover, decrease in level of estrogen leads to aggravation of the phenomena of a virilization.

Post course therapy blockers of estrogenic receptors – klomid (clomifene citrate) and tamoxifen are applied.

And also such medicine as aminoglutetimid (orimeten, tsitadren) and klomid, and especially tamoxifen are very widely used in medical practice at treatment of cancer diseases at women. Both medicines allow to correct a hormonal background, having changed a ratio "estradiol / testosterone" in favor of the last. Dosages can be same, as well as for men.

Quite often information on a prmeneniye of an aminoglyutetimid meets. Aminoglyutetimid not only is aromataza inhibitor, but also suppresses biosynthesis of estrogen and cortisol, that is possesses anticatabolic action.

You shouldn’t use:

  • Testosterone air
  • Testosterone suspension
  • Trenbolone (though its application also doesn't lead to the expressed virilization, but her risk is quite high)
  • Flyuoksimesteron
  • Drostanolon
  • Mesterolon (proviron) - reduces the level of estrogen
  • Stanozolol

Side effects

  • Acne
  • Body height of hair on men's type (including an alopecia)
  • Voice coarsening
  • Male features
  • Clitoris hypertrophy
  • Atrophy of mammary glands
  • Disturbance of a menstrual cycle
  • Sterility
  • Differences of mood and "steroid aggression"
  • Allocations from a vagina
  • Immunity disturbance

Development of pathology of cardiovascular system, liver lesion (is also possible at the use of hepatotoxic drugs). Anabolic drugs lead to depression of secretion of gonadotrophic hormones, in this regard performing postcourse therapy is required by Tamoxifenum or its analogs.

Read in more detail: Side effects of steroids.

Not androgenic means for a loose fat:

Men and women differ with so-called "problem zones" – places in which subcutaneous fat burns down especially hard. If at men it is abdominal area, then women have buttocks and hips. Therefore klenbuterol and ephedrine which first of all burn fat in abdominal area can be absolutely useless for women.

The shift for benefit of testosterone will allow to make disposal of fat in problem zones more effective. Secondly, local injections of such medicine as lipostabit. However, this medicine only should prove the effectiveness.

It is necessary to mention medicines which reduce resistance to insulin – metformin and moksonidin (Fiziotenz). Metformin makes sick most of women, at least, in the first 4-5 days of acceptance. At men such phenomenon is observed extremely seldom. At last, is very perspective in this plan topiramat, but also experiments with it are still very far from a completion stage.

Other hormonal medicines

Even more often in female bodybuilding growth hormone, insulin, an insulinopodobny factor of growth – IFR-1 and other peptides begin to be applied. Naturally, it is necessary to remember, as these medicines have side effects, and very serious. The fact that they don't cause the virilization phenomena doesn't mean that they can be used, having closed eyes to other side effects.

It is interesting that effective dosages of hormone of growth for women approximately by one and a half times exceedmen's dosages. Concerning IFR-1, however, nothing similar wasn't noticed.

Hormones of a thyroid gland possess powerful fat-burning action (T3, tiroksin).

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