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09 Dec 2016

Stellaria average (Latin Stellária média) is a species of plants of a family of Stellaria of the Caryophyllaceae family. It is known also under names wood louse, canary grass, mokrichnik, gryzhnik, cordial grass, wood lice, sandwort (Chickweed). Grows near housing, on kitchen gardens, weed places, sometimes on crude forest roads and glades.

The used part: elevated part of a plant. It contains saponina, flavonoids, tannins, lipids, ascorbic acid (to 114 mg of %), Carotinum (to 24 mg of %), tocopherol, mineral (especially there is a lot of potassium) and other substances. You can try Ventramin.

Pharmacological researches showed that water extract and fraction of water-soluble polysaccharides (VRPS) of of average have the expressed and antioxidatic activity. The phytochemical researches conducted by us indicate high content in an elevated part of plants of polysaccharides which show antiinflammatory, immunomodulatory and antioxidatic activity

Table – Chemical composition of plants of the sort Stellaria

Note: the sign "-" has noted absence of group of substances; "+" – detection of group of substances; sl – trace amounts of substances; quantitative contents is provided in terms of absolutely dry raw materials.

The element structure of an elevated part of the studied types according to qualitative characteristics significantly doesn't differ and is presented by 41 chemical elements. Such bio-elements as potassium (from 21,75 to 49,00 mg/g), calcium (from 5,20 to 13,00), magnesium (from 1,96 to 4,20), sodium (from 0,21 to 5,20), iron (0,29 to 0,90), zinc (from 0,02 to 0,06) and silicon (from 0,09 to 0,55 mg/g) differ in high content.

During the research published in 2012 the data allowing to assume use of zvezdchatka as additive for weight reduction have been obtained. Action of zvezdchatka on weight reduction is connected with the maintenance in her of flavonoids and saponin which suppress suppress appetite and have thermogene effect, or about the content of sitosterol.

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Someone from the Argentina - just purchased the goods:
Semax 0,1% 3ml blue