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Sports Pharmacology – Pharmacology stages of preparation

19 Oct 2016

Pharmacology of recovery

More broadly, the recovery should have the following objectives:

Urgent restoration

It should begin immediately after the exercise and include:

- Replenishment of energy reserves (carbohydrates);

- The elimination of oxygen debt;

- The urgent elimination of the avalanche growth of the number of free radicals;

- Psychological relief.

Recovery after competition, at the end of the playing season

- Excretion of metabolic products from the body;

- Restoration, rehabilitation, treatment surge of various organs and systems;

- The final healing of injuries;

- Psychosomatic rehabilitation.

Kinds of sports vitamins Energetics Adaptogens Antioxidants antihypoxants
Endurance + ++ + + +
Speed and power + +++ ++
Martial Arts + + +
Coordination + + ++
Game + ++ +

The recovery process is not always given due attention. The athlete, as a rule, after the competition or game of the season is to himself. This can not be allowed, ie. A. Sports "career" current season ends. What do in free time, which appeared after the end of training and competition processes to be used for therapeutic and diagnostic measures, physical therapy, physiotherapy.

Summarizing, we can say that the largest share of pharmacological maintenance falls on the preparatory and basic training periods athlete (Phenotropil, Mildronate). Appointment of drugs that are versatile, can significantly reduce their number. Competent, rational scheme of application of pharmacological agents in the preparation stages contributes to the record of conditions.

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