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Sports Pharmacology – Pharmacology stages of preparation

19 Oct 2016

Base period

Aims and objectives of this period:

- Bring to the maximum amounts of general and special health;

- Reduce the impact of adverse factors of the training process in the internal organs;

- To prevent overtraining;

- Create the optimal amount of muscle without prejudice; for endurance and speed qualities;

- Psycho-correction status.

Kinds of sports Preparations of plastic action Energy Vitamins Nootropics Antioxidants Antihypoxants Immunomodulators Adaptogens
Endurance ++ ++ +++ ++ ++ + ++ ++
Speed and power ++ +++ ++ + + + ++
Martial Arts + + + +++ + + + +
Coordination + + ++ + ++
Game + ++ ++ ++ + + ++ ++

The basic phase of training is characterized by significant volume and intensity of training, so in this period have to make the greatest number of drugs. Reception of vitamins, although it is advisable to make a 8-10-day break in the course intake of multivitamin complexes, and if there is an opportunity to start taking a new vitamin preparation. From individual vitamins expedient appointment of Cobamamide and Vitamins B Complex that enhances the synthesis and prevent the collapse of the muscle proteins.

Vitamin B15 is required immediately after a workout. In order to prevent disruption of adaptation to physical activity and prevent overtraining - sport's disease - recommended the appointment of drugs with antioxidant, antihypoxic properties; cardiovascular agents and agents that improve the rheological properties of blood; Succinic acid, Stimol to reduce levels of lactic acid; sedatives (valerian). Needed medications that promote ATP synthesis, stimulation of processes of cellular respiration. Action antihypoxants increases emotional stability and physical performance.

During the developing of physical activity recommended to the administration of drugs that regulate the exchange of plastic, ie, stimulating protein synthesis in muscle tissue, promoting increase in muscle mass, reducing effects in cardiac muscle dystrophy. This group of drugs include: Elcar, Mildronate, Cobamamide, Potassium Orotate (by orotic acid), Leuzea, Ecdisten and others.

During the base preparation phase also recommended the appointment of hepatic, reception of Riboxin (Inosine), Actovegin. Nootropic drugs are used at maximum load, typical of this period, not to "break technique", ie It remained dynamic structure-established stereotypes. Psychotropic drugs are recommended by a psychologist, for example Semax, Phenotropil, Noopept, Picamilon, Vinpotropile, Pantogam.

Admission of Immunomodulators during this period is essential to prevent failure of the immune system. The focus of the diet during this period - protein and carbohydrate. Protein should be a full (well-balanced amino acid composition, easily digestible). The amount of protein to take additional, should not exceed 25-40 g per day (based on the pure protein). Essential amino acids are required in any form.

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