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Sports Pharmacology – Pharmacology stages of preparation

19 Oct 2016

Preparation period

The main objective of the pharmacological provision in the preparatory phase is to prepare for the perception of intense physical and psycho-emotional stress.

Kinds of sports vitamins Energy drugs Adaptogens Nootropics Antioxidants Immunomodulators
Endurance ++ ++ + ++ +
Speed and power ++ ++ ++
Martial Arts + + + ++
Coordination + + + ++
Game ++ ++ ++ ++ + +

The pharmacological aspects of this problem is solved by the following preparations.

Multivitamin complexes such as Cîmplivitum, Aerovit, Glutamevit, Supradyn, Centrum, Animal Pak, Vitrum and others are specialized preparations containing, along with a complex of vitamins balanced trace element composition, so their use is in the preparatory period is the most preferred, helps to normalize the flow of biochemical reactions body.

Admission of Ginseng, Siberian Ginseng, and others. They accelerate adaptation to heavy physical activity and normalization of the functional state of organs and systems. Admission of Adaptogens should be started 3-4 days before the start of training.

Vitamins A and E - either individually or in combinations "Aevitum" preparation - contribute to the stimulation of Redox processes and synthesis of certain hormones.

Vitamin C (for example, sea buckthorn and honey) are used to accelerate the adaptation to physical stress.

In order to normalize the metabolism prescribe the following drugs – Mildronate, Riboxinum, Inosine, Essentiale, hepato-protectors. Recommended iron supplements "Ferro-Plex", "Conferon", "Aktiferrin" etc. To create favorable basic training background.

Calming and sleeping medicines used in the second half of the period for the prevention and treatment of the syndrome surge of the central nervous system after a significant psycho-emotional stress. You can use the roots of valerian (infusion, pills), infusion of Leonurus, Neurobutal, sodium hydroxybutyrate (1-3 tablespoons of 5% solution for 30-40 minutes before bedtime), Mebicar and some other anti-anxiety drugs.

Use the principle of saturation carbohydrate (energy replenishment) directly from training.

The diet should be rich in carbohydrates and fats (unsaturated). To a lesser extent this applies to proteins. Absolutely requires the presence in the diet of fresh fruits and vegetables, juices and foods high biological value. Particular attention should be paid to the weight of the athlete, who in this period should not exceed the usual, so-called "combat" more than 2-3 kg. In the second half of the period, we recommend taking immunomodulators, preferably non-specific, such as mummies, honey with pollen, pollen, enzymes.

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