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Sports Pharmacology – Pharmacological Sport preparations

20 Oct 2016

Antioxidants and free radicals (Oxidants)

Free radicals are unstable, chemically reactive compounds formed during the combustion of oxygen "fuel" in the cells. Their instability is due to an unbalanced number of electrons relative to the nucleus charge. Such non-equilibrium molecules tend to recover, giving an extra electron or tearing missing from another molecule. In turn, the other molecule is in a nonequilibrium and is committed to a balanced, continuing the reaction.

In small amounts, free radicals play a useful role in maintaining health, taking part in the millions of chemical reactions taking place in cells every second. They help to absorb write and fight disease-causing bacteria, fungi and viruses. However, the effect of intense physical activity, as well as contaminated drinking water, smoking, radiation leads to disruption of natural control mechanisms. Then the activity of free radicals increases dramatically, destroying our body.

Coming out from under the control of the body, free radicals cause noticeable damage. They destroy cells by damaging the cell membrane. Or causing mutations alter the structure of the cell's DNA. Free radicals may also bind the two molecules together, after which the latter may not operate correctly. For example, if the two molecules are bound together dermal collagen, the skin loses its elasticity and smoothness, it becomes inelastic and wrinkled. Often, people whose body is severely damaged by free radicals, develop brown spots on the back of the hand or on the forehead.

Free radicals (oxidants) are a byproduct of metabolism. Five major known oxidants: superoxide radicals, hydrogen peroxide, hydroxyl radicals, fatty peroxy radicals and atomic oxygen.

The researchers believe that free radicals are the cause of manifestation of more than 50 diseases.

In sport, as a result of exorbitant loads and actions of "external" oxidant is initiated free radical processes, which promotes the formation of toxic products that disrupt the function of cellular membranes and bio-energy mechanisms. You can try Meldonium

Substances known as antioxidants, play a crucial role in preventing and controlling damage. These substances act as free radical neutralizers - located them and stop their malicious activities.

Admission of antioxidants gives the body a means to stop these destructive reactions.

Antioxidants are a compound having an excess of "free electrons" that bind readily with free radicals and do not cause a chain reaction. They contribute to neutralize the negative effects of oxidation in the body.

In the practice of sports such antioxidants are used, such as:

  • Vitamins A, C, E, Bc, beta-carotene;
  • Selenium, enzymes, neyrobutal (calcium hydroxybutyrate), sodium hydroxybutyrate, linseed oil,
  • Adaptogens;
  • Coenzyme 0-10, ubiquinone, OPT;
  • Honey, pollen;
  • Tserebrum compositum (homeopath).

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