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Sports Pharmacology – Pharmacological Sport preparations

19 Oct 2016

Coenzyme, vitamin derivatives

In addition to vitamin preparations and some of their derivatives (coenzymes) are used in sports medicine.

It is now established that the biocatalytic activity, as a rule, does not belong to the very vitamins and products of their biotransformation - coenzymes. Coenzymes, in turn connecting with specific proteins, form enzymes - catalysts of biochemical reactions underlying physiological functions. Currently, many known coenzymes structure, some of them could be obtained by chemical synthesis. Further, coenzymes opened without vitamin precursors (Carnitine, Ðhosphaden, Lipoic Acid).

Study of the pharmacological activity coenzymes found that these substances, on the one hand, have low toxicity and, on the other, - a very wide range of effects on the body.

Among the coenzyme of vitamin nature are Cocarboxylase (coenzyme form of thiamine - vitamin B1), Pyridoxalphosphate (Vitamin W6), Cobamamide (vitamin B 12). Group products created on the basis of vitamins, presented Pyriditol (a derivative of Pyridoxin) - has a mild stimulating effect on the brain tissue; Pantogam (homolog of Pantothenic acid containing gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)); Îxóñîbàlàmin (metabolite of vitamin B 12).

Cocarboxylase is coenzyme produced in the human body from coming outside of thiamine. In sports medicine is used to treat myocardial overstrain and nervous system, hepatic syndrome, neuritis and radiculitis. Cocarboxylase gives effect only intravenous administration at a dose of not less than 100 mg.

Cobamamide has all the properties of vitamin B 12 and anabolic activity. In sports medicine used for the same purposes as vitamin B 12, and overvoltage infarction, hepatic syndrome. It contributes to an increase in skeletal muscle mass during intense physical activity, improve speed-strength performance and accelerate recovery processes after intense exercise. It is advisable to mix Cobamamide with Carnitine, an amino acid preparations and products of high biological value. It is recommended intake of 2-3 tablets daily or intramuscular 1000 mcg per day of the drug, at least 20 days.

Îxóñîbàlàminum is a metabolite of Cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12). By pharmacological activity it is similar to vitamin B 12, but compared to it Îxóñîbàlàminum is quickly converted in the body into the active coenzyme form, and lasts longer in the blood, since more strongly bound to plasma proteins and slowly excreted in the urine. Indications of usage of Îxóñîbàlàmin are the same as for Vitamin B 12.

Pyridoxalphosphatum is a coenzyme form of vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine). This product has the properties of vitamin B6. It characterized in that has a rapid therapeutic effect, Pyridoxalphosphatecan be taken in cases where the infringed phosphorylation of pyridoxine. Recommended 0.02 g ofPyridoxalphosphatum - 3 times a day 15 minutes after a meal, a course of 10-30 days.

Pyriditolum, Encephabol (Pyritinol) are the drugs that exhibit elements of psychotropic activity characteristic of antidepressants, with sedative action. Encephabol activates metabolic processes in the central nervous system and accelerate the penetration of glucose through the blood-brain barrier and reduces excessive formation of lactic acid, increases resistance to tissue hypoxia. Pyriditolum has low toxicity, does not have the B6-vitamin activity. Apply Pyritinol - 0.1 g - 3 times a day 15-30 minutes after eating, at least 4 weeks. Do not take in the evening.

Pantogam (homolog of Pantothenic acid containing gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)) - improves metabolism, increases resistance to hypoxia, reduces reactions to pain stimuli. It activates mental activity and physical performance. In the combined therapy is used in traumatic brain injury. Recommended to take Pantogam - 0.5 grams - 2-3 times a day 15-30 minutes after eating. Reception at least 4 weeks.

Carnitine is a vitamin-like substance, partially supplied with food, partly synthesized in human body. It promotes oxidation of fatty acids, synthesis of amino acids and nucleic acids. In sports medicine recommended to improve performance in sports with primary display of endurance to speed up the flow of the recovery process. The speed and power sports, has a stimulating effect on muscle growth. Available as L-Carnitine (Elcar, Carnifit).

Flavinat is coenzyme which is formed in the body of riboflavin by phosphorylation with the participation of AMP. The dosage form of Flavinatum produced synthetically. Flavinat is used in the absence of the effect of the vitamin Br. Applied also in chronic diseases of the liver, gastrointestinal tract, skin diseases. The drug is injected into the muscle slowly.

Lipoic Acid has a positive effect on carbohydrate metabolism. It accelerates the oxidation of carbohydrates and fatty acids, increases energy potential.

Phosphaden (synonyms: AMP, Adenyl, adenosine mono-phosphate) - comes in the form of tablets to 0,025 and 0.05 g of 2% solution for injection. The daily dose of Phosphaden is 0.15 g PO and intramuscularly to 0.12 g, the duration for 2-4 weeks.

Beta-carotene - the body turns into vitamin A when we feel his lack. Beta-carotene that came with the meal, used by the body as an antioxidant.

Best sources: carrots, tomatoes, watercress, cauliflower, spinach, mango, pumpkin, melon, apricots and other fruits and vegetables with bright colors.

The content of beta-carotene products decreases during storage in sunlight. Beta-carotene is extremely stable when cooked, and its amount can even be increased. This is because the beta-carotene is released from cells by heat treatment when softened vegetable cell walls.

The daily requirement of beta carotene has not been formally established, but many scientists recommend a dose of about 15 mg per day for maximum antioxidant protection.

About the toxicity of the compound food is not known, although very high doses give the skin a yellowish hue.

Preparations: most supplementation with beta-carotene contain it in an amount of 3 to 15 mg.

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