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Sports nutrition on the course of growth hormone

01 May 2017

For most athletes, it's no secret that sports nutrition can help in achieving the desired training results. But how, the sportspita store can help the athlete in increasing the level of various hormones. Let's try to figure it out.

Growth hormone helps to improve and accelerate the synthesis of protein in the body. But how can protein synthesis be accelerated if for a given process a bodybuilder does not have enough intake of animals, whey, egg proteins, as well as individual interchangeable and irreplaceable amino acids?

The investigation remains obvious, without a correct and balanced diet, to reach the necessary sports boundaries, is almost impossible. No matter how expensive growth hormone you have bought, for its work and secretion, it is necessary to inject individual amino acids into the bloodstream. How does it work? 

In order that somatotropin is constantly allocated in the pituitary gland of the brain, it is necessary to supply the circulatory system of the body with all 20 types of amino acids. The most important for the secretion of growth hormone are the amino acids arginine and glutamine. Without eating with food or sports nutrition of these protein elements, the proper level of necessary secretion is not supported. Some information about Semax.

Synthesis of protein, which increases growth hormone, is also inconceivable without the participation of split protein "bricks" that participate in the construction of individual muscle fibers. Increase, that is, hypertrophy of muscle tissue, also occurs with the participation of protein. This requires regular consumption of natural proteins with food, and quality supplements that can be bought in the store.

A balanced diet, and properly metered injections of growth hormones, will help you maintain health and beauty for years to come.

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