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Sports food: recommendations of the expert

27 Dec 2016

It is very important to check efficiency of sports food by scientific methods, than just to be guided by feedbacks and claims from consumers. Moreover, to ensure purity and safety of a product, independent and fair expert appraisal is necessary.

Especially this subject is urgent for the acting athletes who regularly pass doping tests, on banned drugs and components which can be present at sports additives. Recommendations which are stated below are this for trainers, athletes, parents, medical workers, how to be informed in questions of the choice and application of sports food.

Ask recommendation your attending physician, before the use of additive

Online search of nutritional supplement will result you in abundance of information, and most likely you will face contradictory information which is often published by unskilled persons. You shouldn't purchase doubtful additives in gym. Many professional fitness, for sale of a certain amount of sports additives, put pressure upon gyms, for the purpose of increase in profit. There are even clinics of sports food? Which sponsors are producers of these products, but all this tricks of the companies to sell more than the products? It is important to be acute in information assessment. Experienced athletes recommend talking to the doctor or the druggist before application of sports food to estimate safety of application of this product and to estimate risks of harming an organism. Especially this subject is urgent for athletes with chronic diseases.

For more detailed information on nutritional supplement athletes shall consult at the skilled nutritionist who is the most reliable source of information owing to the education. Also the nutritionist will help to build the plan of food during the precompetitive period.

The skilled nutritionist will help to determine:

  • safety and efficiency of biological additives proceeding from a diet of your food to determine probability of insufficient or excessive acceptance of vitamins and minerals;
  • to estimate potential advantage and harm of sports additive for health of the athlete;
  • to estimate safety of nutritional supplement taking into account a form of additive, its dosage, interaction with food and other nutritional supplements, and also medicines;
  • to estimate chances of receipt of necessary nutrients through regular food;
  • to receive recommendations about nutritional supplements in the period of a diet;
  • assessment of researches on nutrients, recommendations about purchase and places of the choice of sale of nutritional supplements, legal information.
  • Fortunately, many athletes of professional and amateur teams have the skilled nutritionist with whom it is always possible to consult.

Search of sports additives without banned drugs

Independent testing by third-party laboratories can confirm composition of the ingredients listed on labels of nutritional supplements. It is impossible to construct peak of a shape of the body suddenly. Athletes will see off every day, week, month in preparation for competitions, also a lot of time in support of the athlete leaves at trainers, parents, the last that the athlete expects - it is to fill up a doping test because of incorrect composition or finding of banned drug as a part of its nutritional supplement.

Thus any athlete who wants to use dietary supplement in the preparation wants to see on it an approval stamp from independent test laboratory.

Nutritional supplements which passed independent test in third parties provide accuracy of the information, specified on the label, and it in turn allows minimizing risk that we will receive the forbidden ingredient together with additive.

Choose additives which have scientifically proved results.

Purity of dietary additions can be established through testing of independent laboratory, and here this laboratory won't provide efficiency from this additive for this reason it is important to choose additions which have the scientific proved base in researches. You can also like Renisamin.

Learn to read information on composition of nutritional supplement.

On any nutritional supplement there is a label about structure (ingredients) of this product. Before use of this product always read this information and follow application instructions.

If you fell a victim of a fraud or collateral reaction to nutritional supplement.

Any athlete who faced adverse reaction to nutritional supplement shall contact immediately the attending physician or direct the message on effects to a straight line to the hot line of Management of sanitary inspection behind quality of foodstuff and medicines. In the USA this function is performed by FDA.

Danger of use of nutritional supplements

Jessica Hardy, hope of the Olympic Games on swimming, has been caught on positive dope of klenbuterol in 2008. Also positive test has been found as a result of doping check at the Beijing Olympic Games. Though Jessica unconsciously and negligently applied this additive, she has been disqualified for 1 year. Also has been disqualified from the Olympic Games of 2012. Arbitration association and international Olympic committee has considered that such decision was unfair to Hardy and it was authorized to it to participate in the London games where she has won bronze medal in relay 4 x 100 m freestyle the relay and gold medal in 4 x 100 meter potpourris of the relay. Hardy's situation has to teach us responsibly belongs to use of sports additives to exclude all negative risks and consequences of their application.

  • Safety requirements to dietary supplement (dietary supplements)
  • Safety requirement and nutrition value of foodstuff
  • Dietary supplements: harm and side effects
  • Harm of synthetic vitamins

Explanations of scientific research

Though there is a set of scientific research, in most cases as a result of admissible results it is less, than could receive. Therefore estimating the results of researches bound to nutritional supplements it is important to find researches which answer, at least, some of criteria:

Double blind research: in this type of clinical trial, the participating subjects and researchers don't know when experimental drugs were given or the procedure to or is carried out later.

Placebo control: in this method of a research inactive additives (placebo) are given to group of examinees (control group), the second group (experimental group) was given the real additives (not placebo). As a result, the received results of two groups compare among themselves, regarding efficiency of treatment. When it is carried out as a double blind research, this type of a research is considered the gold standard of clinical tests.

Randomized controlled research: objects of research are chosen with the corresponding characteristics, then are in a random way distributed either in experimental, or in control group.

Clinical tests: pilot study with human subjects, the gold standard of clinical test, a double blind research, and placebo control which use in a casual order in experimental or control group.

Large number of subjects of a research: the more subjects pass clinical tests, the results of researches are more reliable.

Replicable researches: when results of a research were replicated reproduced), they will receive more influence.

Statistical value: The result is considered statistically significant when value of probability p-value less than 5% (0.05), it means that an outcome of casual result less than 5%. However we will receive more statistical result at 0.01 and 0.001.


For the last more than 100 years, it was revealed that many alimentary ingredients play an important role in the field of health care and welfare of productivity.

In 2012 100 years of official recognition of the term vitamin C conducting a way through discovery of vitamin of group B of Thiaminum which helps at avitaminosis symptoms (illness of the nervous system caused by a disadvantage of receiving Thiaminum from a food allowance) were executed. Soon, vitamin supplements received the way in track and field athletics, for improvement of productivity and endurance. In the 1920th years by scientists it was established that small consumption of carbohydrates was bound not only with disability to concentrate, and also caused premature fatigue of muscles and a disadvantage of force.

In Asian culture, on an extent more 4-ekh of thousands of years, ingredients from herbs, for strengthening of health and productivity were used. However all advantages of their reception aren't proved yet.

Unfortunately, many athletes don't pass a doping test, because of unreliable information about drug, and recalls of the additives available on the Internet showed that many products contain additives of steroids and stimulators which are forbidden for use in sport.

Use of a set of biological additives in a large number and in common, is unreal and it isn't necessary. Besides, for the last decades the set of clinical tests which show that good results can achieve is observed, accepting only several additional dietary supplements.

Fortunately, recently, producers check the production the independent third-party organizations more carefully to minimize risk from their use. Athletes are recommended to choose only the checked products, and also to warn the doctor or the dietarian before additive use.

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