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Sport pharmacology maximum effect without any damage to health - this is real? Part 3

18 Oct 2016

In my opinion, this article is more of a familiarization character, than giving readers the exact recommendations for the pharmacological provision in this or that situation. The article does not have enough technique the use of drugs in various stages of preparation. The author informs that have different pharmacological agents, for which they are intended, but how to apply them - not said. If the author has tried to offer a methodology (or to share their own experiences with even one of the drugs), to give practical advice to paint the use of certain drugs in certain cases, the material would be more popular. But the information on the use of pharmaceuticals has long acquired a commercial painting, and even the most simple pattern of use costs money, so no one person will not just reveal all the cards.

However, the information in this article has the right to its existence, as written on the basis of already published works and is in its own way an attempt to systematize the existing scientific methodological material. However, in this case it would be better to reinforce the text links to the literature, as is usually done in scientific journals.

Dangers in the use of drugs and methods of their use, mentioned in the article, I do not see. There are just such preparations are no longer available or, for example, those for which now may disqualify. For example, Đhosphadenum you have nowhere to be found in pharmacies, so it can be easily expunged, Mildronate is banned for all kind of sports, and Instenon in some sports such as shooting, now banned by WADA (in ski racing it is not detected, but may disqualify the athlete if there is evidence the use of this drug - ).

If we talk about the need for the use of pharmacological agents in sport, but now everything is already aware that it is an integral part of physical perfection. The question is only, what purpose people engaged in sports. If in order to achieve high sports results, it is obvious that one can not do any highly qualified athlete without pharmacology. If for yourself, that is, for health, everyone defines how it advisable to seek the help of pharmaceuticals. Personally, I do not see anything wrong. If an athlete to aim high, then no pharmacological correction is not enough here. Of course, when it comes to the recovery period, April or May, then it is not as useful if, of course, there is little evidence of medical control, but with an increase in the training, and then the competitive load this need more and more increasing.

Personally, I believe that the use of pharmacological agents in the process of training - it is absolutely normal. Even an ordinary person from time to time it is necessary to use vitamins B, A and E as well as iron, ascorbic acid, etc., To say nothing about the athletes, constantly experiencing great physical exertion? .. Just pharmacological provision should be carried out under the supervision of specialists, and not, as we have made, "the more, the better." It is necessary to use pharmacological agents with intelligence, periodically do blood chemistry control, examined by sports physicians, and then the problems will be less. In a word, I would say that's not so bad use of Pharmacology as uneducated people, and uncontrolled use of various drugs.

I would also like to point out that someone coping with physical activities and shows good result, and someone has already reached its limit and can not continue to develop, and it is necessary, for example, to make a qualitative leap before important competitions. Many athletes, there comes a time when, sooner or later, they are forced to turn to pharmacology, including forbidden to continue to improve. When an athlete realizes that his own forces and the reserves of the body it is not enough to achieve the desired result, it is inevitable. In such cases, often the person and starts taking illegal drugs and exceed the standards of what is permitted for the body.

Here the author, for example, writes: "The athlete receiving a doping consciously, does not understand what harm it causes to their health." No, he knows, and he goes to consciously take this risk, because he has great, with nothing comparable to the desire to achieve a good result. Health - this is not important, but he does not believe that something could happen to him. He gets a kick out of it stronger than the other, from the fact that he stands on the podium above, it receives the highest moral satisfaction, that he would never bring awareness of themselves just a healthy person. But this is not a "victim". He has no regrets about the dangers to health. It's just that professional athletes completely different psychology. It comes to them consciously. They are working on the result. Deprivation of opportunity to improve and fight for the medals can lead to disastrous consequences: remember the tragedy of the famous Italian cyclist Marco Pontani, committed suicide at the age of 34, due to the fact that he was first tortured doping test and then banned from performing in the competition.

The article also contains the following words: "Sport Pharmacology - a reasonable alternative to doping." You know, maybe I'll tell you a shocking thing, but not always a drug conjugate to harm health. My very dear colleague, Sergey V. Erdakov all his life to cycling and who has spearheaded the emergence of professional cycling races in Russia, has analyzed the longevity of athletes who participated in the largest cycling world. They were 50-70-ies, it had not yet had such control of doping, as it is now, so athletes are used in the preparation of everything that could be used. It turned out that the winners of major races like the Giro d'Italia, Tour de France et al., Lived almost to 90-100 years old! What has been said in some way leads to the conclusion that the use of performance-enhancing drugs - is not always harmful to the human body. Referring to the observations of the day, the use of performance-enhancing drugs, namely, illegal drugs, including erythropoietin, anabolic steroids had no effect on childbearing and life expectancy of the famous athletes, including Russian skiers.

Of course, a moral and ethical point of view, the use of illegal drugs is wrong and dishonest act against other athletes, but life practice dictates strict rules ... Doping remains always on the conscience of the athlete.

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