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Sport pharmacology maximum effect without any damage to health - this is real? (Continue)

18 Oct 2016

Recovery period

In the recovery period, which lasts from about April to June, it is important to give your body rest and recover after a long ski season. This is the only time of year when the conscious skier can afford, say, eat a sandwich with butter, soup with sour cream, as well as the train gently (at the same time it is necessary to ensure that the weight does not exceed the "combat" rate more than 3.5 kg). In addition to physical recovery, this is the place to be unloaded and moral: do not have to constantly think about the competitions, about training plans - you just enjoy waking up from winter sleep outdoors gradually to get used to the Cross and forget about all the intensity. In the spring it is not necessary to hurry - in the summer you have "oncoming" and do not have time to look back, as will jump simulation.

In terms of pharmacological maintenance comes to the fore removing "toxins" from the body that have accumulated as a result of heavy training and competitive pressures, as well as due to the use of pharmacological agents for the entire year. A significant part of the "toxins" accumulated in the liver, so it is advisable to carry out preventive course of hepato-protective drugs. Much attention should be paid to saturate the body with vitamins and a variety of bio-elements. To solve these problems apply vitamins A and E that contribute to the stimulation of certain Detox processes and the synthesis of some hormones. Vitamin C, which is used to accelerate the adaptation to physical stress and for the purpose of preventing beriberi. For women, we can recommend the drug Ferrîplåõ (Hungary), in addition to containing Ascorbic Acid, iron ions. Some vitamin complexes help to normalize the flow of biochemical reactions in the body, prevent the development of beriberi, others - are specialized sports preparations containing vitamin complex along with a balanced trace element composition. Their application is the recovery period is the most preferred.

Accelerating adaptation to stress and normalization of the functional state of organs and systems facilitates the reception of Adaptogens such as Safinor, Ginseng, Siberian ginseng, devil's-club. Admission of Adaptogens should be started 3-4 days before the start of training, duration of supplementation is usually 10 to 12 days. Calming and sleeping medicines used in this period, mainly for the treatment of CNS suppression and surge syndrome, after considerable psycho-emotional overload that occurred during the season. Valerian roots can be used (as in tablet form or in the form of infusions), Motherwort Infusion, Afobazol and some other anti-anxiety drugs.

With a view to the normalization of metabolism in the recovery period for the regulation of the functional state of organs and systems, to speed up the rehabilitation of athletes is prescribed as a rule, the following drugs: Riboxin (Inosine), Cocarboxylase, Essentiale, hepato-protectors Allochol, Legalon and others.

Preparation Period

But over the spring and you have to rearrange the attachment with skis on rollers. This means nothing else than the fact that the summer came - preparation stage, referred to as basic or preparatory. From June to September skiers inject a horse, because, as they say, "that have built up in the summer - it will show in the winter." This period is characterized by the highest saturation of pharmacological, since there is a high probability overload body.

In the preparatory period it continued taking vitamins, although it is advisable to make a 8-10-day break. Well, if an athlete has the opportunity to start taking a new drug.

From individual vitamins expedient appointment Ñîbàmàmid and vitamins B complex that enhances the synthesis and prevent the collapse of the muscle proteins. Also, B vitamins act as cofactors in various enzyme systems associated with the oxidation of energy supply and the formation of products. In the preparatory period recommended the appointment of some drugs with antioxidant properties - Encephabol, Mildronate, Ubione, Alpha-Tocopherol Acetate, Gammalon, Lipoic acid, Sodium Succinate. Taking these drugs contributes to the synthesis of ATP in the brain, stimulates cellular respiration, has anti-hypoxic action (which is especially useful during training in conditions of middle) enhances emotional stability and physical performance of athletes.

What is the "anti-oxidant" and "anti-hypoxic" action? Oxygen is z vitally necessary element, but it is very active and easily reacts with many substances, including harmful to the human body. In the process of cellular respiration, energy authorizing body, some oxygen molecules react, resulting in the formation strong oxidants (free radicals) such as superoxide and hydrogen peroxide. They are unstable compounds rich in the "extra" energy, so getting into certain cells in the body, they come in a variety of reactions that disrupt the normal functioning of these cells. Danger them is that they damage the "healthy" molecules involved in metabolism, alter DNA structure, in which the genetic information is stored, are involved in the synthesis of the harmful cholesterol. It is believed that thereby the free radicals may contribute to diseases such as cancer and atherosclerosis. Scientists also believe that the damage caused by free radicals is the basis for the aging process.

High physical activity, especially in professional sports, leading to an increase in the number of free radicals in the body, which affects the strength, endurance, recovery time. The antioxidant effect of certain pharmacological agents just aimed at neutralizing free radicals. For this purpose, it is recommended to use an additive containing manganese, zinc, copper, selenium and vitamins C, E, B2, B3, B6 and beta-carotene. Also, sources of antioxidants may be, for example, plants (blueberry and grape seeds), germinated grains and fresh fruits and vegetables. It is also an important role in protecting the body from the harmful effects of hypoxia play anti-hypoxant: Actovegin, Solcoseryl, Sodium Oxybutirate, Olyphenum (Hypoxenum), Cytochrom C.

During the developing of physical activity is very useful medications that regulate the exchange of plastic, ie, stimulating protein synthesis in muscle cells, contributing to an increase in muscle mass. This group of so-called anabolic agents include Ecdisten, Carnitine Chloride, Carnitini chloridum and others. Although steroid structure Ecdisten devoids of side effects of testosterone preparations and anabolic steroids. Even long-term use of it does not affect the content of the main hormones of the body. Ecdisten desirably used in combination with B vitamins or a multivitamin complexes.

The preparatory phase of the annual cycle of training is characterized by significant volume and intensity of training loads. That is why the reception of immunomodulators in this period is a prerequisite to prevent disruption of the immune system. The most affordable and common in our country are such nonspecific immunomodulating agents like mummy, honey (cell, preferably in an old dark cells), pollen, as well as all known Immunal. The most important condition for their applicability is fasting (preferably in the morning). However, we must remember that immunomodulatory drugs are particularly important in the precompetitive and especially in the competitive period of training, when the body's immune system is weakened due to the acquisition of the physical form. In those moments when we are "at the peak", the slightest infection or a common cold can be the beginning of the disease.

Precompetitive Period

From October begins the period of preparation for precompetitive period for skier racing, when he gets up in the snow. This period lasts until December-January and in terms of pharmacological support is characterized by a significant narrowing of the spectrum of the drugs. It is recommended to reduce the intake of multivitamins (possibly better to change the drug used). From individual vitamins and coenzymes again expedient appointment of Ñîbàmàmidum to prevent the fall of muscle mass and Cocarboxylase the purpose of the regulation of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, as well as vitamin C.

At the beginning of precompetitive period can be recommended is already familiar to us from the preparatory period of preparations, such as Mildronate, Ecdysten, Carnitine Chloride, Sodium Succinate, etc.

But the dosage should not exceed 1/2 of the dose of the preparatory period. For 5-7 days before the competition, these drugs should be abolished. In the second half of the precompetitive period (8-10 days before the start) we recommend taking adaptogens and energy-rich products: Mildronate, ATP Fosfobion, Creatine, Ðhosphaden, Neoton etc. If adaptogens help to accelerate the processes of adaptation to changing environmental conditions (because of competition usually occur on leaving the country, the country, city, etc.) and accelerating the recovery process, the high power products and preparations you can create an "energy depot ', promote the synthesis of ATP and improving muscle contractile capacity.

It should be noted that there are also physiological anabolism stimulators ( "fusion"), for example, short-term fasting (no more than 24 hours) and cold load, which promotes protein synthesis in the body and increase muscle strength. As a result of cold adaptation increased parasympathetic tone with increased Acetylcholine synthesis, which is a major mediator of the neuromuscular system (Choline Chloride - acetylcholine precursor, reinforcing structures cholinergic activity) increases the level of adrenaline and Noradrenaline, which leads to improving anabolism. And under the first method refers to a 24-hour break between meals, for example, from breakfast to lunch, which is a potent stimulator of the release of Growth Hormone, whose level remains elevated for some time after the start of supply. As a result of the day following the day of fasting, a small weight loss is fully compensated, and the next day there is supercompensation - number of structural proteins of the body exceeds that number to starvation. A similar method is used with skiers in order to maximize the storage of glycogen before important competitions, which we will discuss in the chapter "Sports Nutrition" in the next issue. But experts agree that you should not just take a chance and apply these methods to the important starts. First we need to understand how the body reacts to them.

Competition Period

The most responsible for the skier's time - is the period from January to March, called the competition period, when the training schedule is extremely full of important competitions and by an athlete requires the maximum result. This stage is fully shows whether you have prepared in the summer sled or not ... The middle of winter and the beginning of spring - a time when the number of used pharmaceuticals even more reduced. Of these groups in pharmacological ensuring competition period only saved Adaptogens, energy products and intermediates (Mildronate, ATP Ðhosphaden, Fosfobion, Inosine, Riboxin, Neoton, Creatine Phosphate) and minimal doses of vitamins (must be present vitamins E, C, B1). Vitamin E is found in muscle and fat. Its function is not well understood. It is known that it enhances the activity of vitamins A and C, preventing their oxidation. The most significant of its function is an anti-oxidant action. A significant part of the athletes, obviously consume large doses of this vitamin on the basis of the assumption that it has a positive effect on muscle activity due to its interaction with oxygen transport and energy supply. However, according to experts, long-term use of vitamin E is not conducive to this. Complex application of these pharmaceutical drugs can accelerate the recovery processes between starts, provides high contractile ability of muscle fibers, it helps to stimulate the processes of cellular respiration.

For purely competitive pharmacological agents are Actoprotectors - drugs, not so long ago fallen into the arsenal of sports pharmacology, but has been widely recognized: Sodium Succinate, Limontar (a derivative of Citric and Succinic Acids), Bromentane, Ladasten. Actoprotectors prevent the emergence of disorders of metabolism (metabolism) in the body at the time of exercise, stimulate cellular respiration and promote energy-enhanced synthesis of compounds (ATP, phosphocreatine). Under the action Actoprotectors increased glycogen content in muscles, liver and heart. Tanacan is an actoprotector, and it operates in many ways, allowing you to identify themselves as Adaptogens and antioxidants and nootropics too. If its application is marked by performance improvement, reducing irritability and nervousness home, increase concentration, normalization of sleep.

Neoton (phosphocreatine drug) Adenylic Acid and Ðhosphadenum, Cardiomone, Fosfostimol (ATP fragment stimulates the synthesis of nucleotides, enhances Redox processes, serves as an energy supplier) are versatile sources of energy, and therefore most effective in competitive practices and on the stages of the training process, where It aims at developing a high-speed endurance, and there is a significant proportion of the work in the anaerobic mode. ATP contained in the muscle enough for the operation of no more than 0.5 seconds, so when the muscle uses energy other caged high-energy phosphates (phosphagens). These are just above drugs. Phosphocreatine, as a source of energy for muscle contraction, is leading the work in the anaerobic zone alactic power when its reserves in the muscle cell limit the duration and intensity of work.

In the competitive period are particularly relevant antihypoxants - a class of compounds that increase the body's resistance to lack of oxygen. From this group of drugs attracts the attention of an exceptionally strong antihypoxants Sodium Oxybutirate and Mildronate. It activates the anoxic oxidation of energy substrates and reduces the body's need for oxygen, which is particularly important during the race. In addition, Sodium Oxybutirate itself capable cleaved to form the energy stored in the form of ATP. Thanks to all of its properties, it is currently the most effective means for the development of endurance (by the way, in addition to this, it has a strong adaptive and anti-stress effect, which allows it to carry medicines designed to help with CNS overvoltage). In antihypoxants group are also included: cytochrome C, Actovegin, Olyphenum (Hypoxenum).

The question of support for the immune system is the most important in this period, since the entry into peak shape athlete immunity suffers most. Significantly increases the risk of acute respiratory infection and flu. Because drugs can be identified Echinacea (Immunal), vitamin C, honey, pollen, mummy, Imunofan, Beres Drops Plus and others. If you are still sick, the pharmacies you can find multitudes of various drugs, "good" flu and colds are the most common diseases worldwide. In addition to proper nutrition can not only speed up recovery, but also to prevent the development of complications. During the period of high temperature, the decrease in the enzymatic activity of the gastrointestinal tract, and therefore, in the first days of the disease it is recommended unloading diet. Later shows full, rich in vitamins, macro- and microelements nutrition. Recommended mainly dairy and vegetable diet. Copious warm drink - warm milk with an alkaline mineral water. To reduce the toxicity is necessary to use large amounts of fluids (1500-1700 ml) and a sufficient amount of vitamins, especially C, P, A and carotene. Vitamins C and E strengthen the walls of blood vessels, so it is useful saturation diet foods rich and the other vitamins (eg, rose hips, black currants, cranberries, cranberry, chokeberry, lemons, etc.). Oh, and do not forget the folk remedies! For example, all known for its antibacterial properties and more garlic helps maintain the health of the circulatory system and can lower blood cholesterol levels.

Regular exercise leads to increased risk of iron deficiency in the body of an athlete and the development of so-called "athlete's anemia." The hemoglobin concentration of an athlete than 140 g / l is regarded as a sign of clinical anemia. Up to a certain stage of iron deficiency is compensated for by the body, but in terms of "peak" loads of training and competition, this compensation becomes insufficient, in connection with which there is a rapid reduction in the special performance. An example of a course of saturation: Aktiferrin (1 capsule daily - 20 days.) Ferrîplåõ (2 capsules 2 p per day - 25 days..), Fenules (1 capsule 2 p per day - 25 days..), Totem and veal beef liver.

In conclusion I would say that the main means of improving athletic performance training will remain forever. A large number of pharmacological agents at low loads and irresponsible attitude to physical pursuits will never lead to a higher purpose. This chapter is written for people who are training hard and need the support of the body. We must remember that drugs used athlete, always come together to interact, which can predict an ordinary skier, so assign them in any case can only qualified sports doctor. If you use a large amount of drugs - it does not mean that their action will go to you solely for the benefit. In more than five items of their effect is unpredictable, so please be careful and always consult with a sports doctor!

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