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Sport food with guarana

23 Aug 2017

Guarana in sports nutrition is often used to improve the tone and strength of athletes. This medicinal plant perfectly copes with hypotonic tendencies, chronic weakness and rapid fatigue. The medicinal product, which is part of the preparation of Simpatoterm Lux, neutralizes the asthenic syndrome of psychological and physiological origin.

Sports nutrition with guarana is an excellent stimulant. A useful tool containing an elevated level of caffeine helps athletes to successfully cope with intense training and not lose intellectual activity. The seed extract has a positive effect on concentration and memory.

Indications for using guarana in sports

Guarana in sports is used quite often, because it is both an effective and safe tool with components of plant origin. Biologically active additives with this component are usually recommended for people suffering from:

Insufficient strength and endurance, a decrease in the working capacity of the body with regular physical and mental loads;

Consequences of severe stress and psychoemotional shocks;

Insufficient acuity of thinking;

Increased nervous excitability and irritability;

Chronic fatigue syndrome, immune deficiency and reduced appetite;

A difficult period of rehabilitation after surgery.

The effect of guarana on the body of an athlete

Guarana for athletes has a range of health-improving effects that allow not only to improve overall health, but also the physical form. Natural caffeine, which can be found in such traditional drinks as tea and coffee, is a natural stimulant of the central nervous system. The drug has a slight diuretic effect, relieving swelling and normalizing the work of the heart muscle.

Regular intake of sports nutrition with guarana helps to accelerate the exchange mechanisms, increase stress resistance and eliminate depressive symptoms. Supplements Simpatoterm Lux, which includes an extract of fruit and plant seeds, is often used to prevent vascular pathologies and diseases of the prostate.

To athletes Guarana helps to maintain optimal weight. Regular intake of the drug allows you to normalize energy consumption and increase the rate of fat burning.

The benefit and harm of guarana for athletes

The benefit and harm of guarana is largely determined by the dosage of the drug. If a person takes a doctor's prescribed amount of medication for a certain course, he will not experience any side effects.

When an overdose of the drug or the presence of an increased sensitivity of the body to components of guarana, in some patients may rise in arterial pressure, increased anxiety, insomnia and headaches. These side effects are extremely rare when properly applied sports doobok.

The benefits of guarana are confirmed by numerous positive reviews of doctors.

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