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Some words about Doping in Sports

14 Oct 2016

To date, the use of performance-enhancing drugs has become one of the most pressing problems in the world sports movement. Doping scandals occur in front of billions of viewers, and cause irreparable damage to the reputation of the state and the entire sport.

If twenty years ago from the competition send individual athletes, but now we have the whole teams kicked. Way out of this critical situation is seen, above all, in the change of public opinion in this area. Society must change its position in relation to the athletes and sports pharmacology, otherwise this war will not be the winners - will lose everything: sport and spectators.

According to the World Anti-Doping Agency and Interpol, the illegal trafficking of doping chief - anabolic steroids - already exceeds the turnover of criminal sale of drugs (buy mildronate). Vyacheslav Fetisov emphasizes that "doping consumers are millions of people, not only and not so much in the sport. Industry dietary supplements for weight loss, all kinds of "magic" potions to rejuvenate and recuperate, bodybuilding, fitness, extreme sports that are so popular among young people - this is not a complete list of the huge market for a variety of performance-enhancing drugs. Millions of consumers, inspired by the idea of a quick transformation, risk to their health.

In addition, according to social psychologists, the model of "doping conduct" when a person decides their sporting challenges with the help of syringe and tablets - a direct route to drug behaviors. Not for nothing particularly alarming in developed countries is the penetration in the youth sport a special form of doping - soft drugs: amphetamines, marijuana, hallucinogens.

Documents aimed at the fight against doping, ratified by most countries, including Russia, provide a range of mandatory measures: organization of anti-doping services of law need some changes, the fight against drug trafficking.

One of the major tasks in anti-doping work is the development and implementation of information and educational programs that focus not only on the athletes, coaches and doctors, but also in the general population. The fact that the West is called the program zero tolerance - zero tolerance. This set of special programs, which are to form a person is stable-intolerant attitude to doping.

At the same time, as the head of the Medical Centre of the Continental Hockey League (KHL) Nikolai Dopes "qualified doctors to work with doping problems today are lacking, but the fundamentals of the Anti-Doping literacy should be taught not only to doctors but also, first and foremost , physical education teachers. Speaking of sports doping, we are the last to have to think about elite sport, but first of all - the children who play sports and are at risk. Doping and ideologically, and intersect with drug nomenclature. It is exactly the same social problem that must be solved. "

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