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Some Facts About Mildronate 8

08 Oct 2016

Can be Mildronate injected intramuscularly, and what will be the effect?

Yes. Mildronate injection would start work better and quickly!

And what is a reception rate for a hockey player 14 years? The season lasts from August to April, daily training, one day off per week.

Take Mildronate 250 mg pills 2 times a day. Course will be for 3-4 weeks. Then take a break for 3 weeks.

Today at five in the evening I have a competition, relay race 500 meters, in the morning drank 4 capsules of 250 mg Mildronate !!!! Can I take more still? and when? 29 years old, height 169, weight 56!

You can take about 1000 mg of Mildronate. But to feel the result you should start to take Meldonium 2-3 weeks before race.

I do boxing and a little iron, began to take Meldonium 2 in the morning and 2 before training in general 1gr. per day Is it ok?.

Good. You can take Mildronate 500 mg pills (Meldonium) 20 min before eating or 20 min after eating.

I am doing sports involved at amateur fights if I could drink Meldonium and what dose to use?

Yes, you can take Mildronate 500 mg. Drink up to 1000mg of Meldonium per day, morning and afternoon, you can take 6-7 weeks, then for the same period make a break.

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