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Some Facts About Mildronate 4

08 Oct 2016

And another question, what drugs can suggest I have a very huge exercise training five hours or more! It is necessary to strengthen the brain and of the muscles as much as possible to keep in good shape! What can you advise?

Tribulus and creatine. Phenotropil and Mildronate. Creatine drink one teaspoon twice a day. Tribulus at 1500-2000 mg per day. Mildronate 500 mg twice a day, Phenotropil 1-2 tablets per day.

Can one combine usage of Meldonium together with the amino acids and l-Carnitine!?

It’s possible. But Mildronate, in simple terms, is the antipode of Carnitine. Mildronate activates glycolysis – it means body getting energy from glucose. While Carnitine is a contrary "displaces" this process. Carnitine activates the production of energy from fatty acids by inhibiting the synthesis of glucose. So applying Carnitine and Mildronate together you can face by two contradictory features of the drug. Amino acids - please, even though one with another. A Mildronate with Cartnitine mix certainly will not do any harm, but they will kill each other's effect.

Whether it is possible to do so? 2 months to drink Creatine, and a month of rest from Creatine drink Meldonium, and so alternate?

It’s possible.

I'm a fighter. I want to buy Meldonium that would be tougher. I take 5 times a week and fight 2 times iron. Plus I work as a taxi driver from 7 am to 6 pm. I want take Mildronate orally. Tell me how soon I will feel the effect of Meldonium? And I'll be tougher and stronger?

It will work in 5-6 days, at a normal rate.

I am 43 years old, I weight 117 kg

Question: I am engaged in CROSSFIT 2 days + 2 days of the marathon 12 km + 2 days rocking.

Training is very dense, Mexidol + Mildronate, prompt how to take it?

See with Mildronate neater, doping control does not sleep, so as not turned out as Povetkin))) Mildronate 500mg take twice a day. Mexidol take 250 mg three times a day for 6-7 weeks.

I train 3 times – race, room 3 times - boxing. My force is not enough. Please advise reception Mildronate scheme. And yet - whether after the break to repeat the course of 2-3 weeks, followed by 2-3 weeks of vacation again and so on to infinity?

Yes, you can. Take 500 mg of Meldonium twice a day. But over time it will still have to give up for a long time, as the body gets used to the drug

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