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Some Facts About Mildronate 15

08 Oct 2016

I understand why Mildronate could and should be taken together with Carnitine!

Mildronate "prevents" generation only of Carnitine, which is synthesized in the body (and its only a 10% or so, in general, small) while that Meldonium does: that of which would be to synthesize Carnitine (GBB substance) accumulated and stimulates the formation of an important matter that affects the condition of vessels - increases the production of nitric oxide. Accordingly, the vessels dilate, improving blood circulation !!! So Carnitine helps (with normal blood supply) will use the fatty acids as the main source of energy, and Mildronate provides blood flow by more advanced (so to speak) vessels. It turns out that Meldonium weakly competes with Carnitine, but allows fats to burn faster and more completely because increased blood flow brings the right amount of oxygen and prevents cell death from "unburned" full fat.

+ Mildronaet only one who removes harmful metabolite Carntine - TMAO (trimetilaminooksid), which is formed when excess Carnitine intake. TMAO is seen in the effect on the progression of atherosclerotic vascular lesions.

It turns out that Mildronate increases the effectiveness of training and Carnitine + action deals with prevention of atherosclerosis.

About the fact that it helps to recover as quickly Lactic acid does not have time to form, or quickly consumed what we already know.

Good analysis. I'm just afraid of side effects, I have big burden on the training took Carnitine and Mildronate and drank together, I began to learn whether they can drink together, and some say it can not be ...

I took injections the first day. Look of its impact on training!

Yes, it is a Good meds!

I want to do a course of Leuzea, Trimethasidine and Mildronate. Can I?

Leuzea and Mildronat can be used together. And about trimetazidine - I do not know.

What are the differences in the mechanism of action of Mildronate and L-carnitine?

I do not want to go into biochemistry. Just Carnitine helps transport fatty acids. Mildronate helps restore the body after exercise. In short, they are used for different purposes. Mildronate inhibits the synthesis of Carnitine. Carnitine fatty acids promotes delivery to mitochondria. Both are involved in the formation of ATP, in energy production and are anti-hypoxic agents. But if Meldonium inhibits the synthesis of Carnitine, so they are antagonists? Why, then, they were both involved in the ATP formation? Why is the end result these drugs is the same - increase efficiency, endurance (I understand that there is also an anabolic and fat burning effect in Carnitine and vasodilator in Mildronate)? But in sports, both apply. Is it possible to use them at the same time?

if Mildronate slows the synthesis of Carnitine, it would be a good idea to take along with it, and carnitine.

Is it possible to combine Mildronate 500mg pills and fat burner Oxyelite pro?

It’s possible. 

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