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Sociology of emotions

01 Dec 2016

Psychologist Dr. Doping tells about social conditioning emotions, Marxist book on the flight attendants and over-socialization.

Despite the fact that the emotions associated with the psychology of personality and internal processes in at least two senses emotions - it is deeply social phenomenon. Firstly, the emotions are tested in accordance with certain rules. When we follow the other, look around, we see that what we are experiencing quite regulated society. Some emotions are considered to be appropriate, and if people do not feel, they are blamed for the fact that they were on someone's birthday, while they themselves sit with a boring view. Or someone's funeral, sitting with a cheerful air - it's even worse. Some emotions, thus, considered to be appropriate, some - irrelevant. Some approved, some not approved.

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Hoffman has written several articles about the social origins of embarrassment, shame and passion. Hoffman, in particular, tried to revise the outlook on the emotions as something that is a direct expression of the individual. Instead, consider offering them a direct expression of the situation. The typical emotions such as confusion arises because some varieties of role conflict. For example, what we call confusion manifests a situation where an individual discovers that he is forced to play two incompatible roles simultaneously. A typical situation for embarrassment: an employee-man went to a topless bar and met his superior. Although he knows how to behave in a topless bar, he knows how to behave with the boss, but he does not know how to behave with the boss, encountered in a topless bar, because they are two completely different behavioral register.

Any situation shall determine the qualities of the people staying in it. It has an official definition. People know about what is happening here and now. In addition to this official definition, they may know, guess to suggest any implication. They know what the role of the advocate, they know what is called the rules of relevance. They know that is outside the role. They know what part of their "I" in this situation should not occur in principle, even if in a different situation this part of the "I" is quite possible and quite relevant. At the moment when it is found that this second part of the "I" wants to return despite the fact that it is displaced, they experience uncomfortable growing. A typical generator awkwardness in everyday interactions - that's all that relates to the field of marriage and find a mutual courtship.

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