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26 Dec 2016

Sinbiotics are drugs received as a result of rational combination of probiotics and prebiotics that increases their efficiency. This new generation of the bacterial drugs of complex action containing a lactulose, vitamins, sorbents, antioxidants, fatty acids, immune stimulators.

Carry some dietary supplements which are a part of a functional delivery, enriched with one or several strains of representatives of the sorts Lactobacillus and/or Bifidobacterium to sinbiotics.

Representatives of sinbiotics. In Russia 3 drugs are known:

  • biovestin-lakto, sorderzhashchiya bifidogen factors and biomass of B. bifidum, B. adolescentis, L. plantarum;
  • maltidofilus, containing maltodextrin and biomass of B. bifidum, L. acidîphilus, L. bulgaricus;
  • bifido-tank including fruktooligosakharida from girasol and complex from bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, laminolact, containing amino acids, pectins, sea cabbage and enterococci.

Also it is necessary to mention filtrum, lactofiltrum, bifiliz, polyfitokhol, ecstralact, etc.

Complexity of designing of biological preparations of multi specific structure consists not only in purposeful selection of strains with certain properties, but also in studying of their compatibility for creation of consortia of microorganisms. You can also like Epifamin.

Properties of the making sinbiotic frame the multi-component system of protection allowing to ensure safety of a homeostasis taking into account individual disturbances. These drugs promote not only to improvement of a microbial landscape of an intestine, but also normalization of exchange of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, the correct absorption of vitamins, micro and macrocells, to depression of maintenance of Histaminum, absorption of toxic substances in intestine.


Bifiliz contains teleorgánic bifidobacteria in a dose 108 WHICH and 10 mg of lysozyme. The optimum combination of bifidobacteria and lysozyme strengthens medical action of each component in this sinbiotic. It allows to apply it at more severe forms of a disease and to limit at the same time use of antibiotics for treatment of intestinal infections.

Bifiliz is intended for use for adults and children of all age groups since first days of life for:

  • treatments and prophylaxes of dysbacteriosis of various genesis and dysfunctions of an intestine: at patients with secondary immunodeficiency, including against the background of and after cytostatic therapy; at serious infectious and inflammatory it is also purulent - septic diseases, against the background of and after use of antibiotics of a wide range;
  • treatments of acute intestinal infections of a bacterial etiology, including dysentery, salmonellosis, alimentary toxinfections, especially at the expressed phenomena of intoxication and an intolerance of antibiotics;
  • treatments of the acute and chronic nonspecific inflammatory diseases of a digestive tube which are followed by oppression of reparative processes of a mucosa of an intestine;
  • preventions of infectious and destructive complications (including an ulcerative and necrotic colitis) in intensive care units of newborns, at prematurely born children with the burdened premorbidal background, at the admixed pathology (infectious and inflammatory diseases, threat of a sepsis, an oligotrophy, anemia, exudative diathesis, etc.) against the background of an intensive care.

For prophylaxis the disbiotichesc shifts we use drug till 10-15 E morning on an empty stomach within 4 weeks with an interval of 3 months.


Sinbiotik Bilactin deserves special attention. It hopefully proved in system of pharmacological providing athletes of the top skills.

Drug basis is two unique strains of bacteria of Enterococcus faecium which are a part of natural intestinal micro flora of the person. These strains actively produce a L-form of lactic acid, they are strong antagonists of a series of opportunistic and pathogenic microorganisms.

The carried-out complex of preclinical and clinical tests showed high specific activity of bilactin as an agent of adaptation to exercise stresses of high intensity and duration, a barometric hypoxia, to thermal and other extreme factors.

Course of 10-30 days, after 1 cap. 3 times a day with nutrition during food to persons of adult age.

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