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22 Nov 2016

Silodrol is a new anabolic additive from producers of Anastan. The producer presents silodrol as a blocker of miostatin, however efficiency completely is absent.

Silodrol is a new anabolic additive

Description of the producer

The last developments of scientists proved what miostanin limits muscle growth. Miostatin was open relatively recently, but thanks to this opening is made what scientific break never before was. And now, using a blocker of a miostatin, it is possible to increase amount of muscle fibers naturally that will provide significant increase in muscle bulk, to reach heights of which couldn't dream.

Silodrol is the medicine of new generation providing the improbable growth of muscle bulk incomparable with effects of acceptance of synthetic and natural anabolic medicines. On extents of several years researches were conducted, also the famous bodybuilders, on the end of experiences were among examinees, it was revealed that the majority of researched had the low level of synthesis of Miostatin. And the gene providing synthesis of miostatin is responsible as well for production of protein which regulates a set of muscle bulk. In other words, having reached a certain muscle bulk, miostatin interferes with its further increase. And no physical exercises what force and intensity they wouldn't be will help you to reach a theoretical maximum until miostatinit is block or at least its level won't be reduced. But thanks to application of our product, you can achieve desirable results. SiloDrol is the most effective blocker of miostatin.

Additive Silodrol represents extract of a sea plant (Cystoseira canariensis) which is one of a kind of yellow seaweed, and found by the Spanish biochemists of Las Palmas university during their scientific researches.

This opening provided revolutionary jump thanks to which, each athlete can achieve desirable results on a set of muscle bulk since the protein interfering its set will be blocked. Principle of work of medicine:

Silodrol blocks action of miostatin because chemically contacts it. After miostatin will be blocked, myoblasts will begin to share actively, thereby increasing the quantity and forming new muscle fibers that will provide significant increase in muscle bulk.

Application instruction:

2 Silodrol capsules in the morning and 2 capsules at noon, washing down with a glass of water or juice. Before acceptance consultation of the attending physician is necessary.

Assessment of the expert

Medicine Silodrol succeeded the well-known Anastan which is perceived for a long time by nobody seriously. It is worth noticing that the product isn't medicine and extends as dietary supplement, provided that confirmation of the fact that it is effective isn't required.

The name is constituted so that to emphasize emphasis on the word "force" and "-drol" - the popular termination associated with anabolic steroids. One of the Best Nooropic drug is Cerebrolysin.

What is characteristic, the producer doesn't wish to reveal himself therefore as on the website of Anastan, and Silodrola firms off takers are specified (LLC Tekhnologii budushchego and ISR pharmaceuticals respectively), however actually issues them LLC Inat Pharm which is mentioned only in documents.

Everything becomes clear at first sight when in structure the main operating component is visible: Cystoseira canariensis, the rest even don't cost mentioning (useless extracts, flower pollen and fillers).

The researches executed by Dzhordzhei Niffis, professor of Institute of National Health (the USA, the State of Ohio) authentically found out that the anabolic properties attributed to sports food on the basis of Cystoseira canariensis - no more, than the advertizing course. In the course of the experiment it became clear that even in quantity in 50 times more recommended these additives had no significant effect on growth of muscle bulk.

One more experimental work was performed by Willoughby DS (Effects of an alleged miostatin -binding supplement and heavy resistance training on serum miostatin, muscle strength and mass, and body composition. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. 2004 Aug; 14(4):461-72.). In a research within 12 weeks one of two groups of equally training and eating people accepted additive with Cystoseira canariensis. As a result of any distinctions on physical indicators and concentration of miostatin it wasn't revealed. What allowed to draw a conclusion on total absence of effect.

All modern antagonists of miostatin of the proteinaceous nature, therefore they aren't accepted inside as in this case active agent would be inevitably destroyed by digestive enzymes.

If you want to laugh a little, then can come to read feedbacks about Silodrole on the official site - Silodrol (feedbacks). Certainly you won't meet any negative there, but similar is a lot of.

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