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Side effects of steroids

19 Oct 2016

Objective assessment of side effects EXPERT. Misinformation of media

For anybody not a secret that anabolic steroids are one of the most effective remedies for a set of dry muscle bulk and increase in force. However, many don't know even half of side effects and the most important as it is possible to fight with them. In this article we will try not only to describe the main side effects of steroids, but also to give a practical advice on decrease in harm from steroids.

It is worth noticing that the majority of negative effects can be prevented if to observe the simple recommendations connected, first of all, with the choice of medicines, rate duration, doses and PCT (postcourse therapy). All data are taken from authoritative foreign sources which are listed in notes.

General measures on prophylaxis of harm

  • Not to use high doses of drugs
  • Not to do high-androgenic courses 12-16 weeks are more long
  • To choose the EXPERT which to a lesser extent suppress secretion of endogenic Testosteron-Depotum (at the same time it is necessary to understand that long reception of any anabolic steroid inevitably leads to its full stopping)
  • To give preference to agents which aren't toxic for a liver
  • To control blood indicators, the hormonal status, biochemical indicators on a constant basis
  • To use anti-estrogens, for restoration of secretion of Testosteron-Depotum and prophylaxis of a gynecomastia

Contraindications to reception of steroids

  • Don't use anabolic steroids aged more young than 25 years as at young age they can do irreversible harm: changes of a hormonal background and a stunt, as a result of closing of zones of body height of bones.
  • Use of steroids by women isn't recommended. The masculanization is irreversible.
  • Heart diseases are also absolute contraindication, so administration of drugs can lead to a disease exacerbation.
  • Renal and liver failure
  • Noncompensated arterial hypertension
  • Benign tumor of a prostate
  • The expressed atherosclerosis

Private cases

Suppression of production of own testosterone

The inhibition of secretion of endogenous testosterone is an inevitable consequence of acceptance of anabolic means. When entering hormones in an organism, there is a signal to endocrine system of excessive increase in their concentration in plasma that in turn leads to suppression of their products in testicles.

It is a so-called feedback mechanism. The organism constantly aims at a homeostasis and if concentration of this or that hormone begins to increase, receptors fix it and the endocrine system reduces products of this hormone to recover endocrine balance. Thus secretion practically of all hormones is regulated.

In the provided drawings it is visible that in case of increase in concentration of a nandrolon in blood, testosterone level in plasma begins to decrease specularly, then there is the return process.


Fortunately this side effect has reversible character. To minimize harm of steroids it is necessary to use a gonadotrophin - it means is capable to increase effectively products of own testosterone, and also to prevent an atrophy of testicles.

In our organism FSG (follikulostimuliruyushchy hormone) and LH (lyuteiniziruyushchy hormone) is developed constantly, they support function of testicles (both a spermatogenesis, and development of endogenous testosterone). During a steroid rate development of LG and FSG is suppressed and testicles begin to atrophy. Entering of a horionichesky gonadotrophin (which works as LG and FSG) allows to recover hormonal balance and to keep function of testicles.

Doses of a gonadotrophin depend on "capacity" of a steroid rate. If duration of a rate doesn't exceed 6 weeks, 1 medicine in small doses is used, then there is no need for a gonadotrophin. If rate duration more than 6 weeks, is overestimated a dosage, 2 or more anabolic means are used: give 2 injections of a gonadotrophin a week on 250 - 500 ME, since 3-4 weeks of a rate.

It is often possible to hear opinion that entering of a gonadotrophin is necessary only on the termination of a rate, however it is wrong as in this case fabrics of a small egg won't receive stimulation a long time, and will begin to atrophy, and it can't be allowed, moreover, inclusion of a horionichesky gonadotrophin in postcourse therapy most often is counterproductive. Entering of a gonadotrophin throughout all rate allows to achieve maintenance of function of testicles. It is also worth emphasizing that need of its application in this case is connected not with a set of weight, and with safety for this reason dosages are necessary small.

For recovery of secretion of own testosterone with success postcourse therapy using anti-estrogen in various dosages is carried out.

Injury of a liver

Injury of a liver is one of the most known side effects, however his real importance is quite low. Media often focus attention on this problem, as on an inevitable consequence of the use of anabolic steroids.

First, injury of a liver is caused only by the tableted forms of medicines which have metilny group in situation 17. This group prevents destructions of medicine in a liver, however does it toxic for her. Secondly, side effect on a liver arises only at the use of very high doses on considerable time spans.

These words can give results of researches of Flyuoksimesteron, Dianabol and Vinstrol on laboratory animals as confirmation. Scientists have established what damages of tissue of liver arises only when using doses which are 10 times higher than recommended. [2] So, for example, toxic properties of Metandrostenolon begin to be shown only at a daily dosage higher than 80 mg a day whereas the recommended dose makes about 20-30 mg.

One more research has been already conducted in public. Two groups of athletes in one of whom participants used steroids, and in another trained when using only of natural means, have been examined regarding changes in a liver. Athletes who used steroids in high doses had signs of damage of a liver, however in 3 months no changes were revealed. [3] Thus, it is possible to draw a conclusion that side effects on a liver have reversible character.


  • don't exceed the recommended doses
  • don't use 17-alkilirovanny medicines
  • give preference to injection forms, they are safe for a liver


Ginecomastia is a good-quality growth of mammary glands at men. This side effect is very unpleasant, however arises only foolishly because it is very easy to avoid it.

Ginecomastia is called by only those medicines which are converted into estrogen (Metandrostenolon, Testosterone, Sustanon, etc.).

Turinabol, Boldenon, Primobolan, Vinstrol, Anavar shouted, etc. - practically never cause a ginecomastia.


If you plan to use medicines which are flavored to estrogen, then begin to accept aromataza inhibitors - Anastrozol on 0,5 mg every other day since second week of a rate. [4] Anti-estrogen is freely released in a drugstore. It gives to nearly 100% a security guarantee.

It is very often possible to hear silly recommendations, type: anti-estrogen needs to be used only after the termination of a rate or only when there were first signs of a ginecomastia. It is a serious mistake thanks to which so many athletes have a ginecomastia (a real example). Anti-estrogen should be applied throughout all rate. Ginekomastiya often has irreversible character therefore she needs to be prevented, but not to treat!

The optimal solution is accomplishment of analyses on estrogen with the subsequent adjustment of a dose of inhibitors of an aromataza.

Acne (eels)

One more widespread side effect. The acne arises thanks to the fact that anabolic means strengthen secretion of skin fat that leads to an inflammation of hair follicles and formation of eels. This action at high-androgenic medicines is especially expressed. 


  • Read article: acne
  • Keep skin clean
  • Medicine Akkutan is highly effective

Rise cholesterol level in blood

Anabolic steroids can lower lipoproteins of high density (useful) and enlarge lipoproteins of low density (a harmful cholesterin). Hypothetically it can lead to an atherosclerosis.

However in practice of it doesn't occur, because of a brevity of this effect. In 4-6 weeks the increased level of a cholesterin doesn't lead to changes in organs and vessels, and after cancellation of drugs the level of a cholesterin comes back to initial.

It is necessary to notice that raising of a cholesterin arises not always, and not all drugs have this side effect.


  • Accept during a course an omega-3 fatty acids
  • Limit consumption of chicken yolks and animal fats

Cardiovascular problems

It is known that the use of anabolic steroids is bound to diseases of cardiovascular system. Possibly, it is interconnected with their influence on a cholesterin. In addition, abuse of drugs of this group can cause a hypertrophy of ventricles of heart. However it is worth noticing that the power training also leads to it.


  • Don't do long courses and don't use high doses
  • Include aerobic exercises in the training program
  • Observe the references described in the previous section on a cholesterin
  • Drugs for strengthening of heart
  • Read the main article: Side effects of steroids on heart

Increased arterial pressure

This problem arises for the reason that the EXPERT:

  • Detain sodium in an organism
  • Narrow vessels
  • Increase the volume of the circulating blood

Normal arterial pressure has to be lower than 140/90 mm of mercury. Systematically measure the level of arterial pressure of blood by means of a tonometer.


This side effect of steroids quite easily is eliminated by means of 50 mg of Metoprolol and 5 mg of Enalapril. If it isn't enough, it is possible to increase a dosage of hypotensive means before normalization of arterial pressure. At the same time it should be noted that on condition of the corresponding control of Estradiol and Prolaktin's levels in an organism application the antigipertenzivnykh of medicines is required extremely seldom.

Problems with kidneys

Kidneys perform filtering blood and removal of by-products of exchange from an organism. Acceptance of anabolic steroids can increase load of kidneys, however medicines have no direct toxic influence, and increase in loading is connected with increase in the arterial pressure described in the section above.

There are steroids (for example, nandrolon) which are used even for treatment of some diseases of kidneys.


Normalization of arterial pressure.

Cognitive deficiency and reduction of volume of a brain

Many authors and athletes note that during a course cognitive abilities and in general motivation to performance of intellectual activity decrease.  Not absolutely it is clear why it occurs: as cogitative function of a brain or due to change of priorities towards aggression and physical activity is oppressed.

In 2016 Astrid Bjørnebekk and coauthors have studied long-term effect of reception of anabolic steroids on a brain. It has turned out that the more the person abuses steroids, the volume of his brain and thickness of bark is less. The obtained data have correlation character, that is, isn't clear that is the prime cause: the use fact the EXPERT or on the contrary, people with a smaller volume of a brain have big tendency to abuse.

Mental problems

The increased aggression is very rare side effect of steroids which meets less than in 3-5% of cases, when using high doses. One of researches showed that the major role is played by temperament and if you aren't inclined to aggression in regular life, then the EXPERT won't lead the use to this problem.

Scientists revealed communication between acceptance of anabolic androgenic steroids and deterioration in mental health in the future. The researchers of university of the Gothenburg making an experiment with participation of the best male athletes came to such conclusion. Results of a research were published in the scientific publication British Journal of Sports Medicine. "The established accurate connection was us: athletes who applied anabolic-androgenic steroids in the past underwent treatment for a depression, problems of concentration of attention and aggressive behavior more often" — Claudia Falk, the director of the Educational center of a research of dependences says. Scientists also revealed that those participants who accepted anabolic and androgenic steroids were in the future more inclined to the use of other illegal medicines, narcotic substances or alcohol.


Anabolic steroids can promote development of an alopetion in men at what it concerns only a hairy part of the head whereas indumentum on other parts of a body can slightly be condensed.

Scientists consider that baldness is connected with a gene which is in the X chromosome therefore the EXPERT are capable to provoke this process only in case of existence of genetic predisposition. If in your family on the fatherly and maternal line nobody had alopetion, then and she obviously too doesn't threaten you. Otherwise, it is almost inevitable process.

The reason for which steroids promote baldness lies in dihydrotestosterone therefore you can use those medicines which aren't converted into this metabolite.


  • Use the EXPERT which aren't converted into dihydrotestosterone
  • Finasterid is applied to prevention of baldness with success, however medicine has very many side effects
  • Minoksidil (cream) has the proved efficiency
  • Low-androgenic rates

Formation of thrombi

Use of anabolic drugs leads to augmentation of a prothrombin time or, otherwise, to rising of coagulability of a blood. In rare instances, at people of advanced age it can increase risk of an infarct and a stroke which arise because of formation of microthrombi in the feeding vessels. You can try Mildronate


To exclude harm of steroids for heart, is aged more senior 40 it is recommended to use antiagregant. The ideal decision - Aspirin in a dose of 100 mg a day (a quarter of a tablet), this drug suppresses aggregation of thrombocytes and excludes a possibility of formation of thrombi in vessels. 


Virilescence or masculanization is irreversible changes in a female body which are bound to acquisition of male lines: depression of voice, atrophy of mammary glands, clitoris hypertrophy, male features, etc.

These symptoms arise especially often when using drugs with a low anabolic index.

Growth stop

This irreversible condition. Urgent only at young age when zones of growth of bones aren't closed yet. For this reason it isn't recommended to accept anabolic steroids aged more young than 21 years. 

This effect at the flavored medicines is especially expressed.

Prostate hypertrophy

First of all it is necessary to tell that steroid means only in rare instances promote increase in a prostate, and it occurs usually aged after 40, with genetic predisposition.

As a basic reason, also as well as in a case with baldness, dihydrotestosterone is pushed.


As prevention and treatment with success Finasterid is applied. Read also: Low-androgenic rates


Not sterility, but temporary sterility will be more correct to tell that it is bound to change of a hormonal background in an organism. Fortunately, this completely reversible state. 


For more fast restoration anti-estrogens (Tamoxifenum, Clomifene, Toremifen), chorionic and menopausal Gonadotropinums of the person are used.

Atrophy of testicles

At the expense of a feedback mechanism which has been mentioned above development of a natural gonadotrophin decreases. This hormone constantly stimulates testicles if its concentration decreases, fabrics of a small egg begin to atrophy.

The atrophy of testicles can be irreversible in hard cases! It in turn can lead to impotence.


Fortunately it is easy to prevent it by means of gonadotrophin injections, according to the scheme described above. The atrophy of testicles develops extremely seldom and only when using high doses during long courses.

The gonadotrophin is necessary only at long courses (more than 1,5-2 months) with use of high doses.

Mythical harm of steroids

We will try to list the most popular myths connected with side effects of steroids in this section:

  • Reduction of length of a penis
  • Damage of a brain
  • Side effects arise always and they are irreversible
  • After use the EXPERT it is impossible to achieve growth of muscles
  • All steroids injure a liver and kidneys
  • Tablet it is safer than injections (a reverse situation)
  • Having used once, it is impossible to stop

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