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Side effects of peptides

08 Aug 2017

Synthetic peptides that have found their wide application in sports pharmacology are recombinant amino acid compounds obtained by genetic engineering. Being stimulators of natural growth hormone, they lead to accelerated hypertrophy of muscle tissue and are effective and acceptable analogues of hormonal anabolics. However, like all drugs with a pharmacological effect, these drugs can provoke the development of undesirable effects. Fortunately, the side effects of peptides are reversible and are very rare, but, nevertheless, they should be read before proceeding to the course application.

Side effects on groups of peptides

The main purpose of using amino acid drugs in bodybuilding is to stimulate the secretion of the hormone dew. Therefore, the side effects of peptides are closely interrelated with changes in the endocrine sphere. As a rule, they are due to the mechanism common to all groups, and therefore are very similar. The most characteristic negative manifestations include weakness, increased blood pressure, fluid retention in the body, the appearance of pain in the wrist (tunnel syndrome).

At the same time, in addition to common side reactions, each individual peptide complex is capable of provoking the development of specific effects.

Analogues of somatoliberin

Increased secretion of ghrelin (the hormone of hunger). Characteristic for GHRP-2, to a lesser extent, and more for GHRP-6;

Stimulation of the production of prolactin, which affects the growth and development of the mammary glands (GHRP-6, GHRP-2);

Peptide pseudoglycemia (hunger, weakness, dizziness, excessive sweating, slight trembling of limbs and arrhythmia in the background of normal blood glucose levels). Similar side effects of peptides are characteristic of GHRP-6 and GHRP-2;

Enhanced cortisol production (GHRP-2 and GHRP-6);

Reduction or lengthening of the phase of slow sleep;

Destabilization of somatotropic cell receptors (a consequence of an overdose of GHRP-2 and GHRP-6).

Grelynine mimetics

Stimulation of cortisol secretion (CJC-1295 and Tesamorelin);

Sleep disturbance (with prolonged use of long splicing forms of somatoliberin);

Weakening of receptor sensitivity.

Positive side effects of peptides include counteracting catabolic processes, increasing the activity of the immune system, accelerating metabolism, strengthening ligaments, pinpointing the problem areas of the body, increasing libido, normalizing the emotional state.

As for the negative reactions that sometimes arise against the background of the use of peptide products, then, as a rule, by their occurrence they are "required" to exceed the dosage and disrupt the duration and periodicity of the course application. Fortunately, in the practice of bodybuilding, such conditions are very rare and, without exception, are reversible, that is, they are eliminated after the drug is discontinued.

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