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Side effects of human growth hormone

19 Dec 2016

As Hormone of body height is produced naturally in a human body, side effects of use of Hormone of body height are infrequent. Side effects arise, mainly, when Hormone of body height is applied in doses above recommended and longer time, than it is specified by experts. In practice the following side effects of Hormone of human height meet (on emergence frequency):

  • The tunnel syndrome is shown by pains and numbness in extremities. It is bound to the fact that the muscles which are enlarged in volumes squeeze periphery nerves. This side effect isn't dangerous and quickly is eliminated after a drug dose decline.
  • it is difficult to call liquid accumulation side effect because accumulation of liquid goes in muscles, giving them the larger sizes and elasticity. In general the phenomenon of kickback is minimum after the termination of a course. Also it is necessary to consider the fact that for a course with GR it is necessary to reduce consumption of a salty nutrition at least twice and to refuse alcohol to exclude an undesirable clump of excess liquid that often, even at administration of drug in the minimum doses, results in morbid puffiness of extremities (generally it is brushes and fingers of arms).
  • Rising of arterial pressure - is eliminated with either a dose decline of hormone of body height, or reception of anti-hypertensive agents.
  • Local reactions are in the place of an injection (1% and 10%) an eruption, an itch, morbidity, numbness, hyperemia, tumescence, lipoatrophia.
  • Oppression of function of a thyroid gland - subjectively isn't shown in any way as oppression is too insignificant. Thyroxine dose is 25 mkg a day is applied to its elimination and rising of efficiency of a cycle. After body height hormone cancellation, function of a thyroid gland is completely restored.
  • Acromegalia is a disease arises owing to the expressed abuse of body height hormone drugs. At the correct use doesn't meet.
  • The hypertrophy of heart and other organs arises only in case of prolonged use of hormone of body height in high doses. At the correct use doesn't meet.
  • Rising of risk of a stroke when using at children - the long-term research which came to the end in 2014 showed that purpose of hormone of body height at children's age leads to rising of risk of a stroke at more adult age. From 7000 children receiving GR (average age of 11 years) at 11 people strokes are registered (middle age 24 years). Whereas at the children who weren't receiving body height hormone at the age of 24 years of similar selection the frequency of a stroke doesn't exceed 7.
  • Morning weakness - feeling of delicacy, apathy and morbidity of joints and muscles as at cold, sometimes is followed by rise in temperature. This reaction can be a sign of the autoimmune answer to antigens even through several after the first injections that in turn can testify to low-quality drug.
  • Sleepiness sometimes arises day sleepiness.
  • Stomach augmentation - popular belief that hormone of body height can enlarge a stomach at the expense of a hyperplasia of internals (as in an intestine and organs there are receptors to IGF-1). At the moment there are no reliable scientific confirmations of this fact, however striking examples of changes of a stomach among professional bodybuilders bind to it. However the practical experience of most of athletes shows that not long rates of hormone of body height don't lead to body height of a stomach. Experts believe that the stomach augmentation (the term "GH gut" is distributed in the English Internet) has the polyetiological nature, and it is possible when using high doses of GR in combination with insulin, steroids, along with consumption of large volumes of a nutrition.
  • Gynecomastia - seldom or never

Influence on carbohydrate metabolism and use of insulin

Body height hormone: hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia, insulin resistance

Hormone of body height renders opposite effects in comparison with insulin on exchange of glucose and lipids, however also as well as insulin strengthens synthesis of protein in an organism. In a healthy organism own hormone of body height practically doesn't influence exchange of a glucose in a type of small concentration. Please pay attention to Ovagen.

At administration of exogenous drugs there is a depression of consumption and oxidation of a glucose muscles, and also oxidation of fats increases and the gluconeogenesis is activated. As a result of it right after an injection of GR the hyperglycemia develops (rising of level of a glucose in bloods).

Hypoglycemia (depression of glucose level in blood). In the first days of a course the pancreas records a hyperglycemia after an injection of GR and begins to produce intensively insulin which gives a signal to tissues to use a free glucose of a blood. There is a potent insulin peak which leads to lowering of the level of glucose and hypoglycemia symptoms can even develop.

Hyperglycemia (rising of level of a glucose in a blood). At long courses and high doses of hormone of body height there is a diabetogenic side effect. The pancreas doesn't cope with products of enough insulin for utilization of excesses of a glucose in a blood any more, resistance to insulin (a liver, muscular and fatty tissues don't react even to its high concentration) develops, that is occurs most too, as at a diabetes mellitus 2 types. At the same time it is observed both a hyperglycemia, and giperinsulinemiya. For elimination of a hyperglycemia it is possible to accept additives with Alpha Acidum lipoicum which restores sensitivity to insulin.

Due to the development of a hyperglycemia many athletes enter in addition insulin, however it is necessary to consider that it in a larger measure can increase insulin resistance of tissues.

Mythical side effects

Suppression of secretion of own hormone of body height - professor of Elmer M. Cranton, M.D. conducted a research on more than 100 patients where suppression of own secretion wasn't revealed. At the same time your own level of Somatotropinum will never return to the previous level which you had to a course. Any course lasting of a month turns into replacement therapy, don't wait for Somatotropinum indicator after a course more than 0.05 ng/ml. In the range of referensny (standard) value it will never be any more. Unless that in old age when it is already necessary to nobody.

Tumoral process is a hormone of body height causes sharp acceleration of division of tumor cells therefore scientists became concerned whether the tumor can provoke hormone of body height. Therefore the retrospective research in which the people who underwent treatment by body height hormone participated, frequency of tumoral processes at them statistically was organized didn't differ from other population that can speak about lack of cancerogenic effect of hormone of body height. However in one research rising of risk of development of a lymphoma of Hodzhkin was observed.

Influence on a potency and function of a penis - body height hormone practically doesn't influence sexual desire and can improve erectile function.

General conclusion

Body height hormone extremely seldom causes side effects if to apply it in moderate doses. Practically all side effects have reversible character. At the same time, it was accurately proved that drugs of hormone of body height are capable to rejuvenate an organism: to improve physical shape, to reduce the level of harmful cholesterol, to improve properties of a skin, to strengthen bones and ligaments and many other positive effects.

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