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Side effects of growth hormone

25 Sep 2017

Synthetic, recombinant Growth Hormone, obtained by genetic engineering, as well as many other hormonal drugs, has contraindications to use and is capable of causing the development of undesirable reactions. Due to the fact that somatotropin is constantly synthesized by the human body, the side effects of the Growth Hormone are a fairly rare phenomenon that arises from a violation of recommendations for taking the drug.

Possible side effects and their removal

Tunnel syndrome (pain and numbness in the limbs, resulting from the compression of the peripheral nerves increased in the volume of muscles). This condition is eliminated after a reduction in dosage or withdrawal of the drug.

Increase in blood pressure (normalization requires taking antihypertensive drugs or reducing the daily dose).

The accumulation of excess fluid and painful puffiness of the limbs (to prevent similar side effects of the Growth Hormone, it is recommended to abandon alcoholic beverages for the period of the course of the drug and to reduce the consumption of spicy and salty foods twice).

Thyroid dysfunction (oppression of functions). To prevent the development of hypofunction and increase the effectiveness of the hormonal cycle, daily use of thyroxine (25 micrograms) is indicated.

Increase in blood glucose level (as a rule, does not require therapeutic measures, since it is reversible in nature). The medication of insulin and other drugs stimulating the pancreas is eliminated.

Hypertrophy of internal organs. Occurs in the case of prolonged uncontrolled use of GH. With strict adherence to the instructions indicated on the package, this condition does not occur.

Aktromegalia (a disease characterized by a significant increase in the facial part of the skull, feet and hands). It is a consequence of a gross dosing disorder.

Weakness and drowsiness. May occur within a few days after the start of the course. It is a sign of an autoimmune response of the body, indicating a low quality of the drug.

It should be noted that the known side effects of Growth Hormone are reversible. To avoid their occurrence recombinant somatropin should be taken only in the absence of special instructions and under the supervision of a doctor who can promptly recommend the cancellation or replacement of the form of the drug.

For the sake of justice, it should be noted that all the known side effects of Growth Hormone develop very rarely and are reversible. As a rule, the reason for their occurrence is a violation of the rules of use, non-compliance with dosages and frequent use for a long time. At the same time, rational administration of GH helps to achieve high sports results without harm to health.

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