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Side effects of fat burners

28 Sep 2017

Losing weight is one of the main topics of our time. Everyone desires to throw off the extra pounds, even those who have them, in a good way, then do not. It's no wonder that fat burners have become so popular today. However, as we know, each medal has two sides. Yes, indeed among the many drugs there are worthy, with which you can achieve the desired effect. But there are frank counterfeits, and ineffective commercial placebo, and much more. Within the framework of this article, we will consider the main side effects of fat burners and try to dispel the myths accumulated over the possibility of miracle slimming.

Benefits and Harms of Fat Burners

Any medicinal product (and a fat burner can be considered as such) can bring you either harm or benefit. And sometimes the line between them is so thin that it is only an experienced athlete who can use the tool for himself.

Well, there are a few basic recommendations regarding the intake of fat burners:

Physical exercise. A mandatory condition for the use of drugs in this category are training. You have to be loaded, because fat burners are "sharpened" just for this, especially if they contain stimulants. First, you get a great burst of energy, which you need to spend somewhere: sitting on the spot, you will be too irritable and nervous. The systematic use of fat burners without adequate physical activity only depletes the central nervous system, and gives only 20-30% of the possible effect. Secondly, to remain static is unprofitable and purely from the financial point of view according to the studies, the ECA reception without loads leads to a loss of 1 to 3 kg per month; You will have to take the drug longer (do not forget about the necessary breaks between courses).

Combination with diet. Proper nutrition is extremely important. Perhaps it even outweighs the effect of fat burners. It is best to develop a nutritional regimen before the start of the course of drugs. Stick to the plan, and when "falling out" of it, do not despair and do not blame yourself. Remember that one failure does not put an end to all previous efforts!

Sufficient liquid. Drink at least 2.5 liters of water per day - this helps reduce fat deposits.

Do not take two or more drugs with the same ingredients. Otherwise, you risk getting an overdose.

Side effects of fat burners

Side effects of fat burners are most often observed with an overestimation of the intake or course length.

Ignoring the prescribed dosages can lead to the following negative reactions:

Increased heart rate.

Increased arterial and intraocular pressure.

Overexcitation of the central nervous system.

Pain in the abdomen, heartburn, diarrhea.

Tremor (trembling of hands), insomnia, depression, a growing sense of anxiety, headache, sweating.

Contraindications to reception of fat burners

High blood pressure.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.



It is not recommended to take in the evening.

Do not ignore the contraindications to the reception of fat burners. Approach the question professionally, because only in this case you will get what you expect.

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