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Side effects of Gonadotropin

02 Oct 2017

This article describes the side effects of Gonadotropin, directly related to the use of the pharmacological product in medicine and in bodybuilding practice.

Chorionic gonadotropin is a peptide hormone, normally produced by chorion cells (embryonic membranes) after implantation of the embryo into the uterine wall. Preparations, which include this glycoprotein, increase the activity of the sex glands, induce and stimulate ovulation in women, increase testosterone production and spermatogenesis, and also promote the development of secondary sexual characteristics in men.

Possible side effects of Gonadotropin

As a rule, side effects of Chorionic Gonadotropin develop with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, as well as with prolonged and uncontrolled use. These include violations such as

  • hives;
  • Itching of the skin;
  • Angioedema;
  • Dizziness, headache,
  • Increased anxiety and irritability;
  • weakness;
  • depression.

Side effects with prolonged use

Side effects of Chorionic Gonadotropin in men, arising from uncontrolled use, include increased sensitivity of the mammary glands, development of gynecomastia (a consequence of increased estrogen production), a reduction in the number of spermatozoa in the semen, accumulation of water and mineral salts in the body, premature bone growth (uncontrolled The use of hCG at a young age can cause stunting). Also, with prolonged use of Gonadotropin in men, signs that are very characteristic of pregnant women (morning sickness, vomiting, weight gain, etc.) may appear, prostate gland proliferation, baldness, or increased hair growth in uncharacteristic areas of the body.

In women with uncontrolled use of the drug, development of hypertrophy of the sexual glands, the formation of ovarian cysts and peripheral edema is possible. Also, a multiple pregnancy or ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome may develop.

It should be emphasized that the side effects of Gonadotropin are not of a mass character and are rare. This drug, intended for subcutaneous or intramuscular injection, has a pharmacological effect for 5-6 days. When you start using it after a course of steroids, you should first consult with a specialist and take tests for hormones.

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