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Semax rapid increase in memory

18 May 2016

Pros of Semax: very effective, improves memory

Contras of Semax: rather expensive

Ideal during the sessions, with exams at the law, etc. Generally Semax is a nootropic agent, intended for people suffering from poor memory, etc.

Once again. I came to the pharmacy for supplements such as echinacea, ginseng and pharmacist ask if I have to prepare for exams? I answered honestly and she advised me to buy Semax, as she tried, and many who advised.

Semax is a little bit expensive, but and to be honest Semax is effective!

Semax improves visual memory! My stele of remembering is to take notes and then teach.

Agree, it is long and hard, because just reading does not mean anything to me ...

By the way if instillation is formed slightly unpleasant sensation, but then goes quickly and comes some clarity in my head. So I can recommend Semax, I really like it!

Someone from the Japan - just purchased the goods:
Ventfort 20 capsules