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Semax Nasal Spray

18 Jan 2017

Impaired memory and attention

Memory impairment - one of the earliest signs of age-related diseases or disorders caused by a variety of brain functions. The main cause of memory decline - irreversible death of nerve cells. The first to suffer short-term memory and memory quality, which has a bad effect on the quality of work and life. Treat such memory impairment may be using the drug "Semax 0,1%."

Semax Nasal Spray

Save memory in the modern world
Impaired memory and attention

The rapid pace of today's world everyone is faced with huge amounts of information. Therefore, for anyone who wants to keep up, succeed and just feel comfortable, it is very important a good memory and ability to concentrate. However, the problem of reducing or disorders of attention and memory, almost all familiar - someone from school or college students, anyone - from 30-35 years. A memory improvement in older - is an urgent need of almost every after 50-55 years.
What causes impaired attention and memory problems?
The deterioration of the ability to memorize and reproduce information contribute to:

stresses, violation of work and rest;
increased mental and emotional stress;
diseases of the cardiovascular or nervous system;
unhealthy lifestyle and bad habits.

Who suffers from a short-term memory, so that people do not remember firmly and constantly forgets the events of the recent past and the long-term. Therefore, to preserve and improve the ability to memorize is recommended to follow a healthy lifestyle, to respect the sleep mode, as well as the time to pass diagnosis and treatment of diseases. However, this may not be enough to remedy the situation and is taking medication to improve memory and attention. To understand how effective the medication must act to improve memory, you need to know the mechanism of learning new information.

How does our memory work?

The mechanism of memory formation consists of three stages:

Initial processing of the information;
the transition from short-term memory to long-term;
information retrieval or playback.

N Acetyl Semax - Means to improve memory
For the full and meaningful effect of drugs to improve memory should affect all three of the described stage - but many affect only the first two phases of the memory trace formation.

The unique mechanism of action Semax 0,1% provides the effect of the drug on all three stages of the formation of the memory trace, allowing you to achieve effectively improve memory and attention. This comprehensive "triple" action is a practical and convenient solution that allows to achieve the best possible result.

Nootropic Nasal Spray Protection against loss of memory
Prevention is preferable to treatment of memory disorders, but even the early detection of problems and timely initiation of medication to improve memory will significantly slow down or stop the pathological process. In the absence of treatment of the initial disturbances are moving into a more severe form, which ultimately may result in total or partial loss of memory.
"Semax 0,1%" - a unique neurotrophic agent to improve memory and treat memory impairment - prevents the build-up of a critical mass of pathological changes in the brain tissue and contributes to the speedy restoration of the disturbed functions of the brain:

It creates optimal conditions for protein synthesis in neurons;
New interneuron forms a connection that allows the normally functioning cells to increase efficiency;
increases neuronal survival, with cerebrovascular insufficiency, which is present;
restores cognitive function;
It normalizes the autonomic centers.

Interneuronal communication - process of transferring information between neurons - the cells of the nervous system.

Cognitive function - brain functions, with the aid of which the process of understanding the world. These include memory, attention, psychomotor coordination, speech, account, thinking, orientation, planning and control of higher mental activity.

Autonomic centers - centers of the nervous system, regulating the function of internal organs.

Buy Semax - Asthenic-neurotic disorders
Increased psychological and mental fatigue, irritability - the first signs of asthenic-neurotic disorders. Their treatment - a complex process that requires versatile effects on the body. Applying medication "Semax 0,1%", it is possible to organize the work of the brain centers responsible for performance, stress, and emotions.

Serious causes of a bad mood
Semax Effect – at Asthenic-neurotic disorders

Asthenoneurotic disorders are much more common pathology than is commonly believed. In varying degrees, they accompany all the most important human pathologies - so asthenic-neurotic syndrome may occur with the flu and other infectious diseases, with life difficulties and stressful situations, diseases of the cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous and digestive systems, cancer pathology, psychiatric disorders.

Warning signs
The symptoms of asthenic-neurotic disorders are typical, but depending on their cause vary in their strength and severity, from irritability, fatigue, weakness, early fatigue sets - for example, the flu, until complete exhaustion of mental and physical functions in conjunction with excessive excitability, with a sense of constant internal voltage with a decrease in performance, memory and attention, and severe sleep disturbances in neurasthenia, chronic fatigue syndrome, or a variety of brain lesions - after a traumatic brain injury, neuroinfections and so on. Neurotic disorders often occur in patients with cerebrovascular diseases and pathological circulatory disorders.

Unfortunately, many patients do not attach importance to danger signs, "drowning" them with various stimulants.

Rules of admission "Semax 0,1%"
The daily Semax dosage - Reception 14 days

Duration of reception Semax - 3 drops in each nostril, 3 times a day

The amount of the Semax Nasal Spray on the course - Course 4 bottles; 2-4 courses per year
vial contains 60 drops
Instill produce strictly to the nasal mucosa.

Complications of treatment asthenia
Treatment of asthenic-neurotic disorders is a complex problem, because at the same time you need to work on two divergent mental process - on the one hand, this is a decrease of weakness and drowsiness, and increase efficiency, on the other hand - reducing excessive irritability, anxiety and irritability. The only drug having anti-asthenic effect, increases memory efficiency, and on the background of normalization of mental activity - reduced excitability, anxiety, and irritability - is Semax. Complex action of this drug makes it one of the most effective drugs in asthenia.

The causes of fatigue:
prolonged severe stress on the nervous system;
chronic stress, mental tension, emotional stress;
too much work to be done by a certain date;
Chronic lack of sleep, lack of proper rest, and so on. etc .;
violations of metabolic processes in the brain;
lack of vitamins in the diet;
viral and bacterial infections that occur with neurotoxicosis;
hypoxia during labor and birth injuries;
craniocerebral trauma (even minor);
poisoning (including chronic: alcohol, nicotine and drug intoxication);
transferred inflammatory diseases of the central nervous system (encephalitis, meningitis);
chronic liver and kidney disease.

The combined effects of Semax Drop
Due to the positive influence on the work of nerve cells, Semax can successfully improve resistance to stress and stimulate psycho-emotional processes. Admission Semax drop - effective nootropic new generation - provides a quick recovery of the nervous system, normalization of the regulatory systems of the brain, and the violation of which causes a lot of emotional problems.

The positive effect of N Acetyl Semax Spray in the treatment of asthenia:
optimization of activity emotional centers of the brain;
performance return;
improved concentration;
increase resistance to stress, especially when changing the environment community;
normalization of sleep;
memory recovery due to the influence of all three phases of its formation;
normalization of the vegetative centers, prevents mental exhaustion.

Semax shows high efficacy in the treatment of asthenic-neurotic disorders of various origins, and returns the joy of life.

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