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Semax Improves Child's Speech

17 Jun 2016

I want to share with you my experience of using nasal nootropic drops "Semax".

These droplets, neurologist appointed to my child, in order to improve the child's speech.

And it had to be drip for two weeks, so we need 3 packages of Semax. Treatment was complex, in addition to drops us Ozokerite appointed on the chin and some other drugs.

Semax 0.1% is a neuro-protective peptide drug.

The medicine Semax is given, for various violations of cerebral circulation, memory and attention, fatigue and traumatic brain injuries.

Also it can be used in ophthalmology, within certain diseases.

The box contains a glass vial with a dropper and instruction.

In all the instructions written in detail how to use and store the medication.

Also, the properties of the drug are listed there, the methods of administration and dosage, contraindications, possible side effects and indications.

Usage of preparation is quite simple, convenient dropper with a tight-fitting cap. The cap will not be lost and drip as many drops as needed.

Semax drops are not nasty, the child sat quietly and did not even frown.

I have not noticed no allergic reactions and any side effects.

Of course, I noticed that the child began to talk better after application of Semax.

You need to go through several courses of Semax, so that the result would be noticeable.

In general, all individually, someone it can help, but someone might not.

But if it was appointed, Semax is certainly worth buying.

Be healthy!

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