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Semax First Aid at Stroke

31 Jan 2017

First aid for stroke

Timely assistance with the appearance of the first symptoms of a stroke - slurred speech, facial asymmetry, severe headache, often loss of consciousness - can prevent extensive damage to the brain cells and the connections between them in brain tissue. Subsequently, it will contribute to the effective restoration of brain functions. One important component of this first aid is welcome neuroprotectant Semax 1%.

Semax First aid at stroke

To help as soon as possible!
First aid for stroke - vascular accident - should be aimed at minimizing the irreversible damage of the nervous tissue and preserve the chances of restoring its functions. It should be the most rapid and timely assistance under these conditions.

Ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke
The first signs of stroke

The sooner people get the right care, the less permanent damage to the nervous tissue is formed. In an ischemic stroke, a so-called "ischemic penumbra zone" - penumbra - a living cell, which suffer from a lack of nutrients, but retain the ability to digest them. It is because of the progressive death of neurons in the area affected area in the brain can expand over time. Penumbra zone - the main purpose of a neuroprotective treatment, which helps to protect and restore the normal functioning of neurons and nutrition. Therefore, the first signs of ischemic stroke are already the cause for the beginning of neuroprotective therapies.

Hemorrhagic stroke is often more severe and life-threatening consequences. destruction mechanism when it is in a complex influence streamed blood pressure on nerve tissue due to this vascular spasm. In a hemorrhagic stroke occurs irreversible loss of brain cells faster and faster. But the use of neuroprotective drugs may still help reduce the severity of damage to the nervous tissue.

When stroke symptoms and signs of just having brain tissue for some time is in terms of blood supply shortages. It needs to restore normal blood flow, grade oxygen and nutrients to cells and to increase their resistance to hypoxia. All of these tasks helps you perform therapy neuroprotective drugs.

Neuroprotection in stroke aimed at the inhibition and termination sequence stroke damaging processes, which is also called ischemic cascade. With newly developed stroke signs and symptoms do not usually possible to distinguish ischemic type lesions to hemorrhagic. So start early neuroprotection is necessary in any case, as it will significantly reduce the impact of problems and reduce the risk of disability in any type of stroke.

Neuroprotection is the most desirable to start early, even before the arrival of an ambulance. Almost every applied in stroke medicine to protect brain cells intravenously. Such drugs are similar patient can not enter it yourself. This problem solves Semax, which is created in the form of nasal drops.

Stroke - symptoms and signs

The first signs:

Face. Facial asymmetry or lower corner on one side of the mouth. Particularly noticeable at a smile.

Arms. If you try to raise both hands, one of them located below, numbness and weakness in the hand.

It. Lubricated or the changed speech, repetition of simple sentences problem.

The first sign of a stroke can be any of the manifestations of the above. And other known symptoms of stroke, which may also occur in the first place. If any doubt about the vascular catastrophe requires an immediate call to the ambulance, and the use of drugs, neuroprotective agents. Semax is a convenient and effective first aid, as with its use (nasal drops) can easily cope relatives of the patient, including minors.

Stroke: Other signs and symptoms:

Weakness or numbness on the side of the body;

Blurring or loss of vision, usually in one eye, blocking vision;

Strong headache;

Unexplained weakness, staggering, loss of consciousness;

Facial flushing, vomiting.

Neuroprotective Treatment for suspected vascular accident should be started already before the arrival of the ambulance. Regardless of the cause of acute stroke - operative administration of neuroprotective agents provide relief to the patient in the acute phase of stroke.

First aid for stroke afford each

The patient sit or lay;

More accurately record the time of occurrence of the symptoms of vascular accident;

Make sure there are no obstructions to breathing (take out dentures from his mouth, loosen tight clothing), with loss of consciousness put to one side to avoid language or retraction of aspiration;

Start neuroprotective therapy ALLOWED doctor drugs;

Measure and record blood pressure;

Do not drink and do not feed the patient to the ambulance.

The ambulance specialists continue to neuroprotection and start fluid therapy to normalize blood supply to the brain cells, the prevention of intracranial hypertension, and others.

Unique neuropeptide "Semax 1%" can be used at home and in the car ambulance, if the suspect for signs of stroke as first aid, or the active component of the complex therapeutic measures.

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