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Semax at Transient Ischemic Attacks

31 Jan 2017

Transient ischemic attacks

Sometimes called a transient ischemic attack " pre-stroke conditions" that is completely untrue. They arise as a result of acute circulatory disorders in the brain and are accompanied by confusion, speech disorders, memory and motor activity. Prevent the development of transient ischemic attacks and to prevent the possible development of a stroke will receive the drug "Semax 0,1%."

Semax at Transient ischemic attacks

Precursors of stroke
Transient ischemic attacks and their prevention

Transient ischemic attack (TIA), otherwise referred to as "transient ischemic attacks" or "Pre-stroke conditions." It is an acute disorder of cerebral circulation, developing thrombosis due to incomplete cerebral vessels or long spasm, often, against cerebral hypertensive crisis. In humans, the patient develops symptoms of a stroke, which, unlike stroke, takes place over 24 hours. It must be remembered that a TIA - a harbinger of impending stroke. Most often it occurs in patients with TIA in people aged 40-60 years.

Semax is one of the most effective drugs for treatment of ischemic attack, as well as treatment and rehabilitation after a stroke, which reduces the possibility of receiving the progression TIA 2.5-3 times.
Prevention of transient ischemic attack - a mandatory treatment of the underlying disease (hypertension and atherosclerosis).

The most common cause of transient ischemic attack - hypertensive encephalopathy, against which there is a long spasm of cerebral arteries or near the wall (part-time) thrombosis. Consequently, in the basin of the affected artery blood flow rate drops expressed and developed hypoxic events leading to activation of lipid peroxidation, cellular energy deficit and a significant disruption of the functional activity of neurons.

TIA clinic depends primarily on whether the vessel in a pool of blood flow disturbance occurred: the large arteries, the harder symptoms. Cerebral symptoms manifested, as a rule, confusion, at least - his loss. Focal symptoms of a transient ischemic attack - a violation of motor activity and loss of sensation in certain areas of the body. Violation of speech and cognitive functions (attention, memory, ability to analyze the situation and decision-making, spatial orientation) are possible in the first hours of a TIA, and then restored.
In general, the life prognosis of transient ischemic attack quite favorable, but you must remember that TIA is a harbinger of stroke. Semax in treating ischemic attack prevents the development of pathological disorders in the brain tissue and contributes to the speedy restoration of the disturbed functions of the brain, in particular through semax:

interneuronal formed new connections, allowing functioning cells to take over the functions of those killed in the ischemic attack;
restored motor activity and sensitivity;
restored cognitive function, improves concentration;
accelerated exit from the state of amnesia;
It improves memory thanks to the influence on all stages of the formation of the memory trace (storage, processing / structuring information playback) (!);
It normalizes the autonomic centers.

Prophylactic administration of a preparation "Semax 0,1%" in the TIA:
improves survival and plasticity of neurons in neural tissue hypoxia condition;
prevents disruption of mnemonic and cognitive functions;
enhances mental and physical performance;
normalizes the autonomic centers;
It prevents or significantly reduces the risk of recurrent TIA.

Rules of admission and "Semax 0,1%" Dosage at Transient ischemic attacks
Receive Semax for 10 days - 3 drops in each nostril; 2 times a day.
The amount of the drug on the course - Course 2 bottles; vial contains 60 drops; Instill produce strictly to the nasal mucosa, preventing the flow of the nasopharynx.

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