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Selank Peptide

07 Feb 2017

What is Selank?

Selank - a product of the Russian pharmaceutical, synthetic neuropeptide similar in structure to the natural bioregulators of the brain. The only peptide used in medicine tranquilizer. It has no analogues in the world, not only on the structure and functional activity, but also on the release form.

It has a unique, different from all other tranquilizing drugs acting on the central nervous system (CNS), combining the properties of anxiolytic properties with antidepressant effect and anti-asthenic action and nootropic agents.

Security of Selank peptide
The main difference Selank from a variety of popular drugs like profile - it does not treat the symptoms of the disease and eliminate its causes at the biochemical level. Its molecule is responsible for the optimization of the human nervous system, restoring balance in those areas of the brain that are responsible for our emotions, including the development of conditions such as anxiety and depression.

In fact, it runs in our bodies the processes which should it occur in a healthy condition, enhances adaptation to the adverse effects, "sets up" re-work of nerve cells hit by stress and exhausting rhythm of life.

The drug has a high degree of security and does not cause any significant side effects, and such phenomena as drug dependency and addiction.

Selank anti-depressive peptide

Depressive and depressed mood interfere with normal work activities, and outstanding work even more lowers mood and self-esteem, narrow and vital interests. Selank thus reducing depression levels, increase the interest in life, encourage efficiency and optimize the activities of the emotional centers of the brain.

Selank against stress
Selank restarts reduction reactions in the body that have been reduced or discontinued under stress, because stress factors can not always be eliminated. If unable to properly relax resort to the means of a short-term effect, such as alcohol, coffee, but it does not help to cope with stress and worsen its consequences. Therefore, the output can become the "Selank".

Selank against anxiety
Anxiety - an integral part of our lives, and there is a reaction to the stresses of everyday life. In a healthy person the feeling of anxiety is a temporary sensation. Anxiety can contribute to the emergence of fear, for example, before an exam.

Also, a number of people have unwarranted excitement with the feeling of inner tension. In addition, can manifest restlessness, fidgeting, rubbing fingers, biting lips and nails. No action can develop a whole range of diseases, within the group of "anxiety disorders".

Selank against fatigue
Modern life dictates a rapid rhythm, a large flow of necessary information and the lack of time to make decisions. In the cities of fatigue symptoms occur in 80% of the active population: fatigue, weakness, constant fatigue. Selank optimizes higher brain functions, including thinking, memory and attention.

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