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Sam Wan

23 Nov 2016

Sam Wan or Sam Yun Wan – the dietary supplement promising the help in a set of muscle bulk. 

Sam Wan or Sam Yun Wan

Apparently additive not of the Chinese, but the Indonesian origin. Though on various websites various producers, including Malaysia are specified.

Sam Wan isn't registered in registers of medicines and has no certification. You purchase a pig in a poke on similarity of Ginseng Kianpi Pil. Relying on the specified structure it is possible to conclude that additive or doesn't answer the declared effects, or has other structure.


The root of the Shandansky ginseng (Kodonopsis melkovolosisty, Radix codonopsis pilosulae) 120 mg – additive ingredient which lifts appetite takes off fatigue, increases endurance and influences set * muscle bulk. It is also necessary for stimulation of TsNS and improvement of blood circulation.

Atraktilodes's rhizome of mg with a large head (Rhizoma atractylodis macrocephalae) 60 – serves for conservation of energy, reduces release of sweat.

Fruits of the Japanese quince (Henomeles fine, Fructus chaenomelis speciosa) 60 mg – this component saves from feelings of pain and weight.

Astragal's root of webby (Radix astragali seu hedysari) 25 mg – disposal of fatigue, improvement of work of heart, fight against viral diseases.

Root of the Ginseng (Radix panax ginseng) 10 of mg – improvement of blood circulation and the general health of an organism. One of the Best Nooropic drug is Gliatilin.

Extract from a horn of a deer (Cornu cervi pantotrichum) 5 of mg – increases immune protection and power indicators. The mass of amino acid, necessary for set, are a part of extract.

Declared effects

  • Blood circulation improvement, increase in energy
  • A set of weight (to 7 kg from one packaging)
  • Improvement of a metabolism
  • Increase in endurance
  • Strengthening of an organism
  • Fight against viral infections
  • Increase in appetite
  • Acceleration of recovery after physical activities
  • Conclusion of slags
  • Increase in immune system
  • Disposal of pain in muscles and fatigue
  • Samyun Wan accept on one capsule 2 times a day during meals. It is recommended to accept additive for 1 month.

Method of application

Samyun Wan accept on one capsule 2 times a day together with food. It is recommended to accept additive for 1 month. It is worth storing these products in the dry cool place where children won't be able to get it.

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