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26 Dec 2016

It is more than burned fat in time cardio with salbutamol

Salbutamol is active ingredient in drugs for treatment of asthma, such as ventolin, slightly increases general energy which you use during cardio loadings, but changes the mechanism of receipt of this energy. According to researches of sports scientists from the Orleans University, athletes burn more fat when using salbutamol during the cardio trainings.

Salbutamol is the forbidden substance in sporting world. Cyclists show the best results if they use salbutamol, but it was unknown earlier from where additional energy undertakes. French decided to study this question in more detail, having made an experiment with eight specially trained amateur athletes. Examinees rode a bicycle within two hours in sixty percent from their V02max (the characteristic of absorption by an oxygen organism), one group - with placebo, another with salbutamol, using 4 mg of active agent. Examinees rode a bicycle several hours later after acceptance of tablets.

The number of joules which was burned by cyclists increased as a result of salbutamol use a little, but it is insignificant. However when scientists began to find out from where cyclists received energy - from fat or carbohydrates, they noticed that salbutamol promoted combustion of fat and reduced combustion of carbohydrates. In group of placebo of 57,4% of energy 42,6% - from fat were received from carbohydrates. In group with salbutamol of 48,4% - from carbohydrates, 51,6% - from fat. You can try Timusamin.

Also levels of insulin, somatotropin and AKTG (the adrenokortikotropn hormone stimulating development of cortisol) were measured in blood of examinees. Salbutamol reduced production of AKTG and led to slight increase of level of somatotropin. Researchers came to a conclusion that the ergogenny effect in their experiment was small: "Our data show that metabolism and energy regulation weren't considerably affected by a therapeutic dose of salbutamol. Further researches will be necessary to study effect of salbutamol in other conditions, in particular on elite athletes with longer acceptance of medicine".

However substances and methods which stimulate oxidation of fat and save carbohydrates, always have interest for athletes even if the total amount of the burned energy at the same time doesn't increase. Perhaps, a bigger interest is shown when case reaches reduction of AKTG salbutamol. The obvious advantage can be seen in it during "drying".

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