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Safe fat burners

17 Aug 2017

When choosing a fat burner, the buyer is usually guided by several criteria: first of all, efficiency, price and safety. And, it seems, the latter is the only one that does not tolerate a compromise. Hardly an adequate person will want to jeopardize one's health in order to please the result, however pronounced and rapid it may be. Within the framework of this article, we will consider safe fat burners and their components, and also touch upon the risks accompanying those who violate the recommendations on admission.

Safe fat burners on a natural basis

L-carnitine. Certainly, it is carnitine that is the safest way to reduce fat deposits. It is a natural vitamin-like substance produced by the body. L-carnitine is included in many fat burners, and is also produced separately. His reception is accompanied by an increase in physical and mental activity, stress resistance, it protects the cardiovascular system and prevents overtraining.

Caffeine. The most popular of the stimulants of the central nervous system. However, it is as effective as it is popular: concentration and productivity increase, fatigue is reduced. At reasonable dosages, caffeine does not cause CNS depression and comes into synergy with other stimulant components.

Extract of ephedra. Has a thermogenic effect: it raises body temperature, activates metabolic processes. According to the studies, much more effective in combination with caffeine.

Ginseng. An additional component that normalizes the secretion of testosterone, which increases stress resistance and adaptive capabilities.

There is, of course, still a lot of fat burning synthetic and hormonal means, however if you are looking for really safe fat burners, forget about them.

Efficacy and safety of ECA fat burners

Obviously, most beginning athletes and those who are faced with the problem of choosing a fat burner, are looking for the most effective drug with a minimal risk of side effects. And for the joy of many such a tool exists. Meet: ECA! The combination of the extract of ephedra and caffeine activates the cleavage of fat cells, and the addition of aspirin prevents an increase in blood pressure. We recommend you fat burners Cloma Pharma - one of the world's best known manufacturers of ECA.

In fact, negative reactions are possible only in one case of overdose or individual intolerance. Do not use drugs of the same effect, and also exceed these standards. It is best to consult a specialist before starting the course: a dietitian, a sports doctor or at least a coach.

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