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21 Dec 2016

Rheolex is a dietary supplement for dumping of weight which appeared in the Russian market 3-4 years ago is made in Japan by the Shimizu Chemical Corporation company. In the Russian Federation the official distributor of rheolex is LLC Zdorovye natsii.


According to information provided on the website spreading this medicine it contains only vegetable fiber of high extent of cleaning which is received from Amorphophallus konjac plant tubers, long ago the famous in Southeast Asia and eaten locals as well for health. The Japanese scientists found that its tubers contain water-soluble food fiber glucomannan (it is patented under the name PROPOL®), to which the plant also is obliged by the useful properties. This polysaccharide works as any soluble cellulose: incorporates moisture and bulks up in a digestive tract. Thereby, it accelerates saturation, gives amount and a soft consistence to masses and facilitates emptying of intestines. Besides, cellulose isn't available to digestion and isn't a source of calories. Also, soluble cellulose plays an adsorbent role – absorbs toxic substances, heavy metals and promotes their removal from an organism. You can also like Vazalamin.

Any where Konzhak, from the soluble cellulose containing in other food wasn't succeeded to find the data on cardinal difference of the patented substance "Propol" (glyukomannan) from a plant confirmed with researches.

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Someone from the Chile - just purchased the goods:
Oftan Catachrom eye drops 10ml