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Reviews of Phenotropile – brain accelerator

27 Sep 2016

Phenotropil is a nootropic drug from the group racetam. It has an overall stimulating effect and improves resistance to colds and stress. Phenotropil was developed at the Institute of Biomedical Problems, as a means of enhancing physical and mental performance of astronauts. Phenotropil is included the World Anti-Doping Agency in the list of prohibited drugs.

I tried this drug. I feel the effect of phenotropil. The effect is immediate (one hour after administration). Take 1 tablet per day. Phenotropil does not cause any addiction, but i felt tired and a little depressed to stop taking the drug. Reviews of phenotropile are different: someone stomps, someone does not notice anything at all.

Phenotropil - it is rather a catalyst in the working process, something like doping, which has borne fruit.

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