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Reverol (SR9009)

21 Dec 2016

Reverol (edrophonium, the laboratory code of SR9009) - connection suitable for intake, is developed by Scripps Research Institute. The main effects - increase in endurance (due to formation of new mitochondrions), treatment of obesity, a muscular hypertrophy. The mechanism of action consists in linkng with the molecule Rev-ErbA alpha in an organism which performs various regulatory functions. Toxicity of a reverol and action it wasn't studied in public, nevertheless connection is already available in the black market of bodybuilding.

History of development

The international group of scientists developed the SR9009 connection imitating action of physical activity. It will allow fighting against excess weight that who for some reason can't visit the gym or train at home.

Specialists from the USA, the Netherlands and France from the Research institute of Skripps in Florida created the SR9009 connection, entered it to mice with obesity and as a result provoked REV-ERB protein activation. This protein controls circadian rhythms and internal clocks in an organism of an animal, and also regulates metabolism. Mice with an excess weight which injected drug lost weight, and cholesterol level at them in blood considerably decreased. Besides, these animals began to spend for 5% more energy, despite the lack of physical activity. In fact, medicine replaced with it a training. You can also like Vazalamin.

The specialists intrigued with such result decided to remove special breed of corpulent mice in whose cages there were few mitochondrions. These educations which are also called energy stations of cages generate energy in an organism. Endurance of the removed mice was extremely low, and they were tired on a racetrack much quicker. But REV-ERB protein activation by means of the SR9009 connection led to the fact that muscles of animals became same as at the individuals spending much time in active movement. In addition the number of physical exercises which animals could carry out increased. Authors of a research note that the connection created by them could help those people who because of problems with health can't fight against excess weight in the gym.

Side effects

So far scientists didn't check the developed connection for a wide range of toxic actions therefore it is unknown whether SR9009 have side effects. Almost for certain it influences circadian rhythms of the person, but frustration of a dream can be avoided, using connection only in a certain time of day.

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